Details of your nominee

Nominee’s name:
Nominee’s address:
Telephone (home):
Telephone (mobile):
Email address:
Name of team, club, project or organisation (if applicable):
Length of time with team, club, project or organisation (if applicable):
Date of birth if under 18 on 31 November 2014:
Is the person, team, club organisation aware that you have nominated them?


Award nominated for (please tick one only – use a separate form for each nomination you would like to make):

Junior male sports person ☐Junior female sports person ☐

Senior male sports person ☐Senior Female sports person ☐

Coach of the year ☐Volunteer of the year ☐

Club of the year ☐Junior team of the year ☐

Disabled sports person ☐Unsung hero ☐

Most developed club of the year ☐

Reasons for your nomination...

Please answer each of the questions below (in no more than 250 words for each), ensuring that you include the following information:

  • Evidence and information to match the criteria for the relevant award category
  • Facts and figures to support your nomination (e.g. coaching hours, length of time the person or project has been successful etc.)
  • An explanation of what makes the individual, club or group you are nominating special

The judging panel can only shortlist the finalists based on the information provided in the nomination forms so be sure to include everything you can to highlight the value of your nominee's achievements!

What achievements has the individual, team or club made over the past 12 months? (E.g. events won, progress as an athlete, increased participation, county/country representation etc.)

(Max 250 words)

What commitment has the individual, club or team shown to sport over the past 12 months? (E.g. training sessions attended, coaching hours delivered, volunteer time committed, number of training courses attended etc.)

(Max 250 words)

What other qualities does the individual, club or team bring to their sport/organisation? (E.g. leadership, humour, good role model etc.)

(Max 250 words)

Is there any other information you wish to provide about your nominee that has not already been mentioned?

(Max 250 words)

If at all possible, please send us a photograph of the person/club you are nominating - either a profile or 'in action' shot is fine.

Your details

Your name:
Your address:
Telephone (home):
Telephone (mobile):
Email address:
Relationship to the nominee (coach, teacher, family etc.):

On line applications available ???

Once you have completed all fields, please email your nomination form to or Wyre Forest District Council, Sports Development, Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, Worcs DY11 7WF - no later than 12:00hrs on Friday 31st October 2014.