Minutes of the Environment Committee Meeting held in the Kitty Dancy Room, Sandhurst Community Hall Complex on Thursday 19th May 2011 at 7.45p.m. ending at 9.31p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors - Mrs C Cupper (Chairman), Mrs J Bettison, A Blatchford, M Brossard, Mrs P McKenzie, G Ramsey.
APOLOGIES: Councillors - D Evans, P Hodge.
1. Announcements. The Chairman announced that the order of business would be as stated in the Committee procedures document. NOTED.
2. Declarations of Interest. Members were reminded to declare interest in agenda items wherever relevant.
Cllr Mrs J Bettison declared her interest in Keep Mobile. NOTED.
Cllr Blatchford requested that the Clerk of the meeting be included in the attendance list. This suggestion is to be put forward to the Strategy & Policy meeting. ACTION.
4. Minutes. The Committee agreed the minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 10th March 2011as a true record.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
(a) Millennium Stone. The Assistant Executive Officer advised that the brick work had been completed and that it was hoped the granite would be erected in the near future. NOTED.
(b) Family Fitness Fun Day Cllr Mrs Cupper asked for help with Registration, etc. Cllr Mrs Bettison, Cllr Brossard, Cllr Mrs McKenzie and Cllr R McKenzie will be available, however Cllr Blatchford is away on the day. Posters will be placed on all the Council notice boards in the Library and in the Surgeries. NOTED.
(c) Clean Team. Cllr Mrs Cupper advised that Heather Holland had returned for one hour per day and the Assistant Executive Officer had put together a Rehabilitation Programme that Heather’s doctor had approved. It is hoped that Heather would be fully recovered and back full time by August 2011. The Assistant Executive Officer had discussed the tyres presently being used on Wendy’s trike with Berkshire Cycles and it was agreed that these were the best ones for the job. Hopefully there will be no more punctures. NOTED.
(d) Nepalese Community Support Worker. Cllr Mrs Cupper advised that the Executive Officer had been in discussions with Andrew Avenell, Project Manager of NHS Berkshire East, who was more than happy to come and talk to the Council. NOTED.
(e) Keep Mobile. A revised leaflet was presented to the meeting and it was agreed that it looked very professional. Cllr Mrs Bettison had been at a meeting with Yateley Town Council and Yela Bus, and agreed a community transport pilot scheme to operate across border. It was agreed that Keep Mobile would attend a Full Council meeting in the autumn and give a presentation. ACTION.
(f) Grit Bins. Cllr Mrs Cupper advised that she had informed Cllr Wallington that as funds were not available the residents in Acacia Avenue would have to purchase their own bins. NOTED.
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(g) Football Parking. Cllr Mrs Cupper had obtained “No Parking” stickers and the Day Centre was going to make use of these. The Council need to be kept informed of the car registration numbers if and when these stickers are used. NOTED.
(h) Dog Fouling Campaign. The Assistant Executive Officer reported that the “Dog Poo Fairy” campaign appeared to have worked whilst the posters were up, however owners are now apparently hanging the bags off hedges etc! Ideas for a new Dog Poo Campaign to be incorporated with a Litter Campaign were needed. The Assistant Executive Officer suggested it be brought to the schools and it was agreed that this would be a good idea. ACTION.
Cllr Brossard has written an article for the SRA magazine. NOTED.
6. Items for Information/Decision
(a) Notice Boards in Sandhurst.
The allocation of notice boards was made so that Councillors could make sure the notice board and the notices were kept in order. The allocation was made as follows:
Cllr Ronca the notice board by the Railway
Cllr Brossard the notice board by the Library
Cllr Mrs Cupper two notice boards on Yeovil Road
Cllr Wallington the notice board on Harvard Road
Cllr Mrs Bettison the notice board on the Park
Cllr Brossard the notice board on Ambarrow Crescent
Cllr Brossard the notice board on Longdown Road
Cllr Mrs McKenzie the notice board by Waitrose
Cllr Mrs Cupper the notice board by College Town School
Cllr Blatchford the notice board at Tesco
(b) Footpaths in Sandhurst. It was agreed that the responsibility to oversee footpaths
would be delegated as follows:
Cllr Wallington Owlsmoor Recreation ground
Cllr Wallington Birkbeck Place to Moor Close onto Yeovil Road
College Town.
Cllr Blatchford/ Fairmead Close to Yorktown Road)
Cllr Mrs Cupper Fairmead Close to Yorktown Road)
Cllr Mrs Cupper Oversee shopping areas
Cllr Mrs McKenzie Footpath 1 Waitrose to College Farm
Cllr Blatchford Footpath 15 Branksome Hill Road to College Road
Central Sandhurst.
Cllr Ramsey Footpath 8 & 13a Edgbarrow Woods
Cllr Ramsey Footpath 2 along the railway
Cllr Ramsey Footpath beside shops to Gough’s Meadow
Little Sandhurst.
