Oliver Campbell is innocent!

Clear his name now!

5-6 pmMonday 11 December 2006

Hackney Police Station

2 Lower Clapton Rd E5 0PA

To mark the 15th anniversary of a major miscarriage of justice we are protesting outside the police station where Oliver Campbell was first arrested.

On 10 December 1991 Oliver Campbell, a community activist and socialist, was convicted of the murder of Hackney shopkeeper Hardip Hoondle during an attempted armed robbery.

Oliver did not commit this crime and expert evidence has shown that his learning difficulties and physical disabilities mean that it was impossible for him to have carried out the murder.

Oliver's co-accused, who admitted taking part in the robbery, made a statement confirming that Oliver was not involved and naming the person who shot Hardip Hoondle. This statement was never seen by the jury who convicted Oliver, and Oliver and his solicitor are still being refused access to it more than 15 years later.

15 years on... still campaigning for justice

No to police racism & corruption

"Oliver Campbell should not have to wait a moment longer for justice"

Kirsty Wark, Rough Justice, January 2002

We believe that Oliver was convicted because the police needed somebody to take the fall for the crime and because his learning difficulties made him vulnerable.

The police know who committed the crime; why are they protecting him? You can't fight gun crime by jailing innocent people and allowing the perpetrators to go free.

Oliver served eleven years for a crime he did not commit and is now out on parole and living in Suffolk. He is under constant threat of being sent back to jail, or framed for other crimes because of police laziness, racism or corruption.

In February 2003 there was an attempted armed robbery near the bail hostel in Ipswich where Oliver was living. Despite witness descriptions of a Black man five inches shorter than Oliver, who is six foot 3, the police tried to pin the crime on him.

Despite evidence that proves Oliver's innocence many times over, the Criminal Cases Review Commission have refused to refer his case to the Court of Appeal and judges in a judicial review in November 2005 also refused him.

Please support Oliver's campaign to clear his name:

sign the petitionorganise a meeting to show the DVD on his case (available January 2007)make a donation (cheques payable to "Justice for Oliver Campbell Campaign")

For more information see:

or contact:

Justice for Oliver Campbell Campaign

P.O. Box 858, LondonE11 1YG

020 8558 7947