July 9, 2013
Dear Award Nominators:
It is our pleasure to announce that nominations for the 2013 Governor's Excellence in Housing and Economic Development Awardsare now being accepted. The Awards will be presented at the Governor's Conference on Housing and Economic Development on September24th.
The goal of the Governor's Excellence in Housing and Economic Development Awards is to recognize projects and professionals that are on the cutting edge of innovation in the fields of affordable housing and economic development. This year's categories were selected to reflect current community needs and challenges.
This year's award categories are:
- Leading Housing Revitalization Award
- Leading Public-Private Economic Development Partnership Award
- Leading Supportive Housing Development through Creative PartnershipsAward
- Leading Mixed-Use Development Award
It is important to showcase the success of our state’s affordable housing and economic development projects so we strongly encourage you to nominate a project that you consider worthy of recognition.
Nominations must be submitted by close of business on August2, 2013.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Amy Palmer, at 609-278-7423 or via email at .
Thank you for your commitment to the field of affordable housing and economic development. We look forward to receiving your nominations in the near future!
How does the process work?
You can nominate your own organization, another organization, an individual ora group who has contributed to housing revitalization, green development, supportive housing, or economic development in New Jersey. Resubmissions of past nominations are welcome. Please see the award criteria for specific eligibility requirements.
How do I nominate a candidate?
- Review the awards descriptions and their specific eligibility requirements.
- Complete the enclosed nomination forms
- Fulfill the nomination requirements
- Submit by the August 2, 2013 due date. (Any nomination packets received after this date will automatically be disregarded.)
Who does the judging?
The winner will be selected by the DCA/HMFA/EDA Awards Committee. The Awards Committeewill judge nominees according to the criteria described under each award. The decisions made by the Awards Committee are based on the information received within each nomination entry packet. Includingsupplementary materials will strengthen your submission.
When will I know who won?
Nominators will be advised of the status of their nomination two weeks prior to the Conference.
What happens if my nomination wins?
Awards are presented during the Governor’s Conference on Housing and Economic Development breakfast, Tuesday September24, 2013, at the Atlantic City Convention Center. If your project wins,you will be notified and encouraged to be in attendance (with your nominee if applicable) to receive the award.
How do I submit my nomination?
Online or by Mail. (For detailed instructions please look under the area labeled Nomination Requirements)
Where can I requestmore information?
Contact Amy Palmer, NJHMFA Program Outreach Manager at 609.278.7423 or by email:
Please indicate the applicable category (See attached Category Descriptions).
Leading Housing Revitalization Award
Leading Public-Private Economic Development Partnership Award
Leading Supportive Housing Development through Creative Partnerships
Leading Mixed-Use Development Award
Name of Nominator:
Name of Organization:
Phone #:
E-Mail Address:
(Do not fill in if same as nominator)
Name of Nominee:
Name of Organization:
Complete Address:
Phone #:
E-mail Address:
Fill out if you are nominating a Housing Project
Project Name:
Project Address:
Project County:
Project Funding:
Project Funding:
Project Funding:
(New, Rehab, Preservation)
(Family, Senior, Special Needs)
Total # of Housing Units:
# of Affordable Units:
(Very Low, Low, Moderate)
Project Partnerships:
For-profit and non-profit groups, civic groups, individuals, and government entities involved in affordable housing and economic development.
Nomination Entry Packets are due by close of business on August 2, 2013.
Fill out if you are nominating an Economic Development Project
Project Name:
Project Address:
Project County:
Funding Sources:
Total # of Jobs Created
or Retained:
Type of Construction:
(New, Rehab, Preservation)
Project Partnerships:
For-profit and non-profit groups, civic groups, individuals, and government entities involved in affordable housing and economic development.
Nomination Entry Packets are due by close of business on August 2, 2013.
Leading Housing Revitalization
This award recognizes achievement in an affordable housing revitalization project. Projects mustdemonstrate the revitalization or redevelopment of distressed or blighted neighborhoods while including substantial affordable or workforce housing component.
Eligible nominees will be judged on the following project criteria:
- Includes a key partnership of residents, stakeholders and /or local government in the initiative
- Achieves integration and housing revitalization through specific design consideration and location
- Advances the vitality of the neighborhood and strengthens local economic growth
- Promotes job creation/retention
- Demonstrates the potential to have a lasting impact on the community
Leading Public-Private Economic Development Partnership Award
This award recognizes a partnership between a New Jersey-based business that has partnered with the state, a community or local economic development organization to advance the redevelopment and revitalization of downtowns and enhance the quality of life for residents. The partnership should advance the state’s overall vision for building tomorrow's living and working communities.
