Persuasive Writing Rubric with Proficient Attributes

Criteria / 1 -- BEGINNING / 2 -- DEVELOPING / 3– PROFICIENT/Attributes / 4 -- ADVANCED
Ideas & Content
How the writer delivers the main idea and supports it with relevant details, examples, reasons, and/or evidence. / My ideas are unclear and don’t connect with the topic. I don’t include accurate supporting details, examples or evidence. / Some of my ideas relate to the topic, but content is missing. I demonstrate a basic understanding of the content but my examples reveal some important misunderstandings or inconsistencies. / My ideas are fully developed and complete. I have demonstrated a general understanding of the content by using relevant details, examples, reasons and/or evidence.
  • Completely and accurately addresses all components of the prompt
  • Provides factual examples to support argument or assertion
  • Provides a reasonable counter-argument and refutes it with evidence
/ My ideas are clear and fully developed. I have demonstrated understanding beyond what was taught in class by using relevant details, examples, reasons, and/or evidence.
How the writer arranges the ideas and content in a logical and appropriate order to guide the reader through the text. / My ideas are not organized in any way throughout the text. / Some organization is present in parts of the text, but does not fit the genre.My writing is not arranged in a clear and logical order.I forgot to use transitions to help my reader. / My organizational structure fits the genre. Mywriting is arranged in a clear and logical order. I attempt to use transitions to help my reader move through my text without getting confused.
  • Ideas are organized into paragraphs.
  • Issue or topic is introduced early in the writing and re-stated at the end.
  • Transition words and phrases (next, another, on the other hand) are used to create a clear message.
/ My organizational structure fits the genre. My writing is arranged in a clear and logical order. I effectively use transitions to help my reader move through my text without getting confused.
How the writer selects appropriate words and arranges sentences to communicate ideas and content in an engaging way. / My words do not relate to the genre. My sentences are simple. A reader would not be able to identify my purpose for writing. / My words relate to the genre. I use simple terms that demonstrate a basic understanding.
Some sentences are well-constructed, but many are choppy and/or difficult to understand. / My words are appropriate for the genre.
My sentences are well-constructed and varied in length and sentence structure.
  • Content-specific as well as academic vocabulary is used throughout.
  • Sentences convey complete thoughts and vary between simple and complex.
/ My words are interesting, precise, and appropriate for the genre.
My sentences are constructed to develop the reader’s interest.
How the writer demonstrates control of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage so that the message is clear. / My writing contains so many errors that the reader is confused about message of the text. / Most of my writing contains correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage. However, my mistakes confuse the message of the text. / I generally use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage. My occasional mistakes do not confusethe message of the text.
  • Writer follows general capitalization and punctuation rules
  • New and challenging vocabulary may be misspelled, providing the errors do not confuse the reader
/ I use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage throughout the text.