25.Board of Management for Methodist Independent Schools

Basic Information


/ Board of Management for Methodist Independent Schools

Contact Name and Details

/ Graham Russell, Secretary to the Board of Management

Status of Paper

/ Final
Resolution/s / The resolutions in the report enable the Conference to appoint governors of Ashville College, Kingswood School and Rydal Penrhos School.

Summary of Content

Subject and Aims / Appointment of governors to three Methodist Independent Schools
Main Points / As above
Background Context and Relevant Documents (with function) / The Conference is responsible for the appointment of governors to the three schools named in the resolutions.

Board of Management for Methodist Independent Schools

Under the Schemes relating to the administration of Ashville College, Kingswood School and Rydal Penrhos School, the Conference is responsible for theappointment of governors to their governing bodies. Governors are nominated by the governing bodies and/or the Board of Management and are initially appointed for a period of three years. They may be re-appointed for a further period.


Ashville College

25/1.The Conference, on the re-nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Peter Whiteley, Mr Richard Manby and Ms Maggie Matthews as governors of Ashville College for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

25/2.The Conference, on the nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Jamie Search and Mr David Ewart as governors of Ashville College for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

Kingswood School

25/3.The Conference, on the re-nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Paul Baines, Mr Michael Bishay, Mr Colin Burns, Mr Gavin Douglas, Mr Andrew Gibbs and Mr Peter Wright as governors of Kingswood School for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

25/4.The Conference, on the re-nomination of the Board of Management, appointed Ms Mary Hayden and Ms Katie Pillinger as governors of Kingswood School for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

25/5.The Conference, on the nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Robert Sandry and Mr Tim Westbrook as governors of Kingswood School for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

Rydal Penrhos School

25/6.The Conference, on the re-nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Geoffrey Green, Mr Paul Slater and The Revd Dr Stephen D Wigley as governors of Rydal Penrhos for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

25/7.The Conference, on the nomination of the school governors, appointed Mr Ralph Dransfield as governor of Rydal Penrhos School for a period of three years from 1 September 2011.

Reasoned Statements

Ashville College

David Ewart

Former Head of Barnard Castle and a team inspector for ISI. Governor of Windlestone Special School and board member of East Middlesbrough Learning Trust.

Jamie Search

Old Ashvillian and parent governor. MD of WG Search Limited which provides plant hire, portable accommodation, diesel engine and compressed air solutions to many areas of industry

Kingswood School

Mr Tim Westbrook

Educated at Kingswood School, Bath and Downing College, Cambridge. A retired company director of Royal Brierley Crystal Ltd.

Mr Robert Sandry

Educated at Prior’s Court and Kingswood School Bath. Strong family connections with Kingswood School. A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Rydal Penrhos School

Mr Ralph Dransfield

A chartered architect with over 30 years experience in inspections and repairs for both Anglican and Methodist churches. He is also a keen musician.