Draft -WIGO Practice Note 6 – 22 December 2010

Subject:Averaging the Ordinary Hours of Work for the purposes of calculating Compressed Rosters under the Mining Industry Award 2010

Background:The Mining Industry Award 2010 provides for the averaging of ordinary hours (Clause 17.1) and for cyclic work (Clause 17.4). The ability to implement cyclic work rosters was also a feature of a number of awards under the previous legislation.

Issue:Despite allowing cyclic rosters past and current awards only provided limited provisions as to how to calculate a compressed roster. There are a number of options that can be applied and each can result in a different equivalent ordinary hour payment (EOH) for the same roster. This has resulted in, at times, an inconsistent approach being taken by AMMA consultants. The main three options are:

Option1:Calculating the ordinary hours by averaging the ordinary hours equally over each work day of the cycle; or

Option 2:Calculating the total hours worked each day as ordinary hours at the beginning of the cycle until the ordinary hours for the cycle are reached and then calculating all time worked as overtime; or

Option 3:Calculating the ordinary hours by averaging them over each Monday to Friday of the work cycle with all time worked on weekends as overtime.

An example of each calculation is attached.

AMMA Position:

To ensure that members receive consistent advice it has been decided that AMMA’s preferred method of calculating a cyclic roster will be in accordance with Option 1.

However, Consultants are to advise members/clients that although, there are other options, the method recommended is the most common approach and the approach that is less likely to be challenged.

This approach is also to be adopted for calculations under other awards, subject to the hours of work provisions of the applicabloe award.


Option 1: Calculating the ordinary hours by averaging the ordinary hours equally over each work day of the cycle

Example: 14 days on 7 days off – 12 hours continuous shift cyclic roster

Day / Hrs Worked / Ordinary Time / Single Time / Time & a Half / Double Time / EOH
Thursday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Friday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Saturday / 12 / 8.142 / 0 / 3 / 9 / 22.5
Sunday / 12 / 8.142 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Tuesday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Wednesday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Thursday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Friday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Saturday / 12 / 8.142 / 0 / 3 / 9 / 22.5
Sunday / 12 / 8.142 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Tuesday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Wednesday / 12 / 8.142 / 8.142 / 0 / 3.858 / 15.858
Thursday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Friday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Saturday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Sunday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Monday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Tuesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Wednesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Totals / 168 / 114 / 81.42 / 6 / 80.58 / 251.58

Option 2: Calculating the total hours worked each day as ordinary hours at the beginning of the cycle until the ordinary hours for the cycle are reached and then calculating all time worked as overtime; or

Example:14 days on 7 days off – 12 hour continuous shift cyclic roster

Day / Hrs Worked / Ordinary Time / Single Time / Time & a Half / Double Time / EOH
Thursday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Friday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Saturday / 12 / 12 / 0 / 3 / 9 / 22.5
Sunday / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Tuesday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Wednesday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Thursday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Friday / 12 / 12 / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12
Saturday / 12 / 6 / 0 / 3 / 9 / 22.5
Sunday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Tuesday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Wednesday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Thursday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Friday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Saturday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Sunday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Monday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Tuesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Wednesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Totals / 168 / 114 / 84 / 6 / 78 / 249

Option 3:Calculating the ordinary hours by averaging them over each Monday to Friday of the work cycle with all time worked on weekends as overtime.

Example: 14 days on 7 days off – 12 hours continuous shift cyclic roster

Day / Hrs Worked / Ordinary Time / Single Time / Time & a Half / Double Time / EOH
Thursday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Friday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Saturday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Sunday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Tuesday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Wednesday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Thursday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Friday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Saturday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Sunday / 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 24
Monday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Tuesday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Wednesday / 12 / 11.4 / 11.4 / 0 / .6 / 12.6
Thursday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Friday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Saturday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Sunday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Monday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Tuesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Wednesday / off / off / off / off / off / off
Totals / 168 / 114 / 114 / 0 / 54 / 222