Cllr D Birch Footpaths 11, 19 & Horseshoe Lake
Cllr Brossard Footpaths 3 & 4 Scotland Hill, Perry Hill, Rectory Close
Cllr Brossard Ambarrow Crescent to Maybrick Close
(c) Appointments to Outside Bodies. It was agreed that the following Councillors would be appointed to outside bodies and committees as follows:
Blackwater Valley Recreation and Countryside Management Committee
Cllr Blatchford, Cllr Ramsey (sub).
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Bannister Charity
Cllr Mrs Bettison, Cllr Mrs Cupper
Edgbarrow/Sandhurst Sports Centre Management Committee
Cllr Widdowson, Cllr Mrs Bettison
Bracknell Forest Parish Council Liaison Committee
Cllr Mrs Bettison and Cllr Mrs Cupper
Sandhurst Day Centre
Cllr Mrs Cupper
New Owlsmoor Centre
Cllr Mrs McKenzie
Clean Team
Cllr Mrs Cupper and Cllr Brossard
Museum Trust
Cllr Blatchford, Cllr Ramsey (sub)
Biodiversity Forum
Cllr Mrs Cupper
Bracknell Forest Partnership
Cllr Brossard, Cllr Mrs Cupper, Cllr D Birch (sub)
Bracknell Forest Voluntary Association
Cllr Brossard, Cllr Mrs Bettison (sub)
(d) Interests/Expertise.
Bordering County Liaison Cllr Mrs Bettison
Educational Matters Yet to be decided
Youth Cllr Mrs Bettison
Health Cllr Mrs Bettison
Social Care Cllr D Birch – to be asked
Housing Cllr D Birch – to be asked
Environmental Matters Cllr Blatchford
Extended Services Cllr Mrs Cupper, Cllr Mrs McKenzie
Local Policing Cllr Mrs Cupper
Campaigns Yet to be decided
Telecommunications Masts Cllr Mrs Bettison, Cllr Ramsey
Recycling Cllr Mrs Cupper, Cllr Ramsey, Cllr Mrs Bettison
Local Development Framework Cllr D Birch, Cllr Ramsey, Cllr Ronca
Senior Citizens Cllr Mrs Cupper
Bracknell Town Regeneration Cllr Allen, Cllr Mrs Bettison
Engagement with hard to reach groups Cllr Mrs Bettison
Engagement with Volunteer groups Cllr Brossard , Cllr Mrs Bettison
S.R.A. Liaison Cllr Bettison,Cllr Mrs Bettison, Cllr Mrs Cupper
Cllr Ramsey, Cllr D Birch, Cllr Brossard (sub)
Cultural Partnership Cllr Mrs Bettison, Cllr Blatchford (sub)
(e) RRR
The notes made by Fiona Edwards at the recent RRR meeting have been circulated. Cllr Mrs Cupper to check with Executive Officer who received these. ACTION
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(f) R.M.A.
The Assistant Executive Officer had been in touch with the Community Support Officer in connection with including leaflets on Sandhurst, the community and the activities being held on the Park in the Welcome Pack for new families. It was agreed this was a good idea and that when a meeting was arranged, Cllr Mrs Cupper would like to be included. ACTION.
(g) The Assistant Executive Officer showed the photographs that had been taken by a local photographer and Nick Hurd, Groundsman, of insects and wildlife. It was agreed that a Photographic Exhibition would be an excellent idea. ACTION.
8. Councillors Reports
(a) Cllr Mrs Cupper read out a letter of thanks received from Vicky Stilliard on behalf of the monies donated to the Mayor’s Charity 2010/2011 – The Howard Stilliard Memorial Fund.
(b) Cllr Mrs Cupper updated the meeting on her recent visit to Broadmoor Hospital with Cllr Piggin with regards to the proposed development. Vickie Holcroft wants to visit Sandhurst to discuss the development and give a presentation to the public. Cllr Mrs Cupper to ascertain what facilities they would require and what are available at either the Kitty Dancy Room or Community Hall. The presentation would be made prior to the Planning Application being submitted. ACTION.
(c) Cllr Brossard advised that crime was down and that posters advising this were being placed on every Notice board in Sandhurst. ACTION.
(d) Cllr Brossard advised that there were two (2) planning applications relating to mobile phone masts being discussed at BFBC next week. Both these applications related to Sandhurst – Crowthorne Road and Victoria Road. NOTED.
(e) Cllr Mrs Cupper advised that Gary Campion was back on duty full time. NOTED.
(f) Cllr Mrs Cupper suggested that the Community Payback Scheme could be asked to paint the toilets in the Coffee Spot. The Assistant Executive Officer was to discuss this with Robin Ranger, Head Groundsman and revert to Cllr Mrs Cupper. ACTION.
9. Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14th July 2011 at 7.45pm in the Kitty Dancy Room.
S:/Office Minutes/Environment/2011/May