Congratulations on being chosen to be a part of our STS !!

As “PREPARATION” is an important part of any event, we invite you to read the guidelines below that apply to you on this occasion.











1.  SPEAKER RESPONSIBILITIES ( applies to everyone appearing on stage )

1.  It is a privilege to be accepted as a Speaker at the STS, and with this privilege comes responsibilities.

2.  Make sure that you have received a copy of the AGENDA prior to the event and take the agenda to the event with you. Don’t rely on someone having a copy for you.

3.  Present information that follows the “Rules and Regulations” as stated in the Career Manual.

4.  Be on the Speakers Conference call or be present and ON-TIME at the Speakers Meeting on the morning of the STS.

5.  It is your choice whether to start the session with your brief story, however IF you choose to do so, your own story, whilst important, should be kept to a maximum of up to two minutes. ABSOLUTELY NO LONGER. Your 1-2 min story will take up part of your allotted your session time, so it is imperative, that this is adhered to. Your story simply needs to be name, position in the marketing plan, how long in the business and your product result OR income story.

6.  Always dress smartly and conduct yourself in a professional manner.

We suggest you “dress” as if for a corporate position interview.

It is important to remember that we are often the first contact people

have with Herbalife and so the speakers role and appearance is very

important. Swearing, arrogant, cynical, or egotistical behavior have no

place on stage, under any circumstances.

7.  Remember! You are representing the entire Herbalife Organization and not YOUR downline/upline organization, or any specific way of doing the business. A Success Training Seminar is neither the time nor the place to recognize your own organization alone. Make everyone feel a part of Herbalife.

8.  Prepare your presentation based on your experience in the Herbalife business. Try to make your presentation reflect your own personality. You can choose to involve a panel of guests, or another speaker, or you may prefer to conduct the entire presentation by yourself, depending on the topic. If you are using a panel of guests, make sure you brief them on the presentation in advance. Failure to do this preparation can result in embarrassment or be detrimental to the training . If using a panel,

your criteria is to have the BEST people on the day… when selecting, aim to include a cross-section of all organizations, not just your own.


It is important when selecting panel members or buddy speakers etc, that the person chosen has enough experience in the topic to discuss it with some authority, eg. Do not have someone who has only one customer discussing retail and follow-up…They need to have “RUNS ON THE BOARD”

It is also important they have factual numbers and don’t use “about”.

9.  You need to liaise with the AV team IN THE WEEK PRIOR to the STS if you have POWERPOINT/ overheads/ photos etc you’ll be using on the day. IT IS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to know how to operate the ELMO etc if you choose to use it. Practice using it BEFORE the speakers meeting , then you can discuss any questions etc at the SPEAKERS Meeting that morning.

If during the presentation, you need the lights turned on or off,ask from the front of the stage.

10. ABOUT 5 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR SESSION, go to the AV desk and let them know you’re ready for the microphone etc and then stay in that area, until you’re ready to go on for your session. WAIT at the back of the centre aisle and ONCE THE MUSIC STARTS(not before) MOVE FORWARD down the centre aisle to the stage. (If you move forward before the music etc, it loses impact on the day)

11. Just prior to your session, it will be your responsibility to check the stage is ready for your presentation eg need extra chairs, props etc

12. WORK with the TIME KEEPER at the back of the room. When you SEE T/K HOLDING a sign up, ACKNOWLEDGE T/K with a CLEAR NOD, so T/K can then sit down and resume own note-taking.

13. Remain present throughout the training day. It’s important that you know what’s been said/ what’s happened etc….so you can make reference to it, if appropriate, in your session. This helps to create a sense of cohesion on the day.

14. NEVER talk beyond your allocated time slot,

NEVER say “I’ve run out of time”or “They’re telling me to get off!!

Just keep your eye on the time throughout your session by working with

the Time-keeper, and once your time is at 2 mins, prepare to END,

no matter where you’re at or what you still have to say. The audience

wont know if you’ve left anything out, so finish ON TIME.

15. To give the Audio- Visual team a chance to get ready with music etc for your “ending”…... when you’re about to finish, aim to say something like “IN CONCLUSION……or “TO FINISH MY SESSION “ - then finish in next 1-2 minutes.

IF you know you’re going to be finishing a bit EARLY, it is VERY import-

ant to give the AV team some notice before you finish, so they can get

the music ready and also so the MC and next speaker are also ready…

16. Always set a good example of what a Herbalife leader represents. Your responsibility does not end after you’ve finished your own presentation. Talk to people in the breaks etc. and communicate appropriately as people see you as leaders in the company…AND YOU ARE!!

17. Pay close attention to the other speaker’s presentations so that you can play an active role in the FIX AND CELBRATE meeting afterwards.

18. Be present at the Reception/party if there is one.. Ensure it starts on time and help to create a good atmosphere.

19. Remember proper preparation will produce a good presentation. Even if you are nervous – there is no need to tell everyone.

20. When speaking, raise/ lower your voice when you wish to make a point. Try to look into the eyes of ‘as many’ people as you can so they feel as if you are speaking to them.

21. Your audience will include people that learn by Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic (feeling). With your presentation include ‘Voice’ (obviously) something ‘Visual’, (props, business tools, powerpoint etc) and use language and demeanor that ‘Feeling’ people can relate to. This way you are communicating with everyone in the audience. If you stand at the front of the room and just talk you will see the visual and kinesthetic learners in your audience switch off because they are not receiving the information in a format that they learn in.

