DR G.C. McAnsh, B.Sc.,M.B.,Ch.B.,M.R.C.G.P.

Dr A. J. Birt M.B.B.S.

Wells Health Centre, Bolts Close, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk NR23 1JP

Telephone: Fakenham (01328) 710741 Fax: (01328) 711825

PPG Meeting Minutes – 6th June 2013 6pm

Staff and Members present:

Dr G.C. McAnsh (Practice Senior GP)

Jan Wright (Practice Manager)

Debbie Blurton (staff secretary/reception)

Mike Woodroffe (chairman)

Pauline Catton

Bernard Brownjohn

Sarah Bracey

Colin Rattee (Treasurer)

Joyce Trett

Rebecca Watson

Welcome to our guest speaker’s Daphne Potter and Alison Taylor from Burnham Market Transport Scheme and new PPG members Joyce Trett and Rebecca Watson.

Apologies: Delia Fox, Vivien Horobin, Robert Price

Minutes: Agreed and signed

Matters Arising: Comments box is sufficient in size and is situated on the table in the waiting room.

Guest Speaker: Daphne Potter and Alison Taylor from Burnham Market came to the meeting and gave a very interesting and informative talk about the Burnham Market Car scheme, which covers surrounding areas to East and West and twenty miles inland. The scheme is self funding. Patient pays 45p per mile. Dead miles from door to patient paid for by scheme. Daphne will take a new Transport scheme notice which will be put up in waiting room. PPG agreed to join as members (£12 per year).

First Survey: Jan is going to mention this in the Quay magazine so that patients know it is available. The survey will include questions about the surgery and how the patients feel about the practice, the surgery will try to act upon any suggestions the patients offer. Jan will set up a deadline for the questionnaires to be returned, this will probably be the end of August. We will ask David Jagger if some can be left in the chemist for patients to collect.

Treasurers report: Colin Ratteeis to meet with Jan to set up a bank account for the PPG. Agreed that three signatures required, Dr McAnsh, Jan and Colin.

Car Parking for PPG funds: Money was raised for the PPG at the Beach road car park we hope to receive between £750-1,000 which will be a good start for the group.


Liaison Report: Nothing to report by Bob.

Dementia Report: Pauline attended a meeting at the WCH and said it was well worthwhile and thata lecture was given by two Mental Health Nurses. Various people were there from relatives to staff from Dorrington House, etc.

A.O.B. : It was suggested a newsletter the size of A4 would benefit the patients. All PPG members to contribute towards this (deadline FRIDAY 26TH JULY)already in progress by Jan.

Jan has already put together a entry to go into the Quay magazine mentioning the new computer system installed at the surgery, building work, car parking issues, PPG and NHS changes.

PPG notice board was suggested, the surgery will try to accommodate this although space is very limited. It was agreed that existing notice board could be tidied up and headers made to highlight the posters and notes below.

It was suggested we may have a speaker at some of the meetingsie. David Jagger or Sue Woodruff from the chemist.

Post meeting note – David will try to attend the 8th July PPG meeting Mike to telephone a few days before, he will probably come later in the meeting, Sue Woodruff will probably come to an Autumn PPG meeting.

Meetings are probably going to be held every six to eight weeks in the future.

Next meeting – Thursday 8th July 6pm

The meeting closed at 7pm.