This programme is designed for social workers with more than two years post qualifying experience.
The learning outcomes reflect the 6 key areas of social work as defined by the National Occupational Standards with one further key area relating to the provision of advice guidance and support to others.
Each key area includes a number of learning outcomes and criteria for assessment
KEY AREA A / Maintain professional accountabilityLearning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Understand, demonstrate and model professional accountability / 1.1 Critically analyse the meaning of professional accountability in the context of their own organisation
1.2 Use professional assertiveness to justify decisions and uphold professional social work practice, values and ethics
1.3 Demonstratesuse of an appropriate degree of autonomy within their organisation
1.4 Critically analyse their application of the Code of Practice
2. Take responsibility for own professional development / 2.1Select and apply appropriate methods to seek feedback on their performance from service users, carers, colleagues, managers and mentors
2.2Use professional supervision, including practice observation by their line manager or senior practitioner, to critically reflect upon their practice and professional development
2.3Demonstrate a systematic approach to recording their progress in identifying and meeting learning and development needs
3. Maintain high-quality social work practice within a multi-agency framework / 3.1 Critically evaluate their working relationships with colleagues in their own and other agencies
3.2 Act as an ambassador for professional social work when working in a multi-disciplinary setting.
3.3 Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to chair meetings
4. Use formal communication methods to demonstrate accountability / 4.1 Prepare and present specialist reports in their area of practice and, if required, give evidence in judicial and legal proceedings and tribunals
4.2 Model and promote the importance of accurate and timely record keeping which explains events and outcomes and justifies decision-making
5. Model how to manage their work and the impact that it has on them / 5.1Use organisational systems and own initiative to consistently manage and prioritise their work
5.2Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the personal and organisational factors that can cause stress within the workplace
5.3Identify and model effective methods for reducing or removing workplace stress, including use of organisational systems and personal strategies
5.4Critically analyse the potential impact of complex and challenging work on mental/emotional health and resilience
6. Contribute to the development of the service / 6.1Comment constructively on single and multi-agency policies and procedures in their specialist area
6.2Represent the service/profession on internal and interagency working groups.
6.3 Contribute to the collection and interpretation of service performance information within their service
KEY AREA B / Practice professional social work
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of models of social work intervention / 1.1Critically reflect on the use of contemporary social work models, methods and theories relevant to their specialism
1.2Choose appropriate ways to intervene, taking account of the options available in specific cases
2. Deal effectively with all aspects of risk management / 2.1 Critically evaluate the risk factors involved when working with people affected by ill health, disability, mental health problems, migration and asylum, substance misuse, abuse, exploitation, disadvantage, social exclusion, limited education, poverty and/or discrimination
2.2Critically evaluate the range of frameworks, methods and tools that can be used to manage the risk of abuse to or exploitation of children, young people or adults
3. Demonstrate advanced skills in applying social policy, legislation and guidance to practice / 3.1Apply knowledge of contemporary issues in research, policy, legislation and models of practice including agency policy procedures in social work practice
3.2Use their initiative to determine when it is appropriate to seek legal advice
3.3Demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of the lessons learned from child abuse enquiries/vulnerable adult case reviews, including serious case reviews and apply that knowledge in your practice
4. Understand and apply theories of human development / 4.1Critically evaluate the factors that can adversely affect social, physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioural and sexual development
4.2Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the impact that abuse and neglect can have on development
4.3Creatively apply their knowledge in individual cases
5. Work confidently and effectively with professionals from other disciplines and organisations / 5.1Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities of your own and other agencies/disciplines in assessing, delivering and evaluating services
5.2Engage effectively with other professionals and agencies to reduce risk and keep people safe.
