9th June 2017


June / Monday 12th June – Phonics Screening Week – Year 1.
Monday 12th June – Class 3 – Trip to the Farm – Letter sent out with details on.
Tuesday 20th June – Y5/6 – Crucial Crew Trip.
Wednesday 21st June – Class 4 Residential Waddow Hall – Return Friday 23rd June.
Monday 26th June – Friday 30th June NATIONAL SCHOOL SPORTS WEEK.
Monday 26th June – Whole School Sports Day – Afternoon 1.30 – 3.00pm.
Tuesday 27th June – District Sports – Class 3 & 4 Representatives – 6.00pm – 8.00pm.
Thursday 29th June – PDS Coaching day for GHANA – Details sent out.
Thursday 29th June – District Sports Reserve.
Friday 30th June – Whole School Sports Activity Day.
July / Monday 3rd July – Reserve day for whole schools sports day afternoon.
Thursday 6th July – Class 4 Grosvenor Farm visit .
Tuesday 4th July - 9 Children from Y4/5 attending a science day in Liverpool.
Wednesday 12th July – Whole School Musical Extravaganza – 2.00pm – Letter to follow.
Monday 17th July – School reports out to parents/carers.
Thursday 20th July – Open afternoon.
Friday 21st July – Y6 Leavers play Y6 family invited to attend.
Tuesday 25th July – End of year celebration service at St Peters, all welcome to attend.

Book Fair
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the book fair coming into school on Monday 12th June – Friday 16th June.
Travelling Books will be available for children to look at on Monday 12th June and for parents to come in from 3:15pm each night.
All books are in the ‘3 for 2’ (cheapest free) deal which makes them excellent value for money. It is an ideal opportunity to stock up on books ready for the summer holiday! The school receives a commission for every book bought which helps us to keep our library up to date with books that children want to read.
There are different payment options for the fair including Paying by Phone, with cash or by cheque.
I hope that you can attend the fair to look at the range of books and support your child’s reading and our school’s library. The leaflets are just a sample of the books at the fair which has a wider range of titles.
Miss Wright
Please remember your swim wear & towels for the following weeks: Tuesday 13th June/ Tuesday 20th June/Tuesday 27th June/Tuesday 4th July.


Class 1
/ The children have loved the introduction of our new topic Dinosaurs. The classroom role play has changed from a builder’s yard to a Dinosaur Den. Inside which the children have enjoyed sharing dinosaur fiction & non-fiction books and used the dinosaur toys to act the stories out. We have begun to learn the names and new facts about dinosaurs.
In Maths the children learnt the word ‘Centimetre’ to help them when measuring. They’ve been busy doing lots of subtraction work this week too!!
Class 2
/ Class 2 have returned to school very refreshed after the half term break. The children have been very welcoming to our new starter and several have made really good friends with her already.
In English we have continued to focus our work around the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. The year 1 children have cut up pairs of words to make contractions e.g. do not = don't. The year 2s have written sentences about the main character using contractions.
In maths the year 1s have been using repeated addition as an introduction to multiplication. They have been counting objects and pictures in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children in year 2 have also been multiplying numbers by 2, 5 and 10. They have been on a treasure hunt to find the answers to multiplication number sentences on the school field and answered word problems about multiplication and division.
Class 3

/ Class 3 will be visiting two farms on Monday 12th June. Remember to dress as suggested on the Country Trust photograph, bring a packed lunch and drink in a plastic bag and be ready to have a great day out.
Class 4
/ This week, Class 4 have started a unit of writing called ‘The Black Hole’. A man creates a black hole on the photocopier and manages to get himself stuck in a safe! They have planned their own story and will be writing these next week.
On Thursday, with it being polling day, Class 4 were in the hall. They recreated Henri Rousseau’s 1910 Jaguar Attacking a Horse by each creating their own section. The different sections will be put together and displayed – along with rainforest animals – in the back corridor when we are finished.
In science, we have finished our unit on inheritance biology and adaptation and have started on life cycles.
We would like to invite all parents/carers to our annual whole school sports day on Monday 26th June at 1.30pm (reserved date if poor weather is Monday 3rd July at 1.30pm).
Mr Neil Hulme form PDS gave all the classes a Dodgeball taster session today. In preparation for the new club that will start on Friday 16th June 17. If your child would like a place please ensure that the form which has gone out today, is signed and returned back to school before next Friday.

Mrs Kinsey’s Dinner-Time Award
This week goes to:
Kirsten Garrity – For very nice manners at lunch times.
There will be a quiz night on July 1st at St Peter’s Church Hall, Sutton Weaver. Please see the poster on the noticeboard in the playground with more details. All welcome, your support is appreciated as all funds go to Aston PTA.

Star of the Week!

Week Beginning 26th May 2017

Class 1 – Scarlett Maddock – For making excellent progress with head reading.

Class 2 – Georgia Flaherty – For always trying her best and positive attitude to everything.

Class 3 – Lottie Kilroy – For her great concentration while editing her recent English work – Well Done!

Class 4 – Harry Wilkinson – For working hard to complete an excellent Lego story.

Star of the Week!

Week Beginning 9th June 2017

Class 1 – Jacob Hesketh – For blowing us away with his amazing knowledge!

