Parents and Families,

In efforts to protect our students and staff members, we ask that everyone review the following expectations for dismissal procedures.

Changes in Pick Up:

  • Please call the office before 2:50 pm to request changes in your child’s pick up routine. Without advance notice, your student may not get the proper message in a timely manner.

Approved Adults:

  • In order for an adult to pick up a student, their name must be listed on that student’s emergency medical card OR the office must have written permission from the student’s parent or guardian.
  • Anyone who comes to the school to pick up a student should bring a picture ID. School staff may ask to see picture identification before releasing a student to an adult.

Early Pick Up:

  • If you need to pick up your student early, we ask that you do so before 3:10 pm. This helps to reduce confusion at dismissal time.
  • Early pick ups do not support perfect attendance. If you sign your student out before 3:25 pm, it will count against their attendance record. It is strongly advised that parents do not sign out their student to avoid following pick up procedures.

Pick Up Line

  • Drivers should exercise caution when driving through a parking lot at an elementary school. This is critical to the safety of students and staff.
  • Only parents parked in parking spaces along the border of the parking lot will be permitted to form the start of the pick up line. Folks parked in handicapped spaces (without permits), undesignated spots, or spots in the center of the parking lot will be asked to wait until the end of the line.

The faculty and staff at Warren Elementary appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep our school safe.


Trisha D. Delaney

Strong Schools…

Strong Community