RFEI AUTHOR:[BRACKETED YELLOW HIGHLIGHTS] to be filled-in or changed by the RFEI Author. Remove highlighting and delete this header before issuing the RFEI.

/ Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI)
Number: ______

The Ministry of [NAME OF MINISTRY] is requesting expressions of interest from interested parties for the supply of [DESCRIBE REQUIREMENT OR BUSINESS ISSUE].This RFEI is intended to determine whether or not there is sufficient market interest to proceed to a competitive bidding process.In the event there is sufficient interest in this requirement, the Ministry may, but is not obligated to, initiate a competitive bidding opportunity.



[BRIEF Description of the project or initiative under consideration]

Interested parties are invited to respond to this RFEI by submitting a letter to the Province that includes a brief statement of the nature of their interest in the Ministry’s requirement.Responses should only include a statement of interest, and should not include any other information or qualifications.There will be no evaluation, ranking, or selection of vendors as a result of this RFEI; it will not be used to pre-qualify or screen vendors for a subsequent competitive bidding process, if any.

If subsequent competitive bidding opportunities are issued, the Ministry is under no obligation to advise any vendor responding to this RFEI. Vendors should monitor the BC Bid website ( for such opportunities, which will be open to all vendors, whether or not a response to this RFEI was submitted.

Responses should be delivered by hand, regular mail, facsimile or email to the following location before [DATE], and should quote RFEI Number [RFEI NUMBER]:

Ministry of Labour and Citizens’ Services

Purchasing Services Branch

P.O. Box 9476 Stn Prov Govt

c/o 2nd Floor 563 Superior Street

Victoria, BCV8V 1T7

Fax: 250-387-7309



One complete electronic response should be submitted in accordance with BC Bid instructions for ebidding and be received before the date stated above.Only registered e-bidders can submit responses on BC Bid.For more information on e-bidding refer to

Contact Person:



RFEI Rev. October 2006