
Once a month change message board in front of school as directed by the principal; maintain and update the PTO Facebook and PTO websites and contact local news publications regarding events at the school.

Refreshments/Concession Stands

Call volunteers (names and numbers provided) to provide refreshments for Back to School Night (Sept), Family Dinner Night (Oct), Holiday Breakfast (Dec), Ticket Auction (Jan) and Bingo Night (March) and run concession stands as needed at appropriate events.


Inventory supplies in PTO cage, make sure that there are sufficient supplies for events, authorize purchase of additional supplies as needed.

Teacher Liaison

Meet with teachers to determine their needs for supplies, field trip funding and assistance during the course of the year.

Community Liaison

Meet with members of the community to seek out additional volunteer help and spread awareness of the PTOs efforts.

Box Tops

Send home information to parents. Collect Box Tops that are turned into school. Sort and package for submission according to program requirements and deadline dates.

Family Nights Out

Schedule family oriented events in the community. Past events have included Barnes & Noble night, dinner at Dairy Queen, Chuckie Cheese night, Pump It Up, and family art night and ice cream socials at the school. Coordinate with venues, confirm dates, prepare and distribute flyers announcing events and reminding families.

Teacher Back to School Lunch

Plan and coordinate luncheon for teachers the day before school starts for students.

Homeroom Parents

Send out letter requesting parent volunteers, collect responses, assign Homeroom parents for each teacher, hold meeting with parent volunteers at Back to School Night, provide teachers with all homeroom parent information.

Fall/Spring Fundraisers & Kid Stuff Books

Responsibilities: Send home brochures and order forms, collect orders and money, tally orders and money, place final orders with company, verify accuracy of orders when received and distribute orders.

Welcome Back to School Events

Plan and coordinate welcome back activities geared towards kindergarteners and parents on first day of school; plan, coordinate and send home flyers advertising Back to School Night in conjunction with the PTO President and the school principal; send home information, plan and coordinate refreshments, and attend New Parents Tea held at the beginning of the first PTO meeting of the year, answer new parents questions about PTO at the Tea.


Distribute membership forms to be sent home with all students. Collect all responses. Attend New Parents Tea and Back to School Night to accept Membership forms and monies. Using Membership forms, create listing of all committees and volunteers to provide to Committee Chairpersons. Maintain list of membership to use during PTO elections.

Spirit Wear

Plan and coordinate all activities related to a school spirit clothing drive. Order Spirit Wear, send home information, collect and tally orders, place orders and distribute. Attend PTO events to sell any extra stock of spirit wear.

Pasta Dinner

Plan and coordinate Pasta dinner night; solicit food donations from local businesses, coordinate with Refreshments committee to make sure there are deserts, coordinate teacher volunteers to serve the dinner, send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money, distribute tickets.

Fall/Spring Book Fair

Send home information, schedule classroom attendance, set up and take down book displays, plan and coordinate parent and MIS student help during book fair dates and at Family Dinner, collect and tally monies, order books, gather and fill wish lists from teachers and librarian.

Conference Snacks

Order, purchase and provide snacks, drinks and lunch for teachers during fall and spring parent-teacher conference dates.

Holiday Breakfast

Solicit food donations from local businesses, coordinate with Refreshments committee to make sure there are baked goods, arrange for volunteer Santa for pictures with Santa, send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money and distribute tickets.

Holiday Shoppe

Send home information, schedule classroom attendance, set up and take down sales displays, plan and coordinate parent and MIS student help during sales dates and at Holiday Breakfast, place orders with the supply company, seek out local businesses or artists and make arrangements with the to donate or provide merchandise for sale during the Holiday Shoppe, collect and tally monies.

Ticket Auction

Solicit donations of baskets, wrapping supplies, and items to be bid on from businesses and families; work with teachers to coordinate Teacher Treats; work with teachers to coordinate classroom baskets; coordinate teacher volunteers to pull winning tickets and call out winning ticket numbers; coordinate set up of the gym for the auction with the janitors; create Auction Programs and tickets; wrap baskets; send home notices requesting donations and later notices advertising the Auction; coordinate volunteers to sell tickets and run prizes to winners; obtain good will prizes for kids who don’t win anything.

Bingo Night

Send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money, obtain and distribute bingo boards, arrange for set up of bingo board and calling table, schedule teacher volunteers to call the numbers, make sure there are prizes for the winners, and coordinate refreshments with the Refreshments committee.

Sports Nights

Determine date to attend event (probably coordinate with MIS and PMS PTOs), send flyer home announcing event, collect orders and money, confirm final number with group sales, collect and distribute tickets. In the past, we have attended Trenton Thunder games in May with MIS and PMS.


Work with yearbook company representative; take candid photographs of students; collect candid photographs of students taken by teachers and other parents; design page layouts, choose photos to be in yearbook; send home order form; collect monies and orders; order appropriate number of yearbooks; distribute yearbooks.


Create and send home flyers and pledge forms announcing event and requesting donations to benefit the Playground Fund, coordinate actual event with the gym teacher, arrange for parent volunteers to help supervise the Walk-A-Thon and collect all pledges.

Teacher Appreciation Week

During 1st week of May, order, purchase and create small tokens of appreciate (e.g. Ring Pops that have note attached stating “Teachers are jewels”) to give to each teacher and aide; order, purchase and provide breakfast on one day of the week; create and hang up posters about teacher appreciation.

Pretzel Sales

Plan dates, create flyers advertising sale dates, collect preorders and moneys, order pretzels based on preorders, pick up and deliver pretzels on date of sales.

Playground Status

Act as liaison between PTO fundraising efforts, principal and Buildings and Grounds in effort to raise funds and purchase new playground equipment for Clara Barton School.

Halloween Spooktacular

Solicit donations of food and decorations from local businesses and families, plan Halloween themed activities, arrange for volunteers to run the activities and decorate the gym, send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money, distribute tickets.

Mini Golf Night

Contact company that provides golf course for the event, reserve date, obtain information on costs and requirements of program, solicit donations of food and decorations from local businesses and families, coordinate theme decoration plans with teachers, arrange for volunteers to decorate gym and supervise activities and refreshments, send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money, distribute tickets.

Spring Dance

Solicit donations of food and decorations from local businesses and families, obtain a DJ or country music and square dance caller, develop plans for a chili cook-off or other theme appropriate events, arrange for volunteers to decorate the all purpose room and supervise activities and refreshments, send home flyer announcing event, collect ticket orders and money.

Get Out and Play Carnival

Solicit donations of food, decorations, and carnival themed events such as a dunking booth, face painting stations, temporary tattoo stations and refreshment stands, arrange for volunteers to decorate the carnival area and run the carnival events, publicize event, collect ticket orders and money.