ATD-NH Minutes

Date:February 9, 2016

Attendees: Tracey Osborne, Liz Hodgkins, Geoffrey Eichhorn, Elaine St. James, Nick Brattan

Absent:Kris Mailepors; Gail Devoid, Tim James, Nancy Hill Anderson

Location:CCA Global, Manchester, NH

Started:5:50 PM


March Program Venue and Preps

Elaine called many venues. The best option for the March 10, 2016 Hijacked by your Brain event is Intervale Country Club in Manchester. $100.00 for a room that is fine and has a nice view. Light Banguet menu with no minimum order needed. Only reservations is that the bar has a casual look to it, but the banquet room is very nice. Location has free parking.

Decision was made to go with Intervale space; 3 – 5 pm on March 10, 2016.

Promotion of this event – Geoffrey will create the flyer, Tim and Nick will post this information on the website and on FB, Linked-In and Twitter. Tracey will make sure that it is listed on the Center for NH Non-Profits website.

Nick to send event information to members and contacts on Thursday, 2/11/16, then again on 2/22 Monday at 6:14 am (noted as the best time to send emails).

Further discussion was around how to promote membership with this event. Discussed and decided on the following:

  • $20 for members
  • $30 for non-members. (See vote below)
  • March Membership Madness –Register for this event and receive a free membership or renewal membership to ATD – NH

Tracey will pull the registration list and contact those who are not members or need to renew and send information on how they can sign up to be a member or renew for free during March, 2016. Nick and Tracey to figure out how to make this happen.

Make sure you are sitting down as you read this great idea from Geoffrey! – "Let’s hold a post March event raffle of membership names and video Geoffrey pulling the winner from a hat.” The winner gets free registration for a future event. This video link will be posted on the website and in social media.

Discussion of Future Program Venues

Some possibilities are:

  • The Puritan Back Room
  • The Londonderry Country Club.
  • La Quinta Inn (Amoskeag Bridge Exit 6 in Manchester) would be great for regular meetings from June, 2016.
  • Easter Seals (Will need to reach out to Ginnie) for future meetings in the board room.
  • NewmarketMillspace (Great for the June event because the speaker is from Dover).

Motion made by Tracey Osborne to lower the Non-Member event fee to $30.00 to promote events and get people to attend. Seconded by Nick Brattan and approved by all at the meeting.

CARE Program Update

Geoffrey, Gail and Tracey worked on submitting the CARE Chapter report.

We received notice from ATD National that we need to better promote the Power of Two program (encouraging National Members to sign up for Chapter membership at $35.00 during a set period). Geoffrey to find out more about this email the board. The CARE report distributed to board members at the meeting and Geoffrey will circulate the email with the report included.

Answers to ATD-NH Board Challenge question – What I enjoy the most about being on the board of ATD New Hampshire.

Nick, Liz and Elaine got prizes and Geoffrey will post them testimonials on the website.

Non-Profit and Fundraising Event for Board Members and Chapter Members

Geoffrey discussed the Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraising event -Bowl for Kids’ Sakeand suggested that ATD Members put together a five- (or more) member bowling team. Each member is encouraged to raise $75.00 or more for this event and the date to bowl is May 6th, Friday 6-8 pm.

Email Geoffrey for more details.

Meeting adjourned: Geoffrey moved and Elaine seconded at 7:13 pm.

Action Items from this Meeting:

Elaine will order food for this event

Nick will update information on the chapter website.

Geoffrey will create the flyer

Tim and Nick will post this information on the website and on FB, Linked-In and Twitter.

Nick to send event information to members and contacts on Thursday, 2/11/16, then again on 2/22 Monday at 6:14 am (noted as the best time to send emails).

Tracey will make sure that it is listed on the Center for NH Non-Profits website.

Nick and Tracey to figure out how March event registrants can sign up to become a member or renew for free during March.

Elaine to solidify the upcoming events and venues so that we can get the calendar on the website within the next two weeks.

Geoffrey to report back on what the Chapter needs to do to better promote the Power of Two

Geoffrey to post snippets from answers to Challenge questions on the website as testimonials.

Geoffrey to circulate CARE Report email and information about fundraiser to board members.

Nick to share information about fundraiser with membership.