Insurgent Films


The Weird World of Wibbell




A film by Louis Joon


Zoe Dorman

Dave Disaster

Louis Joon

Victoria Gugenheim

Tag Line: If you could email the dead!

Running Time: 62 minutes


Release Date: 10th June 2013

Certificate: Unrated


Release Date: 1st July 2013

Certificate: 18

For further information please contact The Weird World of Wibbell:














Bella is funny. Bella is pretty. Bella is damned hot!

And Bella rules as Queen over her gang of idealistic cyberpunks with their mission to take Darwinism to the doorsteps of London.

With criticism of faith outlawed by the Politically Correct Militia, agnostic thugs fighting in the street and atheist terrorists attacking the liberal establishment, Bella and her friends are driven underground into a dark fetish existence where the future and past collide, allegiances are strained and old scores must be settled.


Cast with real life characters, performers and models from London’s Alternative scene, “Learning Hebrew: A Gothsploitation Movie” is a film unlike any you will have seen before.

Loud, brash, colourful and complicated, it kicks you in the face, twists your mind and introduces you to a world that exists secretly alongside your own.


Cast with real life characters, performers and models from London’s Alternative scene, “Learning Hebrew: A Gothsploitation Movie” is a film unlike any you will have seen before.

Loud, brash, colourful and complicated, it kicks you in the face, twists your mind and introduces you to a world that exists secretly alongside your own.


Would you join Bella's gang of atheist cyber punks living on hedonism and bad philosophy, who party hard, seducing you into their world of fetishism.

Do you think you could you handle that?

Bella and her friend StudD take Darwin's Origin of Species to the doorsteps of London. But the more they offend religion, the more the liberal establishment pushes back. Out of this oppression is born the "Atheist Revolutionary Army" and they will kill YOU. They will kill you just for tolerating religion. They will blow up trains like holy suicide bombers.

The reactionary government raises the Politically Correct Militia, who will arrest any one who offends faith. A telephone hot line is set up for people whos religion is offended. Would you call that number? Who's side would you be on? Bella's, the ARA terrorists, or the PC militia. Shit choices... But you must make one.

You chose Bella didn’t you? Because she's funny, pretty and damned hot!

You'll see if you made the right choice, cos her life is fucking complicated. In between learning Hebrew and cutting herself for sadistic pleasure, Bella collects people! Her gang find a tramp in the park and take him clubbing just for a joke. But there is more to him than meets the eye.

Miss Jon, the Victorian transvestite who raised Bella wants her to return home. So she plans to kill her landlord the insane Pilot, who has nightmares from his experiences during the Gulf War, believing himself to be the reincarnation of Pontius Pilate.

After Pilot is beaten up by a bunch of Agnostics, StudD goes on his date for him unaware it has been arranged by Miss Jon in order to kill Pilot. StudD survives the fetish honey trap. Bella guesses that Miss Jon arranged the shooting and furiously says she will never return to her, even though she is bored with her friends.

And you don't want Bella to get bored with you!

Bella's childhood friend Magdalena dreams that the tramp is the biblical character Barabbas and turning to religion betrays Bella. And you really don’t wanna betray Bella either, that's almost as bad as her being bored with you.

Seriously injured the tramp claims he is indeed Barabbas which sends Pilot mad, and Bella and Magdalena argue over the tramp as he is dying.

Left with only two choices, save the injured tramp or go to the party, what would you do? You're in Bella's gang. Bella makes you do what she wants. You go to the party!

Miss Jon, bitter at at her failure to get Bella to come home, spitefully complains to the Politicly Correct Militia about Bella's antitheism and they are all arrested at the party. Later this leads Bella to commit her one last act of vengeance... She is fuckd off and she is bored.


Would you join Bella's gang would you? Would you do that? A gang of hedonistic atheist cyber punks, who party hard and seduce you into their world of drugs, fetishism and a hatred for religion. Could you handle that?

Bella and her best friend StudD take Darwin's Origin of species to the door step of Londoners, to spread the message that we are evolved beings and not the result of a God. But the more they offend religion through free expression, the more the liberal establishment push back to protect it. Out of this oppression, and resentment the "Atheist Revolutionary Army" is born, and they will kill YOU. They will kill you just for tolerating religion. The ARA take their violent defence of free speech by blowing up trains like holy suicide bombers, but for them its a real sacrifice because for an atheist there is no reward and no 72 virgins. The reactionary government in turn raises the Politically Correct Militia, who will arrest you, and any one who offends faith from Bella's gang, to the atheist terrorist's, and a telephone hot line for people who's religion is offended is set up. Would you call that number? Who's side would you be on? Bella's, the ARA terrorists, or the PC militia. You have shit choices... Make one.

You chose Bella didnt you, not because she's the lesser of three evils, but because she's funny, cynical, pretty, and hot. Her girl friends are hot, her life is fun, and she wears crazy cool clothes that she makes herself. You'll see if you made the right choice, cos her life is fucking complicated, you'll see. Bella is studying Hebrew from a self teaching book, and argues with her landlord Pilot about the merits of Hebrew over Latin, but Pilot is insane, driven mad by his time in Iraq, he rambles on about his call sign, "Crazy Roman", so you mustn't take him seriously with his flash backs, and his fantasies about the Roman occupation of ancient Jerusalem.

In between taking Darwinsim to the Masses, cutting her arms for sadistic pleasure, and stealing her landlords drugs, Bella likes to collect people! Her gang find an old tramp in the park and name him Phil the Philosopher. They take him clubbing as a joke, so in turn he psychoanalyses them, which they do not like.

