Unused questions:

[Chicago] Their discovery allowed for the creation of a simple diagnostic test that utilizes a buccal smear and simple staining techniques. Recent discoveries indicate that they possess an MAOA gene that acts antithetical to predicted behavior. Simply put, those with Turner’s syndrome lack them and males with Klinefelter’s possess them. Their discoverer labeled them sex chromatin, but they are now known by his name. FTP, give the term for these inactivated X chromosomes.

Answer: Barr body (accept early buzz of “sex chromatin”)

[Chicago] In the 1890s the Progressive and Regenerator parties dominated it in the era of “rotating ministries.” Initially developed circa 1230 when the free municipalities were able to take part in the Curia Regis, it received its current designation in 1820 after the adoption of two constitutional charters in two nations. The ones of Leon and Castile were active the earliest, while the one of Portugal did not meet at all in the 18th-century. FTP, give this word now used to name the Portuguese and Spanish parliaments.

Answer: Cortes [KOR-tez]

[Chicago] This event was the source of a great deal of controversy when it was held at Shoal Creek, which has occurred twice in the last twenty years. Originally a match play event, it has come under criticism for its often easy course setup and rota of unknown players who have won it, including Mark Brooks, Jeff Sluman, and most recently Rich Beem. FTP, identify this championship held every August, the last of golf’s four majors, and which is run by its namesake organization.

Answer: PGA Championship


One of this novel’s main characters describes a plan to seduce God with her last breath. Her illness is diagnosed by Doctor Bianchon, who makes an analogy between Madame Marneffe’s health and that of the state. Marneffe seduces Crevel, as well as a sculptor who is loved by the title character. All this trouble occurs because Hortense becomes engaged to Count Steinbock, causing the heroine to vow revenge on her family. Count Hulot is not spared either, and ends his life as a pauper. FTP, identify this novel, a companion piece to Cousin Pons, written by Honore de Balzac.

Answer: _Cousin Bette _

[Northwestern A]

Largely a reaction against the Security Act that was to take effect later in the month, a supplies store in St. Paul’s Parish was robbed and the owners shot and killed. After placing the owners’ heads on pikes, the assailants moved about the town and down the riverbank, killing forty until a militia force stopped them. For ten points, name this 1739 slave uprising, ending at the Edisto River outside of Charleston, not by its namesake river.

Answer: Stono Rebellion

[Northwestern A]

The waters off the northern coast of this island hold one of the world’s two known populations of coelacanths, only discovered in 1998. Often described as “orchid-shaped” because of its four primary peninsulas, its strange shape causes it to border many different bodies of water, including the Makassar Strait, Banda Sea, Maluku Sea, Flores Sea, and a namesake sea to the north. For ten points, what is this Indonesian island, whose largest city is Ujung Pandang, formerly known as Celebes?

Answer: Sulawesi (prompt on Celebes on early buzz)


3. Allegedly, he was supposed to escort Napoleon to America after his defeat at Waterloo but when the emperor did not arrive he may have instead ran off with his private treasure. His death is a mystery; some say he became a family man and died in 1854 in Alton, Illinois: others that he died of the plague in the Yucatan or while fighting with Bolivar’s army. However, it is known that by 1810 he had set up a pirate base at Barataria Bay in the Gulf of Mexico and by 1817 had been forced to relocate to Galveston. FTP name this corsair who was pardoned by James Madison after fighting at the Battle of New Orleans.

Answer: Jean LaFitte.


18. The bottom three elements in this group are very rare; they are found only in compounds often with halogens or hydrogen-forming ionic salts and have few uses. The top member is useful in forming reactant in organic chemistry, and is occasionally used in industry as a semiconductor dopant, but its best known use is as a detergency enhancing agent. The final element in the group is the third most abundant metal in the earth’s crust and is the cheap metal par exellance with uses from semiconductors to airplane wings. FTP name this group with elements Indium, Gallium, Thallium, Aluminum and Boron.

Answer: Group IIIA.


