North Lincolnshire Council



Crosby Primary School

Frodingham Road


North Lincolnshire

DN15 7NL

Tel: 01724 844216

Fax: 01724 853141



The information in this brochure could be subject to amendment, but was correct at the time of going to press (March 2013).


Teacher Talk

Welcome to Crosby School


Key members of the school team

Answers to frequently asked questions

1.  Will my child have a place at Crosby School?

2.  Will my child with a disability have a place at Crosby School?

3.  Do you have a behaviour policy?

4.  What happens at the start and end of each day?

5.  What food is allowed at school?

6.  What happens at lunchtimes?

7.  What is the school uniform?

8.  Is jewellery allowed in school?

9.  What will my child need to bring to school?

10.  What do I do if my child is ill?

11.  How do you keep my child safe at school?

12.  What will my child be learning?

13.  Can I help my child with his/her learning?

14.  How will I find out about how my child is getting on?

15.  What happens if my child struggles with his/her work?

16.  What happens if my child has special needs?

17.  Do you have any school clubs?

18.  Will my child go on school visits?

19.  Do you have a school fund?

20.  How can I get more involved in school life?

21.  What can I do if I’m worried about something?

22.  Where can I find out about the school’s policies?

23.  Can I take my child on holiday?

Teacher Talk

Sometimes we forget that there is a lot of jargon in education that can be confusing to those who do not work in schools. Please ask us if there is anything you don’t understand.

Academic Year this starts on 1st September and finishes on 31st August

Year 1 the academic year in which a child becomes 6

Year 2 the academic year in which a child becomes 7

Year 3 the academic year in which a child becomes 8

Year 4 the academic year in which a child becomes 9

Year 5 the academic year in which a child becomes 10

Year 6 the academic year in which a child becomes 11

Foundation Stage the time before the academic year in which a child becomes 6

Key Stage One Year 1 and Year 2

Key Stage Two Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to Crosby School. We hope your child will have a happy and successful experience at our school

We aim to create a place:

·  To enable children to attain and apply basic skills, understand how to learn, think creatively, take risks and handle change.

·  To provide learning that caters for and responds to the individual needs of each of our children regardless of other factors.

·  To provide a motivating curriculum based on quality first hand and awe-inspiring experiences

·  To work with our parents and carers in supporting their child’s learning

·  To help every child acquire moral values such as honesty, respect and trust.

In this booklet we try to give you some basic information about our school and answer some general questions. If you need more information please contact us by phone, visit, letter or e-mail.


Crosby Primary School is a Local Authority maintained Primary School for boys and girls between the ages of three and eleven. The Nursery is situated at the Chatterton Crescent site but is part of the Primary School. There are approximately four hundred and seventy children in the main school, situated in Frodingham Road, and a further one hundred children at the Nursery.

Key members of the school team

Chair of Governors Mrs Jean Holder

Head teacher Mrs Heather Reid

Deputy Head teacher Miss Jenny Harrison

Assistant Head teacher Foundation Stage Mrs Sue Jamieson

Assistant Head teacher Key Stage One Miss Sharon Pepper

Assistant Head teacher Key Stage Two Mr Timothy Sykes

Business & Finance Manager Miss Lynn Thompson

Receptionist/Admin Miss Jackie Connal

Receptionist/Admin Mrs Kirstie Benson

Family Liaison Worker Mrs Donna Betts

There are many other staff at the school. All the staff are committed to working towards achieving the best school experience for your child.

*In this brochure we use the term “parent” to refer to anyone who is a main carer of a child.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will my child have a place at Crosby School?

Our school caters for children aged 4-11 years. Children who will be five years old between 1 September and the following 31 August (inclusive) can be admitted to school at the start of the September term of the academic year in which they will be five. However, children are not required to be in full time education until the beginning of the school term after their fifth birthday. Any parent may delay their child’s start at school until this time.

Crosby School has a Published Admission Number limiting us to accepting 69 children in each year. The admissions policy is available in the North Lincolnshire Council “Schools Guide”. Parents of potential Reception children need to complete a common application form or apply online by 22nd January. Parents will be notified if they have a place at Crosby School during May. Parents who wish to visit the school before completing their application form are asked to telephone the school office to make an appointment.

In the event of over subscription the North Lincolnshire Council admission procedure is followed. The following criteria are applied in this order:

1.  Children in the care of a Local Authority

2.  Children who have a statement of special educational needs and the school is named in the statement

3.  Children who live in the school’s designated catchment area

4.  Children who have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission

5.  Children who live closest to the school

If you are not happy with the school place offered you can appeal against the decision. Contact the school office for further details.

2. Will my child with a disability have a place at Crosby school or the nursery?

The school’s admissions policy, special needs policy and equality policy will be applied. If your child has a disability please discuss this with us before your child is due to enter the nursery or the school so that we can make appropriate arrangements.

3. Do you have a behaviour policy?

Yes. A copy of the full policy is available from the school office. It is based around a positive approach and these six golden rules:

Do be gentle. / Do not hurt anyone.
Do be kind, helpful, respectful and polite. / Do not hurt people’s feelings.
Do listen. / Do not interrupt or ignore instructions.
Do work hard. / Do not waste yours or other people’s time.
Do look after and respect property. / Do not touch or damage other people’s property.
Do be honest. / Do not cover up the truth.

