Summary of Non Personal Freedom of Information Requests submitted to the Arts Council in 2016/2017

Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2017/0484 / 20/02/2017 / 20/03/2017 / Non Personal / Entire costs associated with the A Story for their Stocking reading campaign which ran before Christmas. / Journalist / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2017/0483 / 20/02/2017 / 20/03/2017 / Non Personal / Access to a copy of the recent Gate review of its artistic and business model which was part-funded by the Arts Council. / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2017/0482 / 08/02/2017 / 08/03/2017 / Non Personal / Information on the (i) expenditure and (ii) income of the following centres in 2016: The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon; Roscommon Arts Centre; The Backstage Theatre. / Business Interested Group / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2017/0481 / 03/02/2017 / 06/03/2017 / Non Personal / A list of external legal practitioners paid in 2015 and 2016 for services carried out on behalf of the Arts Council, including the name of practitioner, the sum paid and where possible a general description of the work carried out. / Journalist / Granted
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2017/0478 / 08/12/2016 / 13/01/2017 / Non Personal / Each piece of art commissioned by the Arts Council between 1 January 2016 and 31 October 2016
– the amount of money paid for each piece commissioned;
-the amount of money paid by the Arts Council for commissioned pieces for each year between 2011 – 2015.
-The three commissions that cost the most within each of these years also listed. / Business Interested Group / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2016/0477 / 14/12/2016 / 13/01/2016 / Non Personal / The costs of all overseas travel in 2015 and to date in 2016 broken down according to trip with individuals who travelled, purpose of trip, flight costs, class of travel, dates of travel, hotel costs, name of hotel, other costs etc. / Journalist / Information provided outside FOI
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2016/0476 / 01/12/2016 / 03/01/2017 / Non Personal / A list of the five individuals paid the highest annual salaries by the Arts Council. This information to be correct as of November 2016.
A list of the five individuals paid the highest annual salaries by the Arts Council for each year from 2015 through to 2015.
A list of all employees earning more than €45,000 annually currently employed as of November 2016.
The total number of staff employed by your organisation as of November 2016.
The total wage bill for your organisation given for five years from 2011 up to 2016. The figure to be taken from 31 December for the years 2011 up to 2015 and for 29 November for 2016.
A total figure for all bonuses paid by the Arts Council from 1 January 2015 to 29 November 2016. / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2016/047 / 16/11/2016 / 20/12/2016 / Non Personal / I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, access to all correspondence between the Arts Council and Liberties Press during 2016.
I would also like to request, under FoI, access to minutes of any meetings with Liberties Press during 2016 or any memos / reports prepared about Liberties Press during 2016. / Journalist / Part granted
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2016/0475 / 29/11/2016 / Non Personal / The total number of staff at the Abbey Theatre; The average age of staff at the Theatre, the number of staff in the Department by decade, eg 20’s, 30’s, etc;
Gender breakdown including gender breakdown in each grade;
The number of staff in each different pay grade; The number of staff hired by the theatre in 2016.​​The total number of staff that received remuneration exceeding the following in 2015 and 2016 - more than €60K, €80K, €100K, €120K,The number of staff that resigned from the theatre in 2016;
The number of staff that retired from the theatre in 2016; / Journalist / Arts Council does not hold records requested.
FOI/2016/0473 / 27/10/2016 / 29/11/2016 / Non Personal / All records concerning CisteColmcille since January 1, 2012, excluding personal information. / Journalist / CisteColmcille is not a designated body under the FOI Act. Number of payments made each year was provided outside FOI.