22. Motion creates emotion. Sometimes you need to get out from behind the lectern and move to keep your audience with you. There is a balance between being stationary and moving too much. You will find that balance with practice.

23. Irrespective how you feel your session goes some people will resonate with it and get value. The important thing is that you stand out with your business so you are asked to get up and speak again. Get a little better each time.

24. Find someone that you respect and presents very well and ask them to keep a close eye on how your presentation goes. This way they can tell you what you did well and what you can improve on next time ensuring continual improvement.

25. SMILE !!!!!!!!!


1.  Familiarize yourself with the Agenda and introduce yourself to the

Co-ordinator, speakers and support team and let them know that you are the MC

·  Arrive before Speakers meeting and let Co-ordinator know you are there.

·  Make contact with Guest Speaker (if any) and let them know you are MC.

2.  Make sure that you have received a copy of the Final AGENDA prior to the event and take the agenda to the event with you.

Don’t rely on someone having a copy for you.

3.  BE PRESENT all day for ALL sessions so you can fill in any omissions etc that may come up eg HOM presenter forgets to mention the disclaimer

4.  Dress for success. We suggest you “dress” as if for a corporate position interview. It is important to remember that The MC is the first contact people have with Herbalife and so the MC’S role and appearance is very important.

5.  Your role as MC sets the ENERGY of the entire day….so it’s most important to always present with a positive frame of mind and high energy!!! Use the products to help you … and move with vigor and a bounce in your step on and off the stage.

6.  Be the best example for the Speakers.

7.  At the start of the day, set up the housekeeping rules…eg mobile phones, toilets, back promptly after the breaks, smokers area, NO TALKING during sessions etc

8.  At each break, verify with STS Co-ordinator any last minute inclusions/changes for the remaining sessions.

9.  It is an honour to introduce a Guest Speaker(and in fact all speakers)

and bring them up on stage. Tell the attendees a little about the

Guest Speakers background in 1-2 sentences only, or with other speakers

let the audience know what the subject of their training is,

then when you bring the speaker up,

say their POSITION in Marketing plan and then their NAME IN THAT ORDER.

LIFT your voice at the surname….

Eg it’s my pleasure to introduce WORLD TEAM MEMBER, John SMITH!

(do NOT use the word INTERNATIONAL before the title )

10. Make sure that you have the correct information about the person you are introducing including how to pronounce their name if it is a bit tricky … if you don’t have accurate info, say nothing!!

11. Check who the next Speaker is on the agenda and give them words of encouragement before they come up.

12. As a Master of Ceremonies (MC), you should be in constant contact with the Time-keeper , AV team, and the Co-ordinator, BE PRESENT throughout the seminar, so that you can take over on stage, if needed.

13. Sound travels…so be aware of this when talking with speakers and support team at the back of the room.

14. Prior to Thermo morning tea break. – Before letting everyone out for thermo ENSURE the audience has been asked if any one has not yet met the person etc

This should be phrased in such a way so as not to confuse . EG “is there anybody who was “supposed to meet someone at the STS this morning” who has not yet met the person ? ( as opposed to “is there anybody who hasn’t met the person who INVITED them here thIs morning ( as this is probably their sponsor who may be in Adelaide, Perth etc., this creates confusion ) Also mention the length of the break and return time you expect everyone back into the room…ALSO listen for SIMPLY THE BEST !

15. At Lunch Break. - Mention the length of the break and return time you expect everyone back into the room..LISTENING out for SIMPLY THE BEST AND REMINDING people about the lucky draw as soon as back inside.( if applicable at that STS) Once everyone has arrived back from lunch ask who liked what shakes/etc..

16. AFTER breaks, if you are doing a lucky prize draw, keep it simple and short.

Extra time taken here eats into someone else’s session and can cause delays .

Eg decide what decides a “winner” for a book etc…..then place a flyer under some chairs before the session , to decide the winner..( its not a recognition session for top producers etc, its simply a reason to get people back into the room on time!!!)

Also for the raffle, choose someone to select 4 names AT ONE TIME….

Hold off saying the names UNTIL all 4 names are pulled out, then SAY THE 4 NAMES, GET THE PEOPLE UP ON STAGE TOGETHER, keeps it short

17. Accept the invitation to be MC for just one day, if attending a 2 day event. Also if there are 2 MCS on the day, once you’ve finished a MORNING session…inform the audience that there will be a new MC after lunch break. And for the 2nd speaker, when you come on after lunch, introduce yourself and ask the audience to THANK the first MC on a great job that morning.


18. It is part of your responsibility on the day to keep it on time. BE MOVING TOWARDS the stage as the speaker is DUE TO FINISH so they see you,

Then as soon as they leave the stage, GO iMMEDIATELY ONTO THE STAGE to ensure continuity and the flow of the day.

19. At the conclusion of each speaker’s session and once you’re back on stage THANK them for their contribution and ask for ONE MORE ROUND OF APPLAUSE , then move on to the next session.

It is important that you don’t give another training after the training, so IF and only IF, there is a delay in the next speaker being ready , then your role is to share 1-2 things you got from the last session , BEFORE BRINGING UP THE NEXT SPEAKER… Every extra minute you talk on stage between sessions cuts into the next persons session time

20.  At the end of the distributor STS training which is normally around 3:00pm before the Advanced Training. -