Eligible nominees will be judged on the following project criteria:
- Strength of partnership
- Impact/benefit to neighborhood/community/region
- Job creation/retention
- Private investment
- Innovation/creativity
- Sensitivity to environment (including sustainable design and transit-oriented development)
Leading Supportive Housing Development through Creative Partnerships
This award recognizes achievement in the creation of supported housing designed to serve special needs populations such as: homeless; victims of domestic violence;persons with mental, physical, or developmental disabilities; persons with HIV/AIDS; and youth aging out of foster care.
Eligible nominees will be judged on the following project criteria:
- Promotes affordability within the community by providing affordable housing to a targeted population
- Incorporates design excellence that addresses the needs of the tenants
- Offers successful supportive service programs to assist tenants to move towards independence and self-sufficiency
- Innovative partnership made possible by the collective vision and leadership of at least two partner agencies. (ie. for-profit, non-profit, community agency, local government, faith based organization, public housing authority);
- Promotes diversity, social inclusion, integration, and adds to the quality of life of neighborhood residents
Leading Mixed-Use Development Award
This award recognizes an innovative mixed-use development project that provides affordable housing, promotes sustainable economic growth, and demonstrates a high level of efficiency and conservation. The project should advance the state’s overall vision for building tomorrow's living and working communities. This award is limited to standalone mixed-use development projects.
Eligible nominees will be judged on the following project criteria:
- Advances the vitality of the neighborhood and strengthens local economic growth
- Promotes job creation/retention
- Demonstrates the formation of a partnership such as for-profit, non-profit, local government, public housing authority, or other stakeholder;
- Utilizes sustainable design methods and innovative materials,
- Uses advanced technology to reduce energy consumption, such as be NJ ENERGY STAR Homes or EPA ENERGY STAR Homes certified; and
- Must have participated in a third party green building program such as Leadership for Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), NJHMFA Green Future, or National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
- Sensitivity to site/environment
- Transit/transportation linkage
Nomination Requirements:
Each Nomination Entry Packet must include:
- Nomination Forms
- Summary Narrative
- Must describe the project or organization being nominated for an award and include a description of the project being nominated, being sure to address each of the bullets listed under the category you select.
- Maximum of three pages typed, using 12-point type, on standard 8½ x 11 paper with the name of the project in the top right hand corner of each page.
- Each project will be judged not only on how well the project reflects the description under its category but also the bullet points. Please quantify whenever possible. (Number of individuals or families, income level, special characteristics, etc.)
- Up to ten images
- Should illustrate various aspects of the project. Some suggestions would be: before and after results, overall exteriors from a variety of angles, and interior shots, community revitalization, green features, etc.
- Proof of project being placed in service must be included.
- Projects must be placed in service between July 1, 2011 and July 1, 2013.
- If project has an Energy Star Certificate, a copy of the certificate with rating is required.
- Awards, press write ups, or other pertinent information that this project has received which you feel would further distinguish your nomination from the other projects.
Nomination Entry Packets are due by close of business on August 2, 2013.
Submitting Nomination Packet Online:
This is a very easy process by which you will be able to automatically upload each of your documents, no matter the size, in a private and secure folder online. No other Nominees will be able to view your information or Nomination Packet. We strongly encourage everyone to utilize this wonderful tool! If you used this tool last year you will need to register again.
Step one: Go to:
Step two: Click Register
Step three: Fill in requested information
- When providing a Username please enter the project name with no spaces.
- Provide a valid email address you will receive an email confirmation once your account is registered.
Step four: Login to 2013 Governor’s Conference on Housing and Economic Development Awards at
Step five: Upload Nomination Packet.
If you have any questions or problems please call Amy Palmer at 609-278-7423 or email at
Submitting Nomination Packet by Mail:
All nomination materials should be submitted both in hard copy and electronically on a Windows-compatible CD.
CD must include:
- A single folder, labeled with the project’s name
- Nomination Entry Packet with all required materials must be inside this folder
- Up to Ten (10) jpeg digital images at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Images that were not created electronically should be scanned and copied onto the CD.
- Image files must include project name.
Hard Copies:
- Please submit six unbound full copies of your Nomination Entry Packet with all the required materials in color. These materials will not be returned.
Mail all nomination materials to:
2013 Governor's Excellence in Housing and Economic Development Awards
Attn: Amy Palmer
637 S. Clinton Ave
Trenton, New Jersey 08611