5. On October 15 they played to Olympic Auditorium and three dozen movie theaters promoting their latest album, The Last DJ. In this incarnation Steve Ferrone and Scott Thurston joined original members Ron Blair, Mike Campbell, and Benmont Tench although Howie Epstein and Stan Lynch were not present. This Florida group broke out in the mid-70’s with the songs “American Girl,” “Breakdown,” and “Refugee” but the Album Damn the Torpedoes established them as legends. FTP name this group which in 2002 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with songs like “Into the Great Wide Open” and “Free Fallin’”

Answer: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.


22. Its main character, intended as a villain, was based on two novels by Hans Jacob Chrstoffel von Grimmelshausen. However, the playwright had to rework the play, trying to keep audiences from sympathizing with a woman who has lost her children, Kattrin, Eilif, and Swiss Cheese. For 10 points, name this play, intended to have an anti-war message, a chronicle of a woman during the Thirty Years’ War, by Bertolt Brecht.

Answer: Mother Courage and Her Children or Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder


Produced by continued cell divisions after the onset of cleavage, this structure goes on to develop a fluid-filled cavity called a blastocoel at its center. Consisting of a solid ball of cells, its name comes from the Latin for mulberry. FTP name this stage of embryonic development occuring before the blastula.

Ans: morula


One of the main characters tells the story of a vicomte who mispronounced the letter f, but concealed the fault thanks to the hats he wore. Marie, the maid, considers calling her lover Father Auguste, but decides she and her employer can handle a fortieth coffin. Another character develops a toothache, and has memorized all possible multiplications, but can't grasp subtraction. Marie warns the professor that "philology leads to calamity", but he still ends up taking a knife and killing his pupil in, FTP, what Ionesco play?

Ans: The Lesson or La Leçon


3. Somewhat similar to the Greek Alcaic form, the third line is usually a blank. The pen name Saki comes from the most famous collection of them, which was written by an astronomer. Abu Shukur of Balkh is credited with their introduction. FTP, name these Persian poetic quatrains, translated by Edward FitzGerald from a collection by Omar Khayyam.

Ans: rubaiyat

[DeJesus] 21. His g-sum rule states that the sum of all g-factors for levels with the same value is a constant independent of the coupling scheme for all states arising from a given electron configuration. He is better known for a concept which does not describe photons, alpha particles and other bosons, but which can be applied to all fermions as one of quantum mechanics' fundamental principles. For 10 points, what physicist stated that no pair of identical particles can simultaneously occupy the same quantum or energy state?

Answer: Wolfgang Pauli

------Extra Boni


Identify the following famous Borgias, FTPE:

1.Helping to solidify the family’s power, he was named Pope Calixtus III in 1455.

Answer: _Alonso _ Borgia

2.The nephew of Alonso, he was appointed Pope Alexander VI and 1492 and took drastic measures in order to secure power for his children.

Answer: _Rodrigo _Borgia

3.The son of Rodrigo and brother of Lucrezia, he was cited as a model “prince” by Machiavelli.

Answer: _Cesare _Borgia

[Northwestern A]

Identify these statesmen who served in multiple administrations FTPE:

1. Secretary of State under Hoover, Secretary of War under Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Answer: Henry L. Stimson

2. Secretary of State under William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore.

Answer: Daniel Webster

3. Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton, current Secretary of Transportation.

Answer: Norman Mineta

[Northwestern A]

6. Identify the following Wonders of the Ancient World given clues FTPE.

1. The oldest and only surviving members of the Seven Ancient Wonders, these ten objects in Egypt are also the southernmost of the Wonders.

Answer: Great Pyramids at Giza

2. In November 1996, a team of divers in the Mediterranean claimed to have found the ruins of this object, the last of the six lost Wonders to disappear. Toppled by earthquakes in the 14th century, it used a mirror to reflect sunlight during the day and a fire at night.

