Attachment 1

Patient and Public Involvement

Annual Plan

2003 - 2004

1Purpose and Vision


The North East Wales NHS Trust (NEWT) has developed a Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) strategy that sets out the framework over the next 3-5 years. This will ensure that PPI becomes fully integrated across the Trust and has clear links with Clinical Governance. It will support the delivery of high quality care for patients and will be monitored through the Trust’s clinical governance arrangements.


The Trust supports the developments of a culture that is willing and able to see services through the eye of patients and the public. PPI must become embedded into everyday practice and become an integral part of the Trust corporate and directorate business.

1.3The Trust has undertaken a baseline assessment of PPI during 2000-2001 and produced an annual report for 2002-2003 and this annual plan builds on these documents.

2Future Development Priorities

2.1Main strategy objectives next 3-5 years

a)The Trust has established organisational accountability, structures and processes to ensure that PPI becomes an integral part of Trust business and these will need to be continually developed in the future.

b)In accordance with Health Information for the Public: a framework for best practice (Assembly guidance) a complete review of the way the Trust produces and disseminates information produced for patients and the public. An Action plan will need to be developed to take this forward.

c)In accordance with Assembly guidance (awaiting publication) use a range of methods to illicit patient and public feedback at both a corporate and directorate level.

d)In accordance with Assembly guidance develop a range of mechanisms to enable patients and the public to influence the development of Trust services at both a corporate and directorate level.

e)Develop skills training programmes to enable Trust staff to acquire the skills and expertise they need to engage patients and the public.

f)Determine and identify sources of internal and external funding to support the development of Public and Patient Involvement.

g)Identify the Trust’s key partners in relation to Public and Patient Involvement; establish effective methods of communication and agree joint methods of working in order to deliver on key targets.

2.2Linking Trust PPI objectives with those of our partners

The Trust’s main strategy objectives have been agreed after consultation with:

  • The Public
  • Trust Staff
  • Partnership agencies (CHC, voluntary sector, LHBs and Local Authorities)

The Trust’s multi-disciplinary, multi-agency, Public and Patient Involvement Steering Group will be responsible for:

  • Actioning the PPI Strategy
  • Monitoring directorate arrangements for the delivery of PPI
  • Providing central support to directorates
  • Building partnerships with other relevant organisations

This will ensure that ongoing dialogue takes place between the Trust and its relevant partners; and that their views are taken account of in the planning of Trust’s PPI activity.

2.3Capacity building, long term resourcing and support

The Trust recognises, that to manage PPI in such a large organisation, tight organisational structures need to be in place at both the corporate and directorate level. The Trust has therefore specified both the corporate and directorate structure for PPI these are illustrated on the following pages:

2.4Corporate Structure for PPI

2.5Directorate Structure for PPI

As part of the Trust’s baseline assessment for PPI each directorate measured its activity against the Assembly PPI framework of information, feedback and influence. They also used the Charter Mark Self-Assessment framework to produce a numerical score of their compliance against best practice in service delivery. This gave the directorates a clear picture of “where they are now”. Directorates now need to:

These organisational structures firmly establish levels of accountability with relation to PPI. They also start to expand capacity within the organisation as PPI is seen as an organisational issue and not just a corporate function.

Directorates need to ensure that PPI forms part of their business planning process and may be aware of external sources of funding i.e. through research or joint working arrangements. At a corporate level the Trust’s PPI Steering Group will provide central support to the directorates in terms of guidance on Trust wide and directorate issues; training and the funding of some Trust wide initiatives that will include Service Users Panel, discharge questionnaires, annual prospectus.

2.6Financial resources

The investment required to delivery PPI is over and above that previously agreed for 2002/03. The implementation of these targets will demand significant additional resources and the Trust will work together with the Local Health Boards (LHBs) and the Assembly to determine the implications of these targets. The ability to deliver on these priorities will depend on the SaFF process and identification of appropriate level of resources.

Early estimates of the cost of implementing these targets have been made during 2002. However, this is a conservative estimate and the amount is likely to increase in the coming years. The Assembly has made available during 2003-2004 a limited amount of funding to the LHBs. The Trust will enter into negotiation with the LHBs and it is likely that PPI activity will be commissioned from the Trust.


