Miss Gladstone

Telephone: 708-225-4964/4981 (preschool)

Room 2216/2220 (preschool)

Email: /



The students will be working with pre-school children for eighteen to twenty weeks in our pre-school lab. Students will learn advanced techniques for teaching pre-school students in the following areas: language arts, math, science, social studies, music, nursery rhymes and games, dramatics and puppetry, arts and crafts, and story time. Emphasis is placed on information needed to own and operated a day care center. Areas studied for this objective are: job description, room arrangement, state licensing requirements, site location, types of programs, and selection of toys, equipment and planning curriculum. Other areas of study include: guidance, discipline, special needs, health and safety, and how to find a job.

Students need to have passed the first course in the sequence Child Development. This is an articulated course through South Suburban College and may generate college credit for students who earn grades of an A or B for the year. Paper work must be submitted and signed by the student and parent.


Students will be given real world projects and assignments related to Child Care Lab. High quality work is expected. Classroom activities will include reading, research, projects, problem-solving, group and individual work. Students will be expected to complete individual assignments in relation to team projects. Assessment will include but are not limited to written exams, tests, and quizzes, oral and written reports, reading assignments, homework and projects.


Students will at the end of the course:

  • Identify personal attributes for a good child care worker
  • Identify the variations of child care facilities
  • Describe and explain the training and education needed to prepare for a career in child care.
  • Identify child care opportunities and describe how to access them.
  • Identify and plan advanced techniques and lessons for training pre-school students.
  • Identify, define health and safety guidelines for children and describe how they are applied in a pre-school setting.
  • Identify child abuse and neglect and describe how to respond appropriately.
  • Apply the principles of child development in the preschool setting.
  • Describe and explain guidance techniques and behavior patterns of children.
  • Plan a child care facility following the DCFS guidelines for licensing standards for the state of Illinois.
  • Understand the special challenges the exceptional child brings to the classroom and family life.


Students will demonstrate their knowledge through:

  • Develop a child care facility following DCFS guidelines
  • Case Study (Pre/Post Observations)
  • Parent Conference
  • Classroom presentations
  • Class assignments and homework
  • Create and prepare a bulletin board
  • Create a weekly newsletter for preschool parents
  • Pre-school lab teaching experience
  • Pre-school lesson plans
  • Pre-school written observations/ lab reports
  • Quizzes & Exams

Grades will be determined by calculating total points accumulated based on homework, classroom assignments, pre school/lab planning & participation, quizzes, exams, and projects

All assigned work must be completed and turned in. Incomplete or late work may receive reduced credit. Students are expected to make up work during communication period. Missed labs will need to be made up or an alternate assignment will be assigned.

Letter grades will be determined by using the following scale:

Lowest A……….90% Lowest C…….70%

Lowest B……….80% Lowest D…….60%


It is required and expected that all students follow these guidelines.

  • Have a positive attitude and respect yourself and others.
  • Enter the classroom with your school ID on everyday.
  • Follow Thornton Township H.S. District 205 Cell Phone Policy.
  • Student’s cell phone must be turned off.
  • Students are prohibited from using or displaying, whether purposely or advertently, any cell phone, two-way pager, any other electronic device capable of transmitting or receiving voice or

data communication. Earphones should also not be used. (See student handbook for information related to disciplinary procedures if cell phones are confiscated).

  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Attendance: All students are expected to attend every class.
  • Use communication period to make up work missed due to class absences. Completing make-up work is strongly encouraged. Make-up work is to be turned in no later than 3 days after the work is given.
  • Classroom Materials/Supplies: EVERY DAY, each student must bring a blue or black pen, pencil, notebook paper, textbook, workbook, & notebook binder to class.
  • The class notebook binder should contain notes from class discussions, lectures, workbook, & text assignments.
  • Homework is to be completed on time to receive full credit. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. .

Gladstone-Child Care

I have read the course syllabus and understand all course information and expectations.

Please return this signed portion to the instructor and the syllabus should be stored in the student’s portfolio.

Student Name (Please print)______

Student Signature:______Date______

Parent Name (Please print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date______

Daytime phone #:______Evening phone #:______

Parent Email:______

Student Email:______

Return by ______and receive ______points