5.3Critically analyse the key factors that make for effective inter-agency and inter-professional working
5.4Use research and practice knowledge to analyse the reasons that inter-professional working can be both difficult and challenging
6. Demonstrate initiative and imagination in evaluating the impact of professional social work / 6.1Take the initiative in contributing to the development of methods to monitor and evaluate work with children, adults, families and carers
6.2Critically appraise the research on effective methods for evaluating social work interventions
6.3Seeks feedback from individuals, families and groups on the impact of social work interventions
KEY AREA C / Promote engagement and participation
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Understand and apply the principles of a rights-based and citizen-centred approach to social work / 1.1Critically analyse and evaluate a person's right to be involved in decision-making, taking account of their age/development and circumstances
1.2Respond appropriately to the culture, language and communication needs of individuals, families, carers, groups and communities
1.3Clearly describe the process for conducting creative person centred work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities that promotes independence and social inclusion
1.4Advocate with, and on behalf of, individuals, families, carers, groups and communities, or assist them to access independent advocacy services
1.5Challenge discrimination, disadvantage and other forms of inequality, injustice and oppressive practice
2. Understand the limits of partnership working with people receiving services / 2.1 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the potential limits to a partnership approach where there is resistance or unacceptable risk
2.2 Critically analyse and evaluate the power differences that can affect the relationship between those providing services and those receiving them
2.3 Justify the need to take authoritative action to protect well-being, independence or choice
3. Confidently and assertively manage differences of opinion about the content of assessments or proposals for service delivery / 3.1 Demonstrate initiative and originality when seeking ways to reach an agreement or solution that is acceptable to all concerned
3.2Confidently justify decisions taken where agreement has not been reached, e.g., within a multi-disciplinary setting
KEY AREA D / Assess needs, risks and circumstances
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Demonstrate advanced social work practice in assessments and decision-making in complex cases / 1.1Demonstrate advanced observation and communication skills in working with individuals, families, carers, groups communities and other disciplines in complex situations that involve the management of risk
1.2Apply advanced knowledge, skills and values in new and unfamiliar situations and contexts
1.3Systematically and creatively analyse complex information in order to create a comprehensive picture of needs and risks, including parenting capacity, environmental factors, and their impact on children and adults
1.4Convey the outcome of assessment and analysis in a confident manner when required to do so
1.5Model and explore how to work with high levels of persistence and resilience
1.6Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the changing culture, health and social needs of the locality in which they work
1.7Demonstratea comprehensive understanding of, andadherence to, the requirements of the National Occupational Standards in social work and the Code of Practice for social care workers
KEY AREA E / Plan for person centred outcomes
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Work effectively in partnership with individuals, families and carers to identify person centred outcomes / 1.1Establish effective relationships with adults, children and families that motivate and help them to make the changes they need in their lives
1.2Apply a range of advanced communication and negotiation skills to agree person centred outcomes in complex cases
1.3 Critically analyse and evaluate the most appropriate forms of intervention and justify the choices made
2. Initiate appropriate action in cases where there is conflict that creates safeguarding concerns / 2.1Make sound, evidence-based decisions that balance the needs of children, young people or adults with the need to ensure that potential risks are removed or minimised
2.2Make sound, evidence-based judgements and recommendations about how to proceed if an assessment leads to the conclusion that change may not be achievable
2.3Convey the rationale and evidence base of decisions in written reports and through verbal presentation when required to do so
2.4Develop protection, contingency and crisis plans to minimise risk in complex situations
KEY AREA F / Take actions to achieve change
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Arrange, provide or commission services aimed at meeting outcomes agreed with individuals, families and carers / 1.1Apply initiative and creativity in providing services that take account of the contribution that can be made by family, friends, groups, communities, the third sector and specialists from other disciplines or other agencies
1.2Apply evidence based models of practice to promote quality of life and independence.
