Agawam Soccer Association - Executive Board Meeting
Monday, October 5, 2009
(Followed by the Coaches Meeting)
St. John’s Church
President: Brian Regnier, Vice President: Phil LeClair, Treasurer: Denise Kresock, Secretary: Lilliam Tarantino, PV Vice President: Bill Scherpa, PV Director – Girls: Lisa Humiston, PV Director – Boys: Tom Cronin, In Town Vice President: T.C. Stathis, In Town Director – Boys: Frank Montagna, In Town Assistant Director – Boys: Rebecca Beadreau, Director of Referees: Ed Abraham, Registrar: Steve Maloney, Field Operations Director: Tim Humiston, Webmaster: Michael Tarantino, Sponsorship Coordinator: Mike Beaudry, Communications Director: Jennifer Bonfiglio
In Town Director – Girls: Frank DeGeorge, In Town Assistant Director – Girls: Bari Thomas, Intro Director: Terry Taylor
Secretary’s Report
Ø Motion was made to pass the Secretary’s Report.
o Motion by Bill, second T.C. and Ed, all in favor and passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Ø Motion was made to pass the Treasurer’s Report.
o Motion by T.C., second by Lilliam, all in favor and passed.
In Town – Vice President’s Report
Ø Goals need to be moved back to School St.
Ø Spring registration
o Flyers will be handed out on 10/17 & 10/18 and will be dropped at School St. and Jr. High
o Early bird sign up will receive a $10 discount on registration fee
§ Jr. High from 1 – 3:30 p.m. on Saturday
§ School Street 1 -3 p.m. on Sunday
In Town – Boys Director Report
Ø Follow up on Jamboree
o Parents were not aware that raffle tickets were pre-paid
o Field numbers at fields would be helpful for next year
o Received compliments on the size of fields (100x67)
Director of Referees
Ø Three new referees added to the roster of referees
Ø Feedback has been positive
Ø Currently 27 active refs
Ø Plan to have another class for the spring (Mar./Apr. timeframe)
Director of Communications
Ø The following will be advertised:
o Soccer appreciation party
o Soccer registrations
o Flyer about early bird registration
Field Operations Report
Ø Last fertilizer was done
Ø Sprinkler lines were blown out for the winter
Webmaster Report
Ø U16 & U18 age groups will need to be added online
Other Business
Ø Soccer appreciation party
o Will be held on Friday, November 6 at the Dante Club – 7 p.m.
o Each Board member is expected to bring a raffle gift
o Price will be $15/person
o Tickets will be sold through teams and at the door
Ø Code of Conduct to be added to registration form
o This will help reinforce appropriate behavior by parents and will provide a record for ASA
Ø In Town discussions
o Suggestion to have coaches complete the G license course as a foundation for coaching
o A meeting with In Town parents and coaches is encouraged to establish expectations, rules, and conduct at games
o It is suggested that ASA adopt a new process for informing coaches who is on their team
§ ASA could benchmark the Little League process
Ø November 14th Fundraiser
o This concept is in the beginning planning stages
o A fundraiser for the booster club where proceeds will be split among ASA, Girls, and Boys
o Admission to the event would go directly to the High School
o Schedule would be as follows:
§ 4 p.m. Coaches game
· Open to anyone who has coached for ASA
· Cost would be $20 to play
§ 5:30 p.m. Girls Alumni game
§ 7 p.m. Boys Alumni game
o All participants would receive a t-shirt
Respectfully submitted,
Lilliam E. Tarantino
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