Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI)

Career Advice Register – Application Form

1.  Your Organisation

Business Name
Contact Person
Regions where you can provide
face-to-face services
Are you a member of the Career Development Association of Australia?

2.  Your Expertise

Please provide a brief description of your organisation’s key services and expertise.

3.  Relevant Qualifications

Please list the relevant qualifications of the staff who will be providing career advice services.

4.  Services for Retrenched Workers

Please provide a brief description of your organisation’s key services
and expertise.

You may attach additional information and documents to support your application, e.g. resume, promotional material.

Terms and Conditions

§  The purpose of the register is to provide Rapid Response applicants with easy access to a list of contact details for career advice services in Tasmania.

§  Skills Tasmania does not endorse or recommend any of the services included on the register. It is up to the individual Rapid Response applicant to verify the information provided and chose the provider which suits them best.

§  Inclusion on the Register does not constitute an offer of funding or guarantee of referral.

§  Skills Tasmania reserves the right to exclude a provider from inclusion on the register of the provider’s qualifications and experience are not suitable to the provision of career advice services.


* Sign if you are printing this document to send us a hard copy.
Otherwise mark the box below to indicate you agree.

By signing this form or marking the box you agree:

§  that the details you have provided are true and correct.

Signature of applicant: or ☐ I agree * see above


Send your application to:


mail: Rapid Response Skills Initiative

Skills Tasmania

GPO Box 536


Freecall: 1800 655 846

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