N.H.A. Classroom Supplies List
Pre K Classes / 2 boxes Kleenex tissues Please label with child’s name:1 box of spoons A complete change of clothes
1 box of forks A blanket for naptime (pillow if needed)
Refill bottle of liquid soap Labeled hat for sandbox
All items must be labeled / Large backpack (not child size) 1 box of spoonsWashable markers 1 box of forks
Box of crayons Blanket & small pillow for naptime
Large bottle of white Elmer’s glue Canvas tote bag (for blanket & pillow)
1 black marble composition book 1 box of Kleenex tissues
2 oversized pencils 1 roll of paper towel
1 pair Fiscar rounded tip scissors Eraser
Scotch tape
First Grade
/ 10 pencils (no designs) 1 Space saver pencil boxBox of 24 crayons 4 erasers
Box of colored pencils Backpack
Box of washable markers 2 boxes of Kleenex tissues
4 pocket folders 1 box of spoons
2 marble composition books 1 pair Fiscar rounded tip scissors
3 glue sticks 1 zip lock bag with 50 pennies
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue Small water bottle
Second Grade / 2 pair Fiscar rounded tip scissors 2 composition books
1 box of Colored pencils 4 boxes of Kleenex tissues
4 glue sticks 3 boxes of plastic spoons and forks
6 pocket folders 400 sheets wide-ruled notebook paper (2 packs)
32 plain pencils 1 pack of index cards (250)
Backpack 3 packs of crayons
Space saver 12”x 4” pencil box 1 pencil sharpener w/container to hold shavings
2 pack washable markers 3 big pink erasers
5 book covers 1 pocket size children’s dictionary
Third Grade
/ 1 pack glue sticks 1 ruler with inches and centimeters2 pkgs. Lined loose leaf paper 1 water bottle
6 composition notebooks 5 book covers (1 for each text)
1 box 24 crayons or colored pencils 2 box tissues
1 pair round tip scissors 2 hand sanitizers
1 pack of erasers 1 pack of highlighters
1 pencil box or bag 1 pack of red pens
2 boxes of #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
Pencil sharpener w/ container for shavings (no electric sharpeners)
1 small binder (no big binders or trapper keepers)
1 pocket folder for homework and each subject
1 pocket dictionary or small children’s dictionary (one for class and one for home)
1 Three subject notebook 1 Pair of scissors
1 Two subject notebook 2 small fabric book covers
2 single subject notebooks 4 large fabric book covers
6 double pocket folders 3 x-large erasers
1 glue stick 1 water bottle
1 set of colored pencils 1 soft pencil case holder
1 box forks and spoons Dictionary
1 set 8-pack Crayola Markers (THICK)
1 set 8-pack Crayola Markers (THIN)
1 pencil sharpener w/ container to hold shavings
1 large pack of #2 pencils (please keep in case)
3 Large boxes of Kleenex (or 6 small boxes)
Ruler w/ inches & centimeter
Fifth Grade
/ 6 marble composition books 1 box of #2 pencils500 sheets loose leaf paper 1 pencil sharpener
1 pair blunt tipped scissors 1 box of crayons or colored pencils
1 water bottle Pencil Box
1 box red pens 1 loose leaf binder with sectionals
1 box Kleenex tissues Highlighter
1 ruler with inches & centimeters 5 Pocket Folders
1 bottle Hand Sanitizer 1 college level Dictionary
1 metal fork and 1 metal spoon
Sixth Grade
/ In order to get the most useful supplies at the best price, Beverly Berndt, the 6th grade teacher will buy them in bulk. She will let you know how much to reimburse her when school begins (approximately $25-$30). Students should bring ONLY an empty backpack.Seventh Grade / Water bottle 1 pair of scissors
One 3-ring 2” binder Colored pencils
Ruler – mm and inches 50 sheets of graph paper (1/4 inch preferred)
Highlighter Eraser
Pencil sharpener Roll of tape
Two red or green pens 1 box of tissues
100-200 sheets of loose-leaf paper 1 box of plastic utensils (any type)
1 pencil case w/several pencils & pens (blue or black only)
Calculator with square root key (labeled with child’s name)
4 spiral notebooks (Label them with your name and their title: Lab notebook, Investigations notebook, Writing journal, Stock Market notebook)
Eighth Grade / 1 Box Kleenex tissues
Grades 8-12
Social Studies / Colored pencils Lots of pens
Loose-leaf paper Notebook for class use
Binder/folder for handouts Book covers – all textbooks must be covered
Grades 8-12
Science / 8th GRADE
Section of 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
Standard sized book cover
9th and 10th GRADE
Spiral notebook with pocket folders
X-large(Jumbo) sized book cover
11th GRADE
Calculator with exponential function
Spiral notebook with pocket folders
X-large(Jumbo) sized book cover
Grades 8-12
English / Marbled composition book 5-tabbed, multi-colored dividersLoose-leaf paper (college ruled) Lots of blue or black pens
3-ring, 1” binder w/ pockets red pens for correction
3-hole punch 5 multi-colored highlighters
white out pocket-size thesaurus(college level)
Algebra ½
/ Protractor Lots of pencilsCalculator Erasers
Algebra 2 / Scientific calculator with 2-line display
Recommended: Casio 300MS, Casio 300ES, Casio 115MS
Advanced Math/Calculus
/ Graphing calculatorRecommended: Texas Instruments T1-83 or TI-84 family of graphing calculators