Supplementary Regulations

  1. Announcement

Lindholme Motor Sports Club Ltd will promote a Clubman Navigational Event on Wednesday 23th April 2014

The event will start at the Green Tree pub, 111/683097 at 8.00pm and will also finish at the Green Tree.

  1. Jurisdiction

The Meeting will be held under the General Regulations of the RAC Motor Sports Association Ltd, incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the Supplementary Regulations.

  1. Authorisation

MSA Event Permit Number TBA

  1. Eligibility

The event is open to fully elected members of the promoting club and members of the following invited Clubs:

Rotherham and District Motor Club

Sheffield and Hallamshire Motor Club

Worksop Motor Club

All vehicles must comply with the Motor Vehicles (Competitions & Trials) Regulations 1969.

  1. Programme

The programme of the event will be -

•Signing on commences at 19:30 hrs

•Any competitor not signed on by 20:15 hrs may be excluded

•First car starts at 20.00 hrs

  • Length of event 2.00 hrs
  • The Route is on Map no. 111 & 112 Landranger Series. Maps will be issued at start.
  1. Results

Results will be published as soon as possible at the Finish.

There will be an award for the Winners.

7. Entries

The entry list opens from the date these regulations are published and closes finally on the day of the event.

The entry fee is £8-00 per car. The organisers would appreciate an indication of intent to compete either by Email or Telephone.

Entries should be sent to

Ian Beech

11 Lugano Grove



S73 9RG

07803 017164

Please provide a return valid and legible e-mail address with your entry


The insurance of this event is subject to the normal policy conditions published in the Motorsport Regulations.

Your attention is drawn particularly to the Declaration of the Indemnity on the attached entry form and in particular

"I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law."

9. Route and Instructions

You will be issued with a colour map at the start. This will show the locations of all the Passage Checks and a time to be there. Some of these points will be manned and a time will be given. There is a 5 minute penalty for any missed or wrong Passage Checks.

The event is timed at 25 miles per hour.

When you come to a Manned control go straight in. The marshal will record the time when you stop at the Control board (which will be at the marshals position). If there is another car at the control, stop behind it, the marshal will note the time you arrive and complete your timecard as soon as the first car has left. Do not stop before the control and within sight of it as you will be given a penalty of 5 minutes.

When you have been given a time, compare that with the correct time from the map. If you are early or late, you must aim to be the same amount early or late at the next control.

  1. We trust you will enjoy the event but please remember that our aim is to promote a Navigational Event NOT a Road Race, so please drive with care and consideration for other road users.



Entry Form

Driver Name:
Email: / Passenger Name:
Email: / Car Make:
Car Model:


Entry fee £8.00 (Cash preferred - cheques payable to: Liindholme Motor Sports Club.)


"I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General regulations of the Motor Sports Association and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further, I understand that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury caused through their negligence"

"I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law."

Driver Signature

Age if under 18


Any indemnity and / or declaration as prescribed above which is signed by a person under the age of 18 years shall be countersigned by that persons parent or guardian, whose full name and address is given below: -

Name and Address of Parent / Guardian