Clerk: Mrs Julia Tufnail Office Hours: Monday-Friday Mornings

7 Amen Place, Little Addington, Northants, NN14 4AU

Telephone 07410 633544

Email: Website:

Your Councillors:Ray Ogle, Chairman

Laurence Harper, ViceChairmanTerry Kendall-Torry, Planning

Malcolm Ward, also WBCBarbara Bailey, also WBC

Sally FarrellGill Spencer

Gordon SwannStuart Cooper

Andrew WeatherillMike Bentley

Danny MullenDennis Willmott

The Council has agreed it’s Budget for the next year which can be viewed on our website

The replacement of the railings at Tainty Field is underway and Planning Permission has had to be sought. Once we know the outcome of this, we can press ahead. Part funding has also been applied for from WBC and the Council is hoping that this will be granted to ease the pressure on the Council’s budget.

You will have noticed that they trees have been dealt with throughout the village and the difference it has made to the open spaces. Banks Park has been smartened up no end and the brick pillars are on the list for repair following vandal damage earlier in the year.

We all await the outcome of the NCC budget process which will determine the future of the library in Finedon. The Parish Council have had to forwardplan with financial aid to keep the library as a going and viable concern if, despite all efforts, the NCC goes ahead with its proposals.

The Council has had a number of complaints about dog fouling in the village. WBC’s Dog Warden is aware of the issues in Finedon and is keeping an eye on the situation. If anyone knows who is responsible for the fouling, please contact the Dog Warden as they have powers to prosecute. It would be really helpful to them if you are able to provide dates & times as well so that they can build a case. Whilst the Parish Council fully supports the Dog Warden, it does not have any such powers, so please contact WBC direct.

As usual, please feel free to contact me should you have anything you wish to bring to the Council’s attention. Providing it is within the Council’s remit, we will try our best to make Finedon a better place to live.

Julia Tufnail

Clerk, Finedon Parish Council