Suas Volunteer Programme 2009

Application Form
  • It is strongly recommended that you read all programme information available on the Suas website,How to Apply Guidelines and Comlamh’sVolunteer Charter prior to completing this form.
  • We estimate that this application form will take you approximately 4 hours to complete thoroughly
  • Please enter information in the text boxes provided.
  • Email your application as an attachment to with your name and ‘application’ in the subject title. The attachment should be called (e.g. John.Murphy.21nov.doc)
  • Application Deadline:Thursday4th December 2008. You are encouraged to apply as early as possible to allow your application maximum time for consideration.

Please enter your full name as it appears on your passport†

First Name: Middle Name:

Surname: Date of Birth:

Preferred first name if different:


Nationality as per passport*:

Passport Number:

Please note, if you do not currently hold a valid passport you will have to apply for one prior to March 2009

*Your nationality & passport numberwill only be used if your application is successful for flight visa details.

(Note: This programme is open

.Are you currently in full-time education(Y/N)? to both students & non- students)

If yes – what is the name of your college/university?

Is your first time applying to the Suas Volunteer Programme* (Y/N)?

If not, in which previous year(s) did you apply?

*Please note Suas do not formally encourage or discourage people from reapplying to the programme. That is a decision for you to make. There is further information on the Apply page on our Website.

Email Address:

Please provide us with an email address that you access regularly – this will be our primary means of contacting you during the application process.

Home phone no:Mobile no:



(For the Jan-June09 period)

Permanent Address

(if different)


To the best of your knowledge, will you be available for the Programme Dates -16th June to 28th August(Y/N)?

If selected for the programme, will you be available to attend the three Preparation weekends and the Return weekend (Y/N)?

The three Preparation Weekends are scheduled for 20-22 February, 17 –19 April & 5-7June.The Return weekend is scheduled for 2-4 October 2009. Weekends run from Friday evening to late Sunday afternoon.

If selected for the programme, are you willing to abide by the SuasHealth, Safety and Security Policy (Y/N)?

If selected for the programme, are you willing to abide by the Suas Child Protection Policy (Y/N)?

If selected for the programme, are you willing to sign up to the Comlamh Volunteer Charter (Y/N)?

Can you to commit tofundraising a minimum contribution of €2,995 towards your place on the programme (Y/N)?

Interviews for the programme will take place in Dublinon the following weekends in January: 10th-11thand17th-18th. A few interviews will be held mid-week on the 6thJanuary. If you areunable to attend an interview on any of these days please list them below.

If you have a country of preference for volunteering, please indicate that preference here (India / Kenya). Please note that Suas cannot guarantee selected candidates their preference, but will take it into consideration when matching candidate placements and teams.

Please note: This section ispurely for Suas Marketing Purposes and will not be taken into account when considering your application.

Where did you first hear about the Suas Volunteer Programme?

Previous volunteer, poster or flyer, presentation, website, email, college careers service, friends, please specify…

Are you a member of a College Suas Society (Y/N)?

Did you attend one of our College Presentations (Y/N)?

Have you taken part in one of our Global Issues Courses (Y/N)?

We would like to email you in the future about other Suas events and activities we think you might be interested in. If you would not like to receive this information please tick this box.


Secondary Education

Most recent school attended:

Town/City: Years attended (e.g.1994 –2000):

Name of final exam (Leaving Certificate / A Level etc):

Subjects taken, exam level (e.g. higher/ ordinary), and results:

Undergraduate Education (if applicable)

Name of University/College

Course Title (e.g. Degree in Chemistry):

Current Year (e.g. first year, graduate)

Please list your major subjects and your overall exam grades for the last 3 years (if applicable):


Please list any post graduate qualifications, orany other achievements/awards:(100 words limit)


Please give details of any previous or current work experience

There is enough space below for detailing 3 different experiences. If you happen to have more than 3, give details of the most recent and/or the most relevant.

Name of employer / organisation / Dates Employed / Roles & Responsibilities


This section is designed to help us understand you better. Please answer the questions below, drawing upon your experiences from all aspects of your life so far: personal, professional, academic and extra-curricular. We advise you to review the Apply section on the website and ‘How to Apply Guidelines’ before completing these questions. There is no word limit but remember there is a virtue in being succinct. We find that around 250 words per question are usually sufficient.

