Name of Individual Nominated: / Title:
Nominating Organization: / Phone:
Address: / City/State/Zip:
Email: / Individual’s Employment Date:

1. Summarize Nominee’s current role in your organization(Include previous career background only if directly relevant. Limit summary to space provided below.)

2. Explain the proposed educational /training opportunity; emphasize benefit to your organization. (Please include brief information on the program - detailing cost, timeframe and location).

3. List other potential sources for funding. Have you applied elsewhere for funding this project?

Nomination Submitted by: ______(Signature)

Nominee’s Staff Manager or Board Chair


Guiding Premise: Harold Townsend Sumner demonstrated in words and actions his belief that good citizens working together through independent charitable organizations are critical to improving quality of life in GastonCounty. He was a co-founder and constant leader of the Community Foundation’s efforts to effectively assemble and manage long-term charitable funds on behalf of local philanthropists and the operating charitable organizations. He also pictured the Foundation as a role model in encouraging philanthropy.

The Foundation sees this plan as a permanent tribute to Mr. Sumner’s service that is consistent with his vision for the community and the Foundation’s own mission.

The Program: Annual grants by the Foundation to an independent charitable, cultural, or educational organization in GastonCounty, earmarked for special professional training / educational opportunity for a key professional staff member with at least one year of service in the nominating organization. Preference is giving for training that is local / in-state.

  • The maximum amount awarded in this year will be $5,000. The Foundation may grant either one or more grants from that total amount. However, no grant will be made if, in the Foundation’s sole discretion, no deserving applications are received.
  • Awards will be based on direct nomination by a tax-exempt community organization meeting normal Foundation standards for grants from its unrestricted Funds on behalf of one of its staff members. An organization receiving a grant in one year will not be eligible to apply for the following year.
  • Governmental agencies are not eligible for grants. Neither churches nor private schools can apply unless the duties of the individual applicant are clearly and totally in community programs as opposed to internal programs of the church or school. (These exclusions are consistent with Mr. Sumner’s belief that churches and governmental agencies are important – but should have their own sources of funding not overlapping with public charity.)
  • The Foundation will establish a committee to select recipients in a fair and competitive manner. Key criteria will include the non-profit staff member’s professional record and the potential for positive results to benefit the nominating organization.