Social StudiesUnit #2

Vocabulary French Worldview and Colonization

Word / Illustration / Definition
Acadians / A French speaking (Francophone) citizen of Acadia. (modern day Nova Scotia)
Canadiens / Francophone descendent of a settler in New France (modern day Quebec) living anywhere in North America.
Scurvy / A disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C!
colony / A territory controlled by another country.
Coureurs de bois / Canadian fur trader, means “runners of the woods” They are the middle men of the fur trade.
empire / Network of colonies controlled by a single country.
Eg. England had a huge empire.
Eg. Roman Empire.
Governor / The most powerful position in New France (on now Canadian soil). King’s personal representative. They would be APPOINTED for the job. Have to be a rich, noble man.
Habitants / Hab—ee- taw
They are French farmers. Work for a Seigneur (noble lord) and have to pay tax to them.
Word / Illustration / Definition
imperialism / A country extending its control over other countries or land, using force (military)
seigneurial system / Noble people (Seigneurs) rented out their farmland to the Habitants). In exchange, habitants paid tax/gave some of their crops. Seigneurs had to build a mill and church!
Absolute power / When the person in charge has TOTAL and COMPLETE power.
monarchy / A system of government where power lies in the ROYAL FAMILY, and it passes down their family blood line.
Treason / A crime of betraying ones country especially be attempting to kill a monarch.
Sovereign Council / 3 main people
1 – Governor
2- Intendent
3- Bishop
The government that the King set up in New France.
Monopoly / Exclusive right to something. You’re only one allowed to sell something.
Filles de roi
(fee-de-wah) / “King’s Daughters”
Poor or orphaned young girls living in France who were SENT to marry the men in New France.
Francophone / Someone whose first language is FRENCH
Jesuits / A member of the society of Jesus.
Missionaries for the CATHOLIC faith.
They came to New France to convert people.
Intendant / 2nd MOST IMPORTANT position in New France.
In charge of the DAY TO DAY things in the colony.
Bishop / High ranking cleric in the Catholic Church and has a spot on the SOVEREIGN COUNCIL.
Seigneur / Noble lord and land owner of the farms where the habitants (hab –ee-taw) worked.