Then there's Miss Jon the feminist Victorian Transvestite who raised Bella from childhood, and is in love with her and wants her to return home. So Miss Jon hatches a plan to kill her landlord the insane Pilot to make her homeless, who by now has been driven over the edge by StudD's constant abuse, which added to his nightmares and flash backs as a pilot during the Iraq war have now lead him to believe he is the re-incarnation of Pontius Pilate, governor of ancient Roman occupied Judea. But after Pilot is beaten up by a group of Agnostics, StudD goes on his date for him unaware it has been arranged by Miss Jon in order to kill Pilot. StudD survives the fetish honey trap, as the bullet meant for Pilot gets stuck in Richard Dawkins book "The God Delusion". Bella discovers that Miss Jon arranged the shooting, and furious says she will never return to Miss Jon even though she is bored with her friends, and you dont want Bella to get bored with you. (Are you getting this, this is Bella's life, this is the people she knows, and you are in there now, you are part of her world).

Bella's child hood friend Magdalena dreams that the tramp Phil is the biblical character Barabbas and turning to religion betrays Bella's atheism. And you really don't wanna betray Bella either, that's almost as bad as her being bored with you!

After the terrorists blow up all the trains to Camden, the gang have to drive there, and on the way they run over the tramp. Seriously injured he says his name is Barabbas in Hebrew, Bella translates this, which makes Pilot loose the plot totally and completely, and Bella and Magdalena argue about religion as the tramp lies dying.

Left with only two choices, save the injured tramp or go to the party, what would you do? You're in Bella's gang. Bella makes you do what she wants. You go to the party!

Miss Jon, bitter at at her failure to get Bella to come home, spitefully phones and complains to the Politicly Correct Militia about Bella's antitheism, and they are arrested at the party for offending peoples faith. Later this leads Bella to commit her one last act of vengeance... She is fucked off, but worse than that, she is bored.


Cast with real life characters, performers and models from London’s Alternative scene, “Learning Hebrew: A Gothsploitation Movie” is a film unlike any you will have seen before.

Loud, brash, colourful and complicated, it kicks you in the face, twists your mind and introduces you to a world that exists secretly alongside your own.



The Characters of “Learning Hebrew: A Gothsploitation Movie” have their own individualistic takes on philosophy and religion. Here’s some of their collected wisdom:

"The death cults await us all to die, the sooner the better for them, all we should really want is to be dead" (Bella)

"You've given up what is most precious, the freedom to think, but worse than that, you've given it up without a fight" (Phil)

"I wouldnt have the soup, Miss Jon made me do something disgusting with the courgettes" (Boo)

"A traitor is some one who doesn't know who the enemy is" (Pilot)

"You dont know the meaning of life now, do you, you dead cunt" (StudD)

"Sacrifice is only real when you know there is no reward" (Terrorist)

"and now another program on the nazi's" (Newsreader)

"what would a God do with a cunt and a cock" (Bella)

"More choice equals more satisfaction and happiness" (Miss Jon)

"surgical butt plug removal" (Dom)

"a couple of Agnostics beat me up" (Pilot)

"get youre hands away from my vagina, or Im gonna break your face some more" (Bella)

"so talking serpent, thanks for all the sex" (Bella)

"why dont you learn Latin, that's a real man's language" (Pilot)


Bella (Zoe Dorman)

Bella is an atheist. Bella is an atheist bitch! She lives off people for free. She is not just an atheist, she is an anti-theist. She is hot stuff, she's domineering and ruthless, trying to get away from her past and that fucked up character Miss Jon. She will take the deluded down by fucking them, or dancing with them, or arguing with them, quoting Hitchens and Dawkins. And if all else fails she has a personality and a smile that can defeat any Muslim or Christian argument for a god. She might not know what truth is, but she can describe the method to find it...

StudD (Dave Disaster)

StudD, is an atheist, StudD is a bully, he's Bella's wing man, so called because his name begins with a D, and he's a stud, and all he reads is Dawkins "the God delusion". He picks on those weaker than himself, and his only real concern is to keep his position as number one sycophant to Bella, and tries that little bit too hard to please her.

Pilot (Louis Joon)

Pilot is their land lord, Pilot is a Gulf war Vet, Pilot is insane, involved in murders from his Apache Helicopter gunship during the Iraq occupation. His call sign Crazy Roman creates a fantasy that he was Pontius Pilot, Roman Governor of Ancient Jerusalem, but he doesnt remember any holy man, only a Jewish rebel named Barabbas.

Miss Jon (Frederick William Park)

Miss Jon is a Victorian feminist Transvestite, but she's not sweet, she is obsessed with Bella, she wants her back living with her, and will do anything to get her, and if she cant have her then, no one can... she will see to it.

Phil (Mike Barrington)

Phil is a Philosopher, he is a philosophical glow sticking tramp, who lives in a North London park, many people think he is some one else, maybe he is..

Magdalena (Annie Ososova)

Magdalena is self obsessed, Mags is confused, she wants believe in God, but doesnt know which one, so hedging her bets she prays to the all. She's Bellas' friend from childhood, and she better not let Bella know she dreams of gods and prays. Cos Bella will rip her a new one...

The Dom (Juliana Reed)

The Dom seduces men in fetish acts, while her pimp shoots them dead as they leave, for any one who can afford this special fetish service.