Time Frame

·  One copy of the final proofed transcript should be emailed to both OPT and DENT VP's, no later than 8am two days after the lecture. For example, Monday's completed transcript would be due on Wednesday morning at 8AM.

Monday through Wednesday’s transcripts will be emailed to the OPT and DENT classes by 10AM on the morning they are due.

·  EXCEPTION: Transcripts for Friday lectures will be due on Saturday evening at 5PM.

o  Therefore, Thursday's transcript will be due Saturday morning by 8AM, and Friday's transcript will be due at 5PM on Saturday.

All Thursday and Friday transcripts should be relayed to the OPT and DENT classes on Saturday evening via emails from the VPs.


·  Let your proofer know when he or she can expect to receive your draft.

·  It is OK to split the lectures up between you and your proofreader.

o  If one of you wants to transcribe for an hour and the other the second, that's fine. Just make sure you let each other proof your work before you turn it in to Brandon and Chet (VP's).

o  You will be paid $30 for one hour of the lecture. $60 for two hours of the lecture. If classes run short (for instance a 27 minute lecture), you will be paid to the nearest half hour—in this case, $15.

·  FORMAT: Outline style, using given template with slide titles/description of slide and slide numbers. This will be Microsoft WORD format—if you need the template, let us know.

·  SUGGESTION: It was suggested to use the “Notes” feature of PowerPoint to get as much of what the instructor says as he goes in lecture. Then, completing the transcription will not be as time consuming in the evening because you won’t have to go back and forth from the audio as much. However, it is fully up to you as to how you work.


There are only going to be 2 fines:

·  Late fee: $10 will be docked from the original $60 payment for every day it is late

·  Missing info: $5-$10 will be docked for missing information

·  The VPs, in cooperation with proofreaders havetheright to either not pay you or to dock payment. Do a quality job, and we won't have to worry about not paying anyone.


·  Fridays, immediately following the conclusion of Fundamentals, will be payday.

·  The pay schedule will run Thursday (of the week before) to Wednesday (of the current week).

o  This covers all transcripts turned in for the week up until Friday morning (Thursday and Friday are not due until Saturday).