Class 2 – Kirsten Garrity – For adjusting well too life at Aston and improving her behaviour throughout the week.

Class 3 – All of Class 3 – For adjusting so well to giving up their classroom to become a polling station.

Class 4 – Elliot Schorah – For efficiently organising Class 4’s lunch and attendance registers.

A link to our school uniform supplier is now on our Website, click on the parents tab, then uniform, there will be a link to Tesco uniform ordering site. With all uniform purchased via the website 5% of sales comes back into our school, this benefits the school in many ways through books, stationery etc. The link is:http://www.tesco.com/direct/aston-by-sutton-primary-school/6465.school

Open Door Policy

We would like to remind you that we have an “Open Door” policy here at Aston by Sutton Primary.

Should you have any questions, concerns or worries about your child/ren and school – please speak to the Class Teacher, Class Teachers are the 1st port of call for any problems. Any issues not resolved will then be directed to Mrs Plant - Class Teachers are available always from 3.15pm. REMEMBER – If we don’t know about an issue, we cannot rectify it for your child and you.

Parent/Carer Contact Details:-

If you change your telephone number/email address – please ensure you inform school, so that your child’s details can be updated accordingly and you continue to receive electronic communication from us. Thank you.

IMPORTANT - School Meals Online

Could you please ensure that you are now using this app to book and pay for any school dinners required. It is important that you book and pay for the sessions at the same time. We cannot cater for children who are not booked on for the chosen day. Please can all parents use this system. Please refer back to the original letter for details of how to use the app. If you require any assistance please call the school office. Thank you

If any parents have Sainsburys vouchers for the ‘Active Kids 2017’ could you please send them into school, we are collecting them and hopefully if we receive enough, we will be able to purchase small items that can be used for indoor and outdoor activities.

Free School Meals

Your child may be entitled to receive free school meals if you are entitled to receive one of the following:

• Income Support

• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

• The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

• Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190.If your income meets one of the categories above, please contact the Free School Meals Team on:-0300 1237039 to register. It is really important that you register to help make sure your child and your child’s school is as well funded as possible.

Healthy School

In view of us being a Healthy School & promoting Healthy Eating, can we please ask that NO SWEETS are sent into school with your children to be eaten during school, or to be given out at Birthday times. Can we also ask you to be mindful when providing snack for break time & food for lunch time that you refrain from including unhealthy items. Thank you in advance for your co-operation J


Please do not send your children into school with any food items containing nuts. We have a child with a severe nut allergy, and as such have adopted the above rule to ensure his safety.


Please be mindful of other drivers, cars and residents when driving down Aston Lane and parking your vehicles. Please refrain from doing 3 point turns outside the school. Please keep the yellow zig-zags CLEAR at all times –

Zig-Zags must be kept clear at all times. It is an offence to park/drop off/wait on them. While it may be well known that you can't park on yellow zig-zag lines, you also can't wait or even stop momentarily to drop off or pick up passengers, according to the UK Highway Code. This is because parking on yellow zig-zags outside schools puts children at risk, as outside school gates there are lots of children running around, buggy congestion and pre-school children.

School Attendance

Registration 8.50am

Please ensure your child is at school in plenty of time to attend registration.

Absences need to be reported by telephone by 9.15am.Thank you.

Classroom doors will be open at 8.50 until 9am for children to enter school. After this time, any late arrivers MUST report to the School Office (with parent/carer) to be signed in as late.

REMINDER – If anyone other than yourself is collecting your child at the end of the day, can you please ensure school are informed in advance (phone call is fine).

Please note that the school gate is on an auto lock timetable during the school day. It will open at 3.05pm for you to enter school grounds to collect your child(ren) at the end of each day.

It has been brought to our attention that there is some conflicting information regarding school holidays. If parents are looking for school holidays via the Google website,(on this site myschoolholidays.com)please DO NOT USE it is not the same as our school holidays, you should use the school website or the holiday list that has been handed out. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if necessary.
The Local Authority, Ofsted and other official education bodies look closely at schools & pupil attendance.
95%-100% is good, 93%-95% is acceptable and less that 93% is cause for concern. The Education Welfare Officer is required to monitoring individual pupils’ attendance & overall school attendance.
Pupil Attendance - Week beginning 5TH June – 9th June 2017
Class 1 – 92.31%
Class 2 – 97.08%
Class 3 – 99.14%
Class 4 – 93.00%
This week’s certificate goes to Class 3 ! A BIG Well Done for the highest pupil attendance %!!

Office Hours

Mrs Booth is available in the office :- Monday—Thursday 8.30am-3.30pm.

Mrs Hughes is available in the office:- Wednesday 8.30am – 3.00pm & Friday from 8.30am-3.30pm.

On a Friday,

could all parents/carers please use the following e mail address:

If anything gets sent to the admin address on a Friday it will not be picked up until the beginning of the following week. Can you please note the first point of contact for any absences should always be by telephone before 9.15, as per the attendance policy, which is on our website. Thank you for your co-operation.

Aston Lane, Aston, Cheshire, WA7 3DB

Tel/Fax: 01928 711953 E-Mail:

Head Teacher: Mrs A Plant