Children are rewarded when they follow these golden rules. Children who make poor choices experience consequences for their poor choice. This may involve working in another class, working in isolation, missing breaktimes or lunchtimes. We will contact you if your child’s behaviour is causing us concern. Should you require a copy of our full behaviour policy please contact the school office.

We also have a home/school agreement. We ask that you sign this and talk through the contents with your child.

In addition we have an equality policy which is regularly monitored by the governors. We are pleased to say that we have a very low occurrence of racist or other discriminatory incidents.

4. What happens at the start and end of each day?

Main School starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3pm.

Nursery session times are available from the school office.

Please make sure your child is ready for a prompt start. However, for safety reasons children should not arrive at school before 8.45 a.m. (we do not supervise the children before this time).

At the end of the day, adults can collect their child from the playground.

Please note that under the Government’s regulations (the School Attendance regulations 1991) children who are late for morning or afternoon sessions for reasons other than that of visiting the doctor etc., must be given an unauthorised absence mark on the attendance registers unless you notify us of the reason. Registers are regularly inspected by officers of the Local Education Authority and Government Inspectors. This is very important because we need to know who is in school just in case there is a fire and it is necessary to evacuate the buildings. Regular fire practices are held in the main school and the Nursery.

If your child is to leave school because you are moving house, or for any other reason, please send details of your new address and the name of your child’s new school as soon as possible.

What happens to my child if I do not arrive to collect them?

If you think you may be late in collecting your child, due to an unforeseen emergency, please contact the school so that we can make arrangements to keep your child safe. If you have not collected your child after 10 minutes, efforts will be made to contact you. If we cannot establish contact with you we will call social services and/or the police to ensure your child can be cared for safely.

5. What food is allowed at school?

Excellent lunches are prepared on the premises by the school meals service. There is a cafeteria arrangement with a limited choice of meals. Children are seated in groups. Children having a school lunch should stay regularly. Dinner money is paid through our online system sQuid ( Full details will be given when your child starts at our school or is available at Reception. The current cost of a meal is available from the school office.

Eligibility for Free School Meals

Free school meals are offered to children of families who receive:

·  Income support

·  Income based job seekers

·  Employment support allowance (income related)

·  Child tax credit allowance with no working tax credit and an annual income below £16,190

·  Guaranteed Pension credit

·  Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999

How do I apply for free school meals?

There are 3 easy ways to apply for free school meals:

·  Complete an online application form on

·  Telephone the council's education benefit’s team on 01724 297217

·  In person at one of the council's Local Link Offices

Free School Meals can be claimed by Parents or Guardians of pupils who are entitled. All eligible claims will be processed by the Education Benefits section at North Lincolnshire Council within 5 working days.

Eligible income includes Income Support, JSA(IB), Guaranteed Pension Credit, ESA(IR), Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) provided the Household income does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs.

When parents submit a claim for meals they should continue to pay until the Education Department has informed the school of parental entitlement to assistance. Parents must pay any dinner money outstanding before their children start to take free school meals.

Provision is made for children to bring a packed lunch. It should be packed in a clearly named lunch box. Water is provided with the meal. If you should wish to send an additional drink, it should be in a named, unbreakable container. This applies to children with a packed meal only.

Children in Foundation and Key Stage1 are provided with a piece of fruit daily. Children in Key Stage 2 may bring a piece of fruit for each mid-morning break if desired. This must be kept separate from the packed lunch. Crisps, biscuits, sweets and chewing gum are not allowed.

6. What happens at lunchtimes?

The main school lunch break is either 11.45-12.30 or 12.35-1.20 or 12.45-1.30. (We do not have room for all the children to have their lunch break at the same time.)

Children eat their meal (hot school meal or packed lunch from home) in one of our two halls. They have time to play outside. If it is raining children play quiet games in the classrooms.

Children who go home for lunch should return five minutes before the start of the afternoon session. Pupils who remain at school for lunch cannot leave the school grounds during the lunch break unless given permission to do so by the Headteacher.

7. What is the school uniform?

The school colours are bottle green and grey. A company produces a sweatshirt and T/polo shirts bearing the logo. All clothing can be purchased from Shahs on West Street or from Tesco online at Bottle green cardigans, sweatshirts or jumpers are quite acceptable.

Top (jumper, cardigan, sweatshirt) bottle green

Blouse, shirt white, grey

Polo shirt yellow, gold

Skirt/pinafore grey

Trousers, shorts (not jeans) grey/black

Summer dress (girls) any style of dress/skirt in green

and white print or green and white gingham

Shoes (not boots) black

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.

Jewellery, jeans, track/shell suits, Bermuda shorts are not suitable for school and should not be worn.

In the interest of hygiene long hair should be tied back.

New starter children, of parents who meet the free school meal eligibility criteria, are entitled to receive one-off help with the purchase of clothing. Application forms are available from the Local Link offices (telephone number 01724 297217) or from Church Square House, Scunthorpe, during office hours.

Children need a suitable change of clothing for P.E.

Indoor Shorts, T shirt, elasticated plimsolls (if affected by a foot infection)

Leotard, shorts, T shirt

Outdoor Shorts, T shirt, trainers/plimsolls

T shirt (or leotard), trainers/plimsoll

In the winter an additional jumper, tracksuit or jogging suit may be useful but not essential. Football boots or an old pair of shoes will be an advantage for Upper School children when they go to the field. Children should not come to school in track suits/jogging suits.