Thickwood Heights School
96Silin Forest Road, Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 3A1
Telephone: 780-743-8417 Fax: 780-791-6811
We are a Safe and Caring School
Welcome to a new month at Thickwood, an “Arts-focused” school! For students and families new to our school community, we are glad you chose to join us, and believe your experiences with us will be filled with high-quality learning, excitement and passion for the arts.
Only a few more weeks until Christmas…
- 30girls and boys played volleyball andnext up is basketball starting on January 4th!
- Our Remembrance Day Assembly was a big success! Thank you to all parents who were in attendance.
- Report Cards went home on Monday, November 21st and Parent Teacher Interviews were busy both evenings later that week. The book fair was also a big success (thank you)!
- Our school restorations continue and the bathroom floors will be repainted and the office will have new carpet installed. The replacement of lost or damaged items continues.
- Our technology club is up and operating and the students have been busy working with coding. Robotics will start after the Christmas Break.
- Our Movember Fundraising Assembly on November 30thraised a good amount of money for Prostate Cancer and Men’s Health awareness. Mr. Abbott and Mr. Upper dressed up, lip syncedand danced to Barbie Girl. The school raised $405.00 for Men’s Health (thank you).
- Our United Way Campaign raised $210.00. Good work students!
- All this month we have been collecting food for the food bank and we gathered a big truck load of food. Well done parents, students, and staff in helping support families in need!
- Our Christmas Concert was Wednesday, December 7th at 6:30pm and a packed house saw a great show! A fun filled night of entertainment!
- Parent Council is still looking for volunteers to help out with Christmas Wrapping and our Casino.Here is the link to sign up:
- Our breakfast program continues to be very busy and during our Spirit Week of activities we raised both money ($900.00) and food supplies to support the initiative. All the food items are in the choose most often category in our School Health and Wellness policy.
- Auditions for Madagascar will be during school time the week ofDecember 12thto 16th
- Just a reminder that Christmas Break is December 16th to January 2nd.
- Please remind your students to be careful crossing the road in the mornings and to look both ways before crossing the street.
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Thickwood Heights Staff!
Our next School Council and PAC meeting is Jan 11th 6:00 to 8:00pm. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend.You can follow us on twitter, Facebook and our school web page (@thickwoodArts;
Graham Abbott
Helpful Hints for Parents
- Encourage your child to develop a positive outlook toward school.
- Stay in contact with your child’s teachers.
- Attend parent-teacher meetings, school plays, monthly assemblies, and concerts, social and sport events.
- Avoid if possible taking holidays during school time.
- Inform the school in advance of your child’s absence from school.
- Meet or contact school staff when an incident arises in school involving your child.
- Cooperate with the school when solving problems or issues involving your child.
- Watch for changes in your child’s mood or behavior that might suggest problems at school.
- Inform teachers of issues that might affect your child’s progress or behavior.
- Review on a regular basis your child’s homework and assignments, and sign agendas.
- Provide access to reading resources at home.
- Read all communications from the school (includes social media sites).
- Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities (inside and outside school). It builds good character.
- Spend time with your child when they come home and ask how they day at school went. Help out with school work if possible.
Please Remember:
- We welcome parents to be in the school and encourage you to participate in and attend school functions and events.
- Polite cooperation with all school personnel is essential.
- All visitors must sign in and out at the main office.
- All students have the right to attend school without being afraid or intimidated.
- Harassment of any type(sexual, verbal or physical) and bullying (physical, verbal or via social media) will not be tolerated and dealt with accordingly.
- Clothing, book bags, etc. that display inappropriate language, slogans, pictures or symbols, or anything that might be considered offensive will not be permitted.
- Cell Phones are not to be used in the school and must be kept in backpacks.
- Hats must be removed when you enter the school.
- Bikes and skateboards are not to be ridden on school grounds. Bikes and scooters must be locked in the bike racks.
- Please remember to drive slowly in the school zone.
- Please remember to not drop off students in staff parking or the school bus zone!
- Staff supervision of students at school starts at 8:40am and ends at 3:45pm.
School Schedule
8:50: First Bell
8:55: Attendance
9:00: Announcements and First Class begins
12:20—12:40:Lunch Recess
2:15-2:30: Recess
Please consult your child’s teacher for Kindergarten schedule.
Monday—Friday a.m.8:50—11:50
Monday—Friday p.m.12:30—3:30
3:30: Dismissal
Council & PAC Dates (6:00 to 8:00)
January 11th
February 15th
March 15th
April 26th
May 24th
Monthly Assemblies & Events
Dec 13th Monthly Assembly AM
Feb 7th Monthly Assembly PM
March 7th Monthly Assembly AM
April 18th Monthly Assembly PM
June 6th Monthly Assembly AM
June 15th Grade 6 Farewell
June 26th Year End BBQ
June 29th Year End Awards Assembly
Family Fun Nights 6:00-7:00
Jan 12th FFN(Hockey)
Feb 9th FFN
April 2nd to April 5th School Production
May 4th FFN (May the 4th be with you!)
June 7th Fine Arts Extravaganza Evening
Reports and PTIs
March 10th Report Cards home
March 16th & 17th Parent Teacher Interviews
May 11th & 12th PATs