Course Synopsis

Euroculture 2016 Autumn Semester

CourseName: Minorities and Cinema

1/ Staffing: (mention who acts as the coordinator in case of several teachers)

Samim Akgönül

2/ Requisites:

English, European culture

3/ Objectives and skills

This class aims to discuss minority and migration issues by using European cinematography

4/ Topics: Description:

This class will be organized around three intensive days where some of the aspects of minority issues will be discussed around three films.

1st day (23/09): Old minorities in south Eastern Europe as a result of the Ottoman Empire

Morning, class on minorities in the Balkans, Samim Akgönül

Afternoon: Movie: A Touch of Spiece (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα), Tassos Boulmetis, 2003

Text:Akgönül, Samim, «Towards Minority Policies beyond Reciprocity? : the EU, Greece and Turkey» in Othon Anastasakis, Kalypso Nicolaidis, Kerem Öktem (ed.) In the Long Shadow of Europe : Greeks and Turks in the Era of Postnationalism, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2009 p. 191-217

Discussion with class on the text and on the movie.

2nd day (30/09) Roma minorities in Eastern and Western Europe

Morning, class on Roma and Council of Europe, Samim Akgönül

Afternoon, movie: Swing, Toni Gatliff, 2001

Text: Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, «The Roma – a Nation without a State? Historical Background and Contemporary Tendencies» in Bernhard Streck (Hg.): Segmentation und Komplementarität. Organisatorische, ökonomische und kulturelle Aspekte der Interaktion von Nomaden und SesshaftenHalle 2004 p.. 71–100.

Discussion with class on the text and on the movie

3rd day (14/10): Europe as fortress, immigrants and refugees in Western Europe: new minorities?

Morning, class on new minorities: Samim Akgönül, (University of Strasbourg)

Afternoon, movie: Welcome , Philippe Loiret, 2009

Text: Enzo Rossi, Luca Vitali, «Refugees Perceptions, Rights Compliance and the Implications on European Reception Policy: Results from a Survey» in Sociology and Anthropology 2(5): 2014 p. 169-178

Discussion with class on the text and n the movie

5/ Reference/reading Materials:

6/ Assessment details

At the end of the class each student (or group of students) will prepare a short presentation paper and a short documentary movie (max 5mn) on a chosen minority group in Strasbourg