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2016/0472 / 26/10/2016 / 23/11/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all records relating to the decision to provide funding for the Waking the Feminists group. / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2016/0470 / 19/10/2016 / 16/11/2016 / Non Personal / Documents, reports, correspondence (including electronic), held by the Arts Council which relates to the finances and expenses of the Gate Theatre and its directors and employees between 1 January 2015 and today's date of 19 October 2016. / Journalist / Requester directed to Gate Theatre’s website
FOI/2016/0469 / 12/10/2016 / /09/11/2016 / Non Personal / All correspondence between Liberties Press and the Arts Council dating from October 2014 to the present day. / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2016/0467 / 31/08/2016 / 29/09/2016 / Non Personal / All correspondence with Waking the Femists and copies of minutes of all meetings with Waking the Feminists since 2015 – including any internal reports/memos in relation to Waking the Feminists created since 2015 / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2016/0466 / 29/08/2016 / 29/09/2016 / Non Personal / A breakdown of payments made to companies for translating services between 1/1/13-31/12/15. I wish to receive details of each individual payment i.e. the name of the company, the amount paid and a description of the work carried out. I would prefer to receive this information in electronic format if possible. / Journalist / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2016/0465 / 28/07/2016 / 25/08/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all records confirming how much the Arts Council awarded to the Junction Festival Clonmel in 2016. / Journalist / Information available on Arts Council website.
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2016/0464 / 20/09/2016 / 20/10/2016 / Non Personal / all files, memos, notes, agendas, minutes of meetings, phone records, sub-committee records, and all relevant data relating to the Arts Council's plans, discussions, activities and actions with regard to honouring Irish performing and interpretive artists since 2009. / Business/
Interested group / Part granted
FOI/2016/0463 / 25/07/2016 / 24/08/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all records and documents outlining and detailing the rules and regulations concerning the AosdanaCnuas and terms and conditions for awarding the Cnuas, concerning determining the eligibility of applicants for the Cnuas and describing or explaining the process for assessing the claims of applicants for the Cnuas. / Business Interested Group / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2016/0462 / 14/07/2016 / 16/08/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all correspondence and records relating to the most recent granting of the Cnuas to Aosdana member Gerard Mannix Flynn including records relating to works of art produced by Mr Flynn which were taken considered the Arts Council/Aosdana for the purposes of considering the renewal of or continued payment of the Cnuas from the most recent granting of the Cnuas to the present date. / Business Interested Group / Part granted
FOI/2016/0461 / 06/07/2016 / 04/08/2016 / Non Personal / Access to any correspondence since the start of 2015 with the Abbey Theatre in relation to the salaries of the Director(s), including the incoming joint Directors, Neil Murray and Graham McLaren / Journalist / Arts Council don’t hold records
FOI/2016/0460 / 11/07/2016 / 04/08/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all records relating to any applications for funding for 2016 by Cork Film Festival / Journalist / Part granted
Ref No / Date Received / Decision Date / Category / Specific / Requester Type / Decision
FOI/2016/0458 / 09/06/2016 / 08/07/2016 / Non Personal / A copy of all correspondence between the Arts Council and Irish Water regarding the Per Cent for Art scheme. Also, any internal audit reports which dealt with the scheme in the past five years. / Journalist / Records do not exist
FOI/2016/0457 / 08/06/2016 / 07/07/2016 / Non Personal / I would like to request copies of all records relating to appeals lodged by clients of the Arts Council concerning the funding allocations for 2016 – 2017. / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2016/0456 / 24/06/2016 / 23/07/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all correspondence (including emails) between (to and from) the Arts Council and Roscommon Arts Centre in relation to the funding, since May 23 2015. / Business Interested Party / Information provided outside FOI
FOI/2016/0455 / 12/06/2016 / Non Personal / Copies of all records relating to any assessment carried out of the position of Laureate for Irish Fiction / Journalist / Information doesn’t exist
FOI/2016/0453 / 12/05/2016 / 10/06/2016 / Non Personal / A copy of all records of artistic activities and outputs of Aosdána members in receipt of the Cnuas, as reported by them in their annual artistic activity reports for 2015. My preference is to receive all records by email. / Journalist / Part granted
FOI/2016/0452 / 01/02/2016 / 10/05/2016 / Non Personal / a copy of all correspondence between the Arts Council and Gate Theatre since June 2015.
Please include a copy of the Gate's Letter of Offer for 2016 and any responses to the Letter of Offer. / Journalist / Part granted


Updated June 2017