Raising Your Support

The cost of your mission trip can be partially or fully covered by donations that other people make to Mission Possible.

Mission Possible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means we will issue a tax-deductible receipt for all donations made for your trip (whether made by you or by someone else). Those who itemize on their taxes can take a tax deduction for their donations.

If you raise more support than the cost of the trip, those funds will be used to support the ministries of the schools or churches you will visit. Because Mission Possible is a nonprofit organization, we cannot refund gifts that have already been receipted.

One of the best ways to raise your money is to send out letters to family and friends, giving them the opportunity to partner with you in prayer and financial support. You should not feel ashamed to ask people to prayerfully consider supporting your trip – you are giving them an opportunity to be directly involved in a special missions project. You are not going on a vacation, you are going to help the mission with it’s ministry through the churches and schools. Many people are eager and find great satisfaction in helping someone they know and care about go to the mission field. In some cases, you are doing something they have always wanted to do.

Do not forget to involve your church. Be sure to talk to your pastor, youth pastor, or missions committee about this opportunity.

A proven way of raising your support is to send out 75-100 letters. Most people who do this raise all their funds needed for the trip. A sample letter has been provided on the back side that you are welcome to use. You may also want to make it a little more personal by adding some of your own touches, but don’t change the overall content or add specific ministry details without approval from Mission Possible. Get your letters out as soon as possible!

Be sure to send thank-you notes after people give, and then also following your trip!

Sample Letter


Dear ______,

I am so excited to tell you about an incredible opportunity. God has opened the door for me to go overseas on a short-term mission trip with a ministry called Mission Possible. I will be using my gifts and talentsin [Haiti –or—the Dominican Republic]. Mission Possible’s website is if you want to learn more about the organization and its ministries.

Our group will be working on the field – assisting them in their local church and school outreach. I will be learning about missions from them, working with the primary and secondary students, and [explain your team’s specific mission/purpose]. I believe this experience will help me enlarge my heart to poverty and participate in a ministry that is making a big difference.

I am going on this trip with [name the team leader, group, or other team members if appropriate]. Our team is meeting together regularly to be well prepared and to plan the biggest impact we can have.

The dates of our trip are [dates]. I am asking friends and family to join me in prayer about this upcoming trip. Please pray that I will be used by God in a mighty way, and that I will be open to what He wants to show me. I also need prayer that God will send supporters to help me raise the needed $[amount] for the trip.

Your prayerful consideration of support is greatly appreciated. Mission Possible is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization and will send you a tax-deductible receipt upon receiving any contribution you make for the trip. If I am unable to participate in the trip, your gift will be used to support the short-term missions program of Mission Possible.

Thank you so much for considering this as I prepare for my trip.


[Your name]


Dear Mission Possible,

After considering this mission opportunity, I want to support Mission Possible’sshort-term team. Our preference is that this gift be used to support [Your name]. We understand that the use of the gift is subject to the discretion and control of Mission Possible.

My name:


City, State and Zip:

Phone: Email:

Gift enclosed: $100 $75 $50 $25 Other $______

Make all checks payable to Mission Possible and mail to:

USA:Mission Possible Canada:Mission Possible

PO Box 1026PO Box 40121

Findlay, OH45839-1026London, Ontario N5W 5Z5