1.3Apply innovative and creative thinking to explore alternative solutions to traditional service provision
1.4Maximise the financial and material resources available from all possible sources
1.5Identify when citizen directed support, e.g. via direct payment provision, is appropriate
2. Demonstrate advanced social work practice in outcome focussed interventions / 2.1Select and use appropriate evidence based interventions
2.2Demonstrate a thorough working knowledgeof the impact of different kinds of intervention
2.3Critically evaluate the impact of social work interventions in specific cases
3. Demonstrate a willingness and ability to respond appropriately to complex and changing needs / 3.1Set up realistic, effective monitoring systems and reviews to ensure services continue to achieve outcomes agreed with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities
3.2Apply innovative and creative thinking in supporting children, young people or adults through transitions
3.3Apply innovative and creative solutions to safeguarding children, young people or adults
3.4Engage effectively with other professionals and agencies to ensure that care plans continue to meet service user and carer needs and negotiate changes when necessary
4. Respond appropriately to unmet need / 4.1Identify, record and report unmet need that creates an additional risk to individuals and families
4.2Use initiative and creativity to identify ways of dealing with unmet need
4.3Use organisational mechanisms to inform service development
KEY AREA G / Provide advice, guidance and support to others
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the practitioner’s ability to:
1. Support colleagues on matters related to social work practice / 1.1Support colleagues to achieve positive outcomes for service users
1.2Provide professional guidance and support to other team members, including students and social workers in Years 1 and 2
1.3Support less experienced team members to challenge discrimination, disadvantage and other forms of inequality, injustice and oppressive practice
1.4Contribute positively to team/peer learning programmes
1.5 Support the provision of learning opportunities for others by acting as a Practice Educator, on-site supervisor, practice assessor or other formal role
This programme is designed for practising social workers appointed to a designated Senior Social Work Practitioner post. Learners will have completed the Experienced Practitioner Programme.
The learning outcomes are in addition to those described in the Experienced Practitioner Programme and in total reflect the 6 key areas of social work as defined by the National Occupational Standards with one further key area relating to the provision of advice guidance and support to others. Key Areas D, E and F have no additional learning outcomes over and above those described in the Experienced Practitioner Programme and so do not appear.
Each key area includes a number of learning outcomes and criteria for assessment
KEY AREA A / Maintain professional accountabilityLearning Outcomes / To be assessed on the senior practitioner’s ability to:
2. Take responsibility for your professional development / 2.1Analyse and evaluate their own competence and design and manage their own personal development strategy
2.2Lead or coordinate practitioner research projects in their specialist area
3. Maintain high-quality social work practice within a multi-agency framework / 3.1Model effective collaboration with professionals from other disciplines and other organisations
3.2Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to chair strategy and other professional meetings
6. Contribute to the development of the service / 6.1Use their advanced knowledge and skills to contribute to policy and service development by sharing research and acting as a champion for specialist areas of practice
6.2Lead by example in demonstrating a high standard of data collection and record keeping to inform service development
Use knowledge and skills to contribute to the evaluation of the service.
KEY AREA B / Practice professional social work
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the senior practitioner’s ability to:
6. Demonstrate initiative and imagination in evaluating the impact of professional social work / 6.1Apply innovative and creative thinking to evaluating practice of self and others
6.2Implement practical improvement proposals within their practice area
KEY AREA C / Promote engagement and participation
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the senior practitioner’s ability to:
1. Understand and apply the principles of a rights-based and citizen-centred approach to social work / 1.1.Understand and apply methods to incorporate service user and carer voice in service development and delivery.
3. Confidently and assertively manage differences of opinion about the content of assessments or proposals for service delivery / 3.1Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how to respond sensitively and appropriately to feedback about the quality of services
3.2Demonstrate confidence in conveying opinions that may be challenged in legal or other formal proceedings, for example, tribunals or organisational governance arrangements
KEY AREA G / Provide advice, guidance and support to others
Learning Outcomes / To be assessed on the senior practitioner’s ability to:
1. Support colleagues on matters related to social work practice / 1.1Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and skills in supervising, guiding, mentoring and providing advice to less experienced social workers and other staff.
1.2Identify staff training and development needs and contribute to the development of appropriate strategies to meet those needs
3. Support and assess those undertaking formal training programmes / 3.1Support the provision of learning opportunities for others by acting as a Practice Educator/Assessor, or other formal role
3.2Apply an appropriate range of supervisory models, roles and skills, which recognise the power dynamics between practice educator and learner
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