Radolinski[l1] Lesson Plans 1/3/11—1/7/11

Biology-/bio period 1,adv Bio period4 evolution-and sol review-all sols / Monday
1/3/11 / Tuesday 1/4/11 / WED.11/5/11 / Thurs.11/6 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener-will typically be several sol questions from here on out
learning journal / opener
learning journal / opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal
discuss lab results / opener
learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / review for benchmark / benchmark test / review evolution
fpr test
evolution lab / evolution test / discuss classification
Activity(30-35) / cont’d / / / fi
Guided Practice (10-15) / cont’d
Reteach /review (10-15) / cont’d
Closure (5-10) / hw—benchmark test tomorrow,evolution articles w/summaries due Fri,evolution test Thursday-,classification vocab due Friday / hw—,evolution articles w/summaries due Fri,evolution test Thursday-,classification vocab due Friday / hw—,evolution articles w/summaries due Fri,evolution test Thursday-,classification vocab due Friday / hw—,evolution articles w/summaries due Fri, -,classification vocab due Friday / hw-classification test-study for Monday
Human Anatomy and Physiology-period 2- diagnostic medicine,nervoussystem,blood and cardiovascular / Monday
1/3/11 / Tuesday 1/4/11 / WED.
1/5 / Thurs.
1/6/11 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener
learning journal / Opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal / opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / review nervous system / ch 7 test / discuss blood notes / discuss any remaining notes / ch 10 test-hopefully
Activity(30-35) / research hematological project-due next Friday / notes on blood
and finish research / blood/cardiovascular film / go over review from book and workbk / notes on next system
Guided Practice (10-15) / film on nervous system
Reteach /review (10-15)
Closure (5-10) / Hw-ch 7 test tomorrow,blood test Fri,project next Friday / Hw-ch10 text questions due tomorrow/workbk due Thursday,blood test Fri,project next Friday / Hw-,blood test Fri,project next Friday ,workbk due Thursday / Hw-,blood test Fri,project next Friday ,workbk due Thursday / hw- text questions,
