
English 6 Mr. Solomon

Ender’s Game – Option to the Essay

You are eligible to complete this portion as an option to the final on Ender’s Game if you have accomplished the following:

Completed al prior quizzes and activities ACCEPTABLY

Can demonstrate an understanding of Ender and his experiences – clearly

Mr. Solomon’s approval ______

Choose ONE from the topics below. Use a Dream Writer or your best handwriting.

1) The trial of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. A hero is not exempt from prosecution. Ender is a murderer. He is facing murder charges in the case of Stilson and Bonzo Madrid.

What will happen? Be the defending or prosecuting attorney. Call witnesses from the book. Enact the trial. Use dialogue, narration, description and details.

350 words minimum.

2) The Ender Experiment continues. Ender Wiggin is now Dr. A. E. Wiggin of the Ender Institute, and now he is the one in charge of creating many little “ones”. How does he do it? Why is he doing it? What will be the outcome? Be true to the spirit of the book, but keep in mind what Ender went through and what he might do differently.

350 word minimum

3) What if…..explore these possibilities, choose any three or invent your own with Mr. Solomon’s approval – of course. 100 words each

·  Ender is mysteriously killed and Peter takes his place

·  Ender secretly recruits Valentine and a few others and …..

·  The buggers secretly infiltrate Battle School

·  It turns out there is NO WAR, this was all apolitical hoax and Ender finds out and

he proceeds to ….

·  Bonzo lives and …..

·  The next step in the “Giant’s Drink”

·  The buggers attack Earth and ender must decide to return and fight or continue his training

4) Or what about your own – discuss it with Mr. Solomon. Get his approval. Be creative 350 word minimum