BiC Organisation Application Form

Organisation Details
Organisation Name
Organisation Address / Postcode:
Telephone Number
Registered Charity Number
Your Details
Contact Name / Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof
Position/Job Title
Direct Telephone Number / Mobile
Email Address
Which type(s) of charity or charitable cause(s) would your organisation identify itself as?
Animals / Employment / Legal Advice & Justice
Children / Environment / Mental Health
Community Support / Families / Music, Drama & Arts
Disability / Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transsexual issues / Politics
Disaster Relief / Health (if specific condition/issue please indicate below) / Prisoners & Ex-Offenders
Domestic Violence / Heritage / Race & Ethnicity
Drugs & Addiction / Homelessness & Housing / Religion
Education / Human & Civil Rights / Sport & Activity
Elderly / International Aid / Youth
Other (please specify):
More about the organisation
Please provide a brief summary (5 or 6 lines) about the aims and objectives of the organisation:
Number of paid staff / Number of voluntary staff / Number of trustees
Is your organisation a member of a national organisation?
Details of Management Committee Meetings
Frequency of meetings / Daily / Quarterly
Weekly / Twice per year
Monthly / Annually
Bi-monthly / Ad Hoc
Meeting Time (AM/PM)
Meeting Town & City / Postcode
Details of the vacancy
How many Board Member/Trustee vacancies does your organisation have?
Please specify any particular skills or experience required:
Please tick which of the following would be acceptable candidates:
Barrister / Post-graduate
Solicitor / Under-graduate
Clerk/Practice Manager / Other
If applicable, please state the deadline by which the vacancy must be filled:
Organisation Literature
When providing our panel of potential volunteers with details of organisations, it is helpful if we are able to provide them with some literature about the organisation. If you have any electronic documents of relevant material (such as recent newsletters or annual reports) or photographs (e.g. logos) that we could use on our website, please could you also attach these when you email us your application.