Card sorting task using Version 2 of the card set, 5/29/2003. Three students working together (all 2nd year - becoming 3rd year).
Headings are provided by the participant, with no ordering. Regular text items are the cards as written. Italic text items were added or modified by the participant.
School of Dental Medicine & Pharmacy Directory
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Organization chart
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Tech Support*
(* “Computer” was crossed out and replaced with “Tech”)
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Computer support helprequests
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Patient Care
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Walk-in patient list (regular and emergency)
Walk-in patient tracking
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Instrument request
Clinical Scheduling
Clinical schedule
Room reservation changes
Room reservation
Chair availability lookup
Clinical Forms
Patient treatment plan
Blank prescription forms
Prescription forms
Case consultation request
Patient fee slip
Blank chart forms
Blank grade forms
Personal Home Page
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Personal schedule
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Personal pages
Personalized student information
Competencies progress/evaluation report
Procedures progress/evaluation report
Student grades report
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Not used
List of open purchase orders
Classified advertisements
Purchasing request
Blank purchase request form
Class/clinic attendance tracking report
List of approved PRISM vendors
PRISM (Purchasing System)
Patient waiting area web cam
Instant messaging