(A) Why are you applying for the Suas Volunteer Programme? What do you hope to gain? What challenges do you think the programme would present to you?

(B)Our Partners in India and Kenya are looking for diverse teamswith a mix of backgrounds and personalities.Please tell us about yourself and what you might bring to the programme?

(C)How important is a commitment to serving others to you and why? Please include details of any voluntary experience you may have. (This could be anything from giving a hand to family and friends, helping out a College Society or volunteering for another charity)

(D)The Volunteer Programme includes a 10 week placement in India or Kenya. Briefly describe any experience you have of travelling and living overseas or away from home already. What were the challenges you faced? What did you learn from this?

(E) The Volunteer Programme can be a demanding and intense experience. What do you consider to be your two most significant challenges/achievements in your life so far? How did you meet/achieve them and what did you learn from them?

(F) As a volunteer you will be required to plan a variety of activities and summer camps. Describe a past activity, eventor project that you have been involved in planning and/or organising. What was your role and how did you approach the work? What did you learn from the experience?

(G) The desire and ability to work well in a team isessential to the success of the Programme. Please describe a time when you have worked in a team or group. What was your role? What skills and talents did you bring? What was the key to the success of the team?

(H) Our Partners are looking for a range of skills in the teams that we send. Please tell us aboutthe particular skills, and talents, that you would bring to the programme. You might like to include any hobbies or interests that are important to you. These could range from current affairs, to sports, dance and beyond. Please highlight any clubs, societies, or teams that you are involved in.


We assure you that all health information submitted will be kept strictly confidential.

Are you physically and psychologically fit to participate in what is an intense, rigorous

and challengingProgramme?¹ (Y/N)

Do you have any medical conditions or special needs that we should be aware of? (Y/N)

If yes, please explain².

¹Please note: If you have suffered any personal trauma in the past 12 months, werecommend that you postpone your application until a later time; the programme can be extremely intense, both physically and psychologically.

²Please Note: A chronic health condition does not out-rule your application. Individuals are assessed in conjunction with their GP on a case by case basis.

Do you take any medication on a regular basis? (Y / N)

If yes, state for what reason

Do you have any current or past psychiatric illness? (Y / N)

If yes, please explain

Have you ever suffered from symptoms of stress which interfered with your day-to-day

activities, or which have resulted in you having to miss college or work? (Y/N)Y /

If yes, please explain

You will receive a list of compulsory vaccinations in your introduction pack. By May 1st 2009 you will need to send us signed confirmation that you have received your vaccinations and anti-malarial medication. The cost of these vaccinations is not included in your participation fee.

Please note that more detailed medical information will be required by Suas for all candidates who are offered a place on the Programme. This will involve obtaining a written form from a GP certifying fitness for travel.

Do you agree to pay for and complete this course of vaccinations and written form if offered

a placeon the programme? (Y/N)


Please provide the names and full contact details of two referees who know you in either a personal, professional, or academic capacity (family members excluded) and who could comment on your suitability for the Suas Volunteer Programme. If you are short-listed for interview please let them know you have nominated them as your referees. Suas reserves the right to contact referees at any stage during the recruitment process.

Note: If you are selected for the Suas Programme, in accordance with our Child Protection Policy, your referees will be requested to complete a form stating your suitability for working with children.

Referee 1



Telephone Number: Email Address:

In what capacity & how long have they known you?

Referee 2



Telephone Number: Email Address:

In what capacity & how long have they known you?

Data Protection Statement

Suas respects the privacy of your personal information. Information provided will be kept only for the purpose of processing your application. The details on this application form will not be disclosed by Suas to any external body unless Suas has your permission or is under a legal obligation to do so. The information provided may be disclosed by Suas to:

  • Contractors performing background checks and other human resource management services for Suas
  • Contractors performing web development and maintenance services for Suas
  • Regulators as required by applicable law or regulation.

Data will be controlled by the Suas Volunteer Programme Manager.

I have read and accept the conditions of the above data protection statement (place an x in the box)


I hereby confirm that I have completed this application myself and that all information within is accurate and correct

Name Date

Thank you for applying!

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