3 Action Plan
Identify and build appropriate systems to ensure that PPI is planned at all levels / Directorates / On-going process / Signposts 2 will support this process / Built into SaFF process / PPI becomes integral to the planning process / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Develop PPI links and partnerships with other stakeholders / Local Authority, LHB, CHC & Voluntary Sector / On-going process / Co-ordination will be required to avoid duplication / This will require the sharing of resources / Improved efficiency and sharing of information.
Develop networks / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Develop evaluation and monitoring methods for the Action Plan / Trust / On-going / Signposts 2 will support the process / Staff time / Monitoring mechanisms / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Implement the Assembly’s Framework for improving Health Information / Directorates and patients / Bids submitted for PPI money to implement process. Completed during 2003/2004. / Partnership agencies and Disability Discrimination Act. Comply with Welsh Language Act / Staff time / All information produced by the Trust will conform with the framework / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Publish an Annual Prospectus providing information on Trust services / Directorates and patients / September 2003 / Assembly will produce guidelines in June 2003.
Welsh Language Act / Production and printing costs (about £5000). Need to consider developing prospectus jointly with LHBs / Better informed public / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Produce an Annual Report of the Trust’s work in PPI / Trust Board, staff, public, patients, partnerships agencies, Assembly / May 2003 / Link to Annual Report / Staff time / Better informed public / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Develop PPI training for the Board and staff to increase awareness of PPI / Board members and staff / Two-day training for staff in Training Manual. WAG providing training for Board members. / Signposts 2 will have guidance on training issues / Part of SaFF process / Improved understanding of PPI / Assembly in liaison with Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams, will develop training for Board members.
Increase involvement of lay representation on PPI group and other areas / Trust / On-going Recruit – July 2003
Part of Group – September 2003 meeting / Clinical Governance / Expenses of Lay members
Probably about £250.00 / Increased accountability / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Develop Trust internet website that includes information on PPI / Trust and public / By October 2003 / Best practice framework on information. Disability Discrimination Act. Welsh Language Act. Freedom of Information / Staff time to produce “information only” website. Paper will need to go to the Board for future development / Improved communication with the public and better access to information. / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Ensure that PPI becomes an integral part of the Clinical Governance Strategy and reporting arrangements / Directorates / On-going / Clinical Governance / Staff time / Improved measurement of effectiveness / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Implement the new complaints guidance produced by the Assembly / Board and Directorates / July 2003 / Clinical Governance / Staff time / Improved services for patients / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Develop a questionnaire for patients using the Trust’s services / Patients / From December 2003 / Assembly is producing national questionnaire / Staff time and printing costs. If Picker Institute is used across Wales, cost will be £7,000 / Improved service for patients / Diane Henderson & Elwyn Williams
Use the Complaints Database to obtain views about the Complaints Process / Complaints / December 2003 / Clinical Governance / Staff time and postage (Approx £100) / Improved Complaints Process / Diane Henderson
3.14 Continue evaluating the Patient Support Officer Pathfinder Project / Patients and Assembly / On-going / Part of national scheme / Staff time / Improved access to services by patients / Diane Henderson and Elwyn Williams


4Monitoring and Evaluation

4.1 The Trust’s Public and Patient Involvement Group will monitor progress against the action plan. The plan will be reported on annually to the Trust Board, the Welsh Assembly Government and the public.

The Assembly is developing monitoring tools to evaluate public and patient involvement that will be published in Signposts 2. These will be used in the future by the Trust.

During 2003-2004 the Trust will:

  • Monitor Clinical Governance reporting arrangements, ensuring that public and patient involvement has been part of this planning process.
  • Monitor the Trust planning process ensuring that public and patient involvement is part of all aspects of work
  • Measure progress of Directorates using the Signpost framework of information, feedback and influence ensuring that the range of activity is taking place within the Trust’s reflects the full spectrum of public and patient involvement.
  • Analyse the number of people and groups involved and response rates to the different consultation methods.
  • Evaluate the process and outcome of these arrangements in relation to public and patient involvement.