Parish Council Meeting 14th November 2016

Present : Chairman C Davis, Parish Councillors T Flower, S Landfear and R Broome .Also present County Councillor S Barker, District Councillors M Colclough and D Smith together with 6 Parishioners

Apologies – Cllrs. S Reynolds and L Dyas

Declarations – Members to declare any interests in matters for Discussion.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th October 2016 - Approved and signed by the Chairman

County Councillor - Cllr. Barker confirmed his intention to support Denbury Playing Fields with funds via Ogwell FC and may also find some additional money in “Investing in Devon Fund”. Other possibilities were discussed which Denbury & Torbryan PC can pick up on.

District Councillors – Mentioned the theft of Car Parking machines in Teignbridge and a new initiative to encourage residents to stack their recycling bins to reduce rubbish being blown about. There will be monthly prize draws for neatly stacked bins.

Planning – 2.1 –Planning Applications –

16/02186/FUL Land east of Acorn Wood, West Ogwell – Creation of gated access onto road boundary and associated hardstanding. This is a part of a larger field which has road access and there have been planning issues in the past at this site – agreed we would express concern at a further entrance.

16/02899/LBC – West Ogwell Church – Single bay oak Notice Board to west wall of south porch – No adverse comments

2.2 Electronic presentation of Applications – The Clerk attended a training session at Teignbridge regarding presenting Planning Applications at future meetings using Powerpoint to play prepared Applications via a Laptop using a projector and screen. The technique of preparing the Applications from TDC’s website appear straightforward although would be time consuming with a complicated or major application. Cllr Broome is going to attend the training session to gain an insight and to help with future presentations. It was agreed to spend up to £1,000 for a laptop & projector and Cllr Broome will investigate.

2.3 Play Area at Dawes Close – Upgrade – Cllr. Landfear wished to place on record that while supporting the ambitions re Denbury Playing Fields, Dawes Close upgrade is our priority especially as Linden homes has so far totally failed to provide promised facilities. A social need in the area has been highlighted by Elaine Prouse and we are awaiting more information. Council agreed that this is our first priority. Meeting with TDC very useful and they will help with progressing plans for upgrade. We need to get underway as soon as we can. Various sources of funding will be followed up with input from TDC and Pre-School.

2.4 Linden Homes and Teignbridge - The latest news from TDC Planning is that Linden Homes are falling behind on the amended agreement by some 6 months.

2.5 Power on the Green – The Cabinet is in place and cable installed. It was proposed by Cllr. Flower, seconded by Cllr. Landfear and agreed by all that we would accept a quote of £300 from the electrician who did the work at the Toilet Block to put in wiring and meter and supply the necessary certificate.

2.6 Defibrillator/s in Parish - Having protested against the removal of the BT Phone box via Planning at TDC we are awaiting the outcome.

2.7 Denbury Playing Fields - A meeting took place at Denbury Playing Fields at the invitation of Emma Heaver, Councillor on Denbury and Torbryan PC. This was to show the present facilities and the future plans and to have the support of Ogwell PC especially to allow Cllr. Barker to pass over funds which are specifically aimed at Playing Field facilities. Ogwell parishioners use Denbury Playing Fields, in particular the Football Club so our interest and support is appropriate especially as the Playing Fields are in Ogwell Parish. Proposition “That Ogwell Parish Council fully supports Denbury & Torbryan Parish Council in their endeavours to facilitate construction of the new Sports Pavilion on Denbury Playing Fields. Such support initially to be by way of (but not exclusively) contributing to meetings and discussions leading to applications for funding this project with a view to producing a beneficial outcome for the residents of both parishes.” Proposed by Cllr R Broome, seconded by Cllr T Flower and all present agreed.

3.Paths and Highways

3.1 Update – Work on Footpath 8 –The style has been replaced by a gate and the bill is £418.00 which will be taken from the Parish Paths Account.

4.Communications 4.1 Report and update- Re Website – Cllr. Landfear reported that the use of the web-site is increasing thanks to the improvements ongoing.

5. Democracy

5.1 Finance Report – Cheques written since last Meeting and confirmed – Simon Jones £255.00 Grass cutting, Sandover Associates Ltd £875.00 Re Neighbourhood Plan, South West Water £43.35 which cover two months, September and October, Tim Flower Canada Hill Solutions £781.00 re Power on the Green and Eric Hannaford £414.00 re Power on the Green, Cllr. Landfear £35.30 re renting the room at the School for tonight’s meeting, Daniel Ramsey £418.00 re the work on Footpath 8 to come from Parish Paths Account. Budget for 2017/8 Our existing Annual Precept is £23,528 and we are likely to use up the budget by the end of the financial year. Clerk to put together a draft budget for consideration at next meeting as we have to put in our request for the precept by 3rd February 2017

5.2 TALC Meeting Cllr Broome reported that 5 TALC Meetings per year now agreed.

5.3 Casual Vacancies – Search continues for two new Councillors.

6. Any Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman

6.1.Responses to Draft Neighbourhood Plan – The Pre-submission consultations have been dealt with, in particular addressing those from Teignbridge which were thrashed out at a meeting on 28th October with TDC. Land at Canada Hill, the Dawes Close site and the Minerals Plan were all given particular attention. The Chairman thanked the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for their ongoing work.

6.2 Dog-walkers not picking up after their dogs – this has come forward again, on the Green and in Reynell Road in particular – this item will go on a future agenda to consider what measures may be most effective and meantime Cllr. Landfear agreed to contact the School to consider how they may help with publicity.

6.3 Firework Display - Thanks were expressed to the organisers of this very popular event which went very well in good weather and the hire of the Turf-cutter saved a lot of hard work. Lots of comments on the web-site, so this is an event that brings parishioners together and is well worth the outlay.

7. Date of next meeting – The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Monday 12th December 2016 at 7pm. The December and January meetings will be in the Memorial Hall but it was agreed that the school venue was a success and should be used regularly, the next meeting there to be in February 2017.


12th December 2016