PART FOUR - Applicant's Vision - Essay 250 Words or less - 20 points Possible

What is your vision of how technology, especially one-to-one computing, will impact teaching and learning? In your essay, defend the statement: "How you use technology in the classroom is more important than if you use technology."

Unless some catastrophic event changes life as we know it today, technology will continue to advance at a rapid pace. Everywhere we look some form of technology is involved. Our children need to begin at the earliest ages to become familiar with manipulating technology in order for them to be competitive in the world they will grow up in. This means they must become “fluent”in computers. The beginning and center of this fluency is the ability to understand and use the basic computer and its programs.

It is critical we educate our children in proper digital behavior. They already have basic skills learned through gaming but are they using technology to really learn what is needed for their future? We need to teach them how to use computers to benefit them the most. Daily opportunities to research on line, applying and creating with the tools available on a computer, as well as letting the computer become their textbooks and paper is something we can do now to get them on the road to technical success.

It will not be long before every student in schools has their own laptop to use daily. Today’s children are tomorrow’s teachers. By giving students today the opportunity to use a computer to enhance their learning, we are preparing them to be able to model and teach others proper uses of technology, as well as future success.

PART SIX - Teacher Strengths - Essay 250 Words or Less - 20 points Possible

Explain why YOU are the BEST candidate for this investment. Give Specific examples.

First grade is an ideal time to introduce the world of information, tools, and keyboarding. They are eager to use computers and even the most reluctant learners can learn to manipulate the computer to enhance their education.

In previous classes I have used our school’s mobile laptops to teach the very basics, beginning with properly starting and shutting down a computer, opening a word document and using the keyboard and functions for writing, to using programs installed to create and illustrate stories and audio class books.

But access to only 15 computers at a time with 25 students in the classroom is very time consuming. Having a 1:1 lab located in our room would give each student unlimited access throughout the day. Their skills learned would be many times what it typically is using only the mobile lab.

I can model good digital behavior and pass on skills I continue to learn. I am the only K-1 teacher in our school that puts the students on the computers regularly to do more than educational gaming. I want to model to the other teachers what can be accomplished with young students on the computer. The second and third grades in our school are trying to integrate the computer as much as possible therefore it would be an advantage for first graders to be familiar with the keyboard and basic functions so they can quickly ease into those bigger projects in the upper grades.

Part Seven-Favorite Tech Tools-10 pts possible

List three of your favorite technology tools and explain how it affects learning.

First Tool

Our school mobile lab has given our class the opportunity to have whole group lessons on how to use the computer. Although limited by the number of laptops, partners work together learning and applying basic computer skills. This has given students the ability to use computers to complete tasks independently at school as well as at home.

Second Tool

Kidspiration installed on our mobile lab presented the students the opportunity to create stories and illustrations. Reluctant as well as advanced writers amazed me with their ability to use the computer to create a published writing piece.

Third Tool

Independent practice using Harcourt Math and gives reinforcement and provides intervention where needed and boosts confidence in math, reading, and computer skills.