Answer: Lighthouse of Pharos or Lighthouse at Alexandria

3. Built on the west coast of modern Turkey, it was built twice because of a 356 BC fire, but burned again in 262 AD. Today the foundation and some debris are all that remains of the northernmost wonder, dedicated to a Greek goddess.

Answer: Temple of Artemis at Ephesus


21. Identify the member of the Protist Kingdom FTPE.

1. This member of the phylum sarcodina moves mostly be means of pseudopods which it uses to engulf and then digest prey, a process called phagocytosis.

Answer: Amoeba.

2. In the phylum Ciliophora this organism propelled by Cilia is often called the “slipper animalcules” because of its characteristic cigar shape.

Answer: Paramecium.

3. Gaining their name from the pigment phycoerythin, this organism of the phylum Rhodophyta stores its energy in Floridean Starch. They precipitate calcium carbonate and are thus important in the formation of coral reefs.

Answer: Red Algae.


12. Identify the 20th century philosophers from brief clues and works FTPE.

1 This British political philosopher created the theory of “the veil of ignorance” in A Theory of Justice and later extended it in The Law of Peoples.

Answer: John Rawls.

2. This post-structuralist French philosopher argued that people have become “docile bodies” through the use of “the micromechanisms of discipline” in his 1977 work Discipline and Punish. Other works include The History of Sexuality and Madness and Civilization.

Answer: Michel Foucault.

3. Another crazy Frenchman, this philosopher argued that systems of though need to be “nomadic” rather than “sedentary.” Most of his works are commentaries on other philosophers like Neizsche and Kant.

Answer: Giles Deleuze.


17. Identify the Periods of the Paleozoic from clues FTPE.

1. This first period of the Paleozoic, 543-490, million years ago, is most associated with the proliferation of trilobites.

Answer: Cambrian.

2. The 3rd Period in the Paleozoic, it saw warm, shallow seas populated by Brachiopods, jawless fish, and semi-aquatic scorpions.

Answer: Silurian.

3. This 4th period saw the super-continents finally all come together to from Pangea as well as witnessing the rise of pelyasaurs, large fin-backed lizards including the Dimetrodon, which lived on land.

Answer: Permian.


8. FTPE, given a charge distribution, state how the electric potential varies with distance.

10) The exterior of a hollow spherical shell of charge.

Ans: one over distance

10) On one side of an infinite sheet of uniform surface charge.

Ans: proportional to distance or linear with distance or equivalents

10) In the far field of a dipole.

Ans: one over distance squared


By this instrument, Britain paid a 3 million pound indemnity for property damage and agreed to not assess taxes to pay for the war, while the defeated party accepted British sovereignty until a responsible government could form. FTPE:

A: What is this treaty that ended the Boer War of 1899-1902?

Answer: Treaty of Vereeniging
B: The treaty of Vereeniging was an attempt to protect these British settlers in the Transvaal, who were denied citizenship and taxed heavily under Boer rule.

Answer: Uitlanders

C: Uitlanders had begun settling in the Transvaal after the 1886 discovery of gold on this highland region south of the Bushveld.

Answer: Witwatersrand


Name these characters from Faulkner novels FTPE

A: The last male to bear his family name, he is stricken with guilt from incest in his family, and the family property passes to Cass Edmonds after he refustes to inherit it. He is best known for hunting down Old Ben in the short story “The Bear.”

Answer: Isaac (or Ike) McCaslin

B: His family’s story is told to Quentin Compson shortly before he leaves for Harvard. A colonel in Jefferson’s regiment in the civil war, this son of a West Virginia farmer returns to find his plantation ruined and his family in decline.

Answer: Thomas Sutpen

C: He has an affair with Joanna Burden, a spinster whose house he burns down after murdering her, a crime for which he is castrated and killed by the white citizenry of Jefferson.

Answer: Joe Christmas


Name the following things in our atmosphere FTPE:

A: Located between about 30 and 60 degrees latitude, these vast wind belts provide the poleward component of the mid-latitude westerlies in the troposphere, while near the tropopause they serve to transport cold, dense air between the Polar and Hadley Cells.