Minutes of the Village HallCommittee meeting
held on Tuesday 15th September 2015
at 19.30
in the Village Hall seminar room
Ermine Street South
Present: Chris Howlett (CH), Mark Honeywood (MLH), Barry Hume (BH), Paul Phillips (PP).
In attendance: Michelle Valderama, caretaker (to 19.45), Tess Rogers, clerk
1Apologies for absence
Bob Baker annual leave
2Declaration of pecuniary interests.
None declared.
3To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th May 2015.
Deferred to the next meeting.
4To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 21st July 2015.
It was resolved to accept the minutes as being a true record of the meeting.
4a Caretaker’s Report
Michelle Valderama attended the start of the meeting and asked if the bollards near the external stage exit door were to be replaced? It had been decided at a previous meeting they were not to be. She had nothing further to report.
5Matters arising or carried forward from the previous meeting.
Update on outstanding items still to be purchased
Mats at the 3 fire exit doors, North Hall and kitchen doors still to be purchased.
Stage lighting – any further news regarding this.
CH will bring quotes to the next meeting.
Update on outstanding snagging issues.
Hand dryer in the dressing room to the left of the stage has failed.
Clock awaiting repair.
Manhole cover in the gravel at the stage exit door is broken.
Gas issue to be rectified – November, CH to contact Gavin Lewis.
Update on the sign writing above the main hall doors.
Borney have been asked to provide proofs of Gold Cut Vinyl Lettering.
To tarmac the gravelled area at the south east corner of the hall.
Quotes awaited, PP suggested that the clerk contacts the Estates Office at Papworth Hospital to find the name of the contractor that undertakes this kind of work at the hospital.
6Comparison of hall income over expenditure.
The clerk tabled a report attached to these minutes. The income from the parish council for the rent of the office space has not been added. A gas bill has yet to be received, the clerk is constantly requesting this from e-on.
7To forward a proposal to the parish council that it supports charity events being held at the hall. (Please see item 6 of the previous meeting’s minutes).
This will be taken to the October Parish Council Meeting.
8To paint the dome shaped bollards outside of the North hall white.
It was decided that the bollards were a hazard at the height they are. Therefore they will be removed and an area in front of the North hall door will be marked with zig zag lines to keep it clear for emergency exit.
9The telephone number of the person responsible for the village hall should be displayed on the notice board near the main hall doors.
The caretaker’s mobile number along with those of Paul Phillips and Chris Howlett will be displayed
10To consider any information received regarding a craft fair taking place in the hall.
The committee considered the proposal received, however decided against offering its support as the estimated profit from the event would not meet the running costs incurred in opening the hall for it to take place.
11 Update on bookings to date.
Report on hirings and events since the last VH Committee meeting, and an update on future bookings. (Including highlights and any comments from hirers).
The clerk tabled a report of the usage made of both halls since the previous meeting. There have been 8 events lasting 8 hours or longer and 14 parties lasting between 2 and 5 hours. Organisations using the hall consist of Papworth Hospital, South Cambs District Council, Cambridgeshire Alliance, to name a few.
Some feedback from the hirers has been received. This will be considered by the committee for future improvements as budget allows.
12Matters for future consideration.
12.1 A carpenter will be contacted with a view to making the door to the staircase to the 1st floor, lighter in weight and to hinge it to the stairwell.
13 Date of next meeting.
20th October 2015.
Close of meeting
Minutes of the PEPC Village Hall Committee
meeting held on the 15th September 2015