September 11, 2017 – Regular Board Meeting


Regular Meeting Monday, September 11, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Division Board Roomon Monday, September 11, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:G. Draper

C. Russell

N. Chaske

L. Irwin

D. Jamieson

C. Lowes

R. Masson

M. Walker

B. Pitz, Superintendent of Schools

K. Reid, Secretary-Treasurer

V. Wilson, Supervisor of Operations

Regrets:D. Campion, B. Cochrane

183/17Moved by D. Jamieson – R. Masson – THAT we adopt the agenda as amended.

Carried (Unanimous)

184/17Moved by R. Masson–D. Jamieson– THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held onMonday, August 28, 2017 be adopted as circulated.

Carried (Unanimous)

4.00Business arising out of the minutes


5.00Delegations and visitation


6.00Communications and petitions requiring action

6.01MSBA – Fall PD Workshop

7.00Administrative reports

7.01Superintendent of Schools


7.03Supervisor of Operations

8.00Committee of the Whole report

9.00Special Committee reports

9.06Negotiations Committee

10.00Ad-Hoc Committee reports


11.00Introduction and consideration of by-laws

11.01By-law 2-2017 – Promissory Note

12.00Previous notices


13.00New and unfinished business

13.01MSBA Issues

13.02 Board Committee Appointments for the 2017-2018 school year

14.00In-camera session

14.01Superintendent’s report

15.00Informational correspondence


15.01.1MSBA – Learning Opportunities 2017-2018

15.02Available for perusal


16.00New Notices of Motion


185/17Moved by R. Masson – D. Jamieson – THATthe following Trustees be authorized to attend the “MSBA 2017 Fall Trustee Education Workshop” in Winnipeg, MB on November 17th, 2017: Robert Masson, Nicole Chaske.


186/17Movedby L. Irwin– C. Russell – THATthe Board of Trustees ratifies and approves the off-school site, over-night and out of province trips for 12 Grade 11 & 12 VCI students as they travel for varsity girls volleyball on the following dates: September 8 & 9 to Regina, SK; September 22 & 23 to Weyburn, SK; September 29 & 30 to Roblin, MB; October 13 & 14 to Sanford, MB; October 19-21 to Saskatoon, SK; November 3 & 4 to Brandon, MB and Provincials on November 30, December 1 & 2, 2017 to Brandon, MB. Carried(Unanimous)

187/17Moved by M. Walker – N. Chaske – THAT the Board of Trustees the off-school site, over-night and out of province trip for 10 Grade 9 VCI students as they travel for junior varsity girls volleyball to Weyburn, SK on September 15 & 16, 2017 for a tournament.


188/17Moved by R. Masson – D. Jamieson – THATthe Board of Trustees approves the off-school and over-night trip for 4 VCI students as they travel for girls provincial golf tournament to Dauphin, MB on September 21 & 22, 2017. Carried(Unanimous)

189/17Moved by D. Jamieson – C. Lowes – THAT the Board of Trustees approves the off-school and over-night trip for 11 Grade 9-11 Elkhorn School students as they travel to Morden and Somerset, MB for a Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball Tournament on September 28 & 29, 2017.


190/17Moved by R. Masson – D. Jamieson – THAT the Board of Trustees approves the continuance of the Divisional Workplace Safety & Health Committee Variance for a further three-year term. Carried(Unanimous)

191/17Moved by N. Chaske – C. Russell – THAT the Board of Trustees approves Margaret Walker to attend the Safe Work Manitoba Committee Leadership Conference in Winnipeg on September 27, 2017. Carried(Unanimous)

192/17Moved by L. Irwin – C. Russell – THAT the Board of Trustees approve the new and amended employment contracts as reviewed by the Negotiations Committee and recommended in the minutes of the meeting dated September 5, 2017. Carried(Unanimous)

193/17Moved by M. Walker – C. Russell – THAT By-Law No. 2/2017, providing for the borrowing of $64,900.00 by way of promissory note for the purposes of partial payment of the costs of various projects as listed on Schedule B to the said by-law, be given second and third readings and become law.


194/17Moved by N. Chaske – M. Walker – THAT we rise as a Board and sit as a Committee-of-the-Whole to consider a matter as outlined in The Superintendent’s Report. Carried(Unanimous)

195/17Moved by N. Chaske – C. Russell – THATwe rise as a Committee-of-the-Whole and sit as a Board to continue with the business on the agenda.


196/17Moved by D. Jamieson – C. Lowes – THAT the Board of Trustees approve the board committee appointments for the 2017-2018 school year as reviewed and recommended.


197/17Moved by L. Irwin – C. Russell – THAT we do now adjourn at 8:32p.m.





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