Board of Directors Meeting

Marion Senior Center

Marion, KS

May 16, 2014

Judy Mellott, Chairman called the meeting to order with the flag salute and one verse of America. Sue Clough, Marion Senior Center President gave the welcome. Judy Mellott gave the Invocation. There was one birthday, Connie Omstead and one anniversary, Robert Carlton.

Judy Mellott, Chairman asked for a motion to approve the April 25, 2014 minutes. Connie Omstead stated a change in the minutes to read Aunt Em’s Café not Town & Country Café in Florence’s Senior Center report. Dinah Richmond made a motion to approve minutes with the correction and Connie Omstead, second, motion carried.

Lila Unruh, Vice Chairman/Treasurer gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows: SHL Account $336.00, SCMC Account $153.27, total in checking account $489.47.

Business: There were no Mill/Levy requests.

Gayla Ratzlaff, Coordinator reported she would have Farmer Market Vouchers available to give out once they arrive. Gayla spoke about the PACE program coming to Marion County in 2015. She asked the Board if they would want to host a meeting where local agencies which serve the older adult would come here Chris Scott,

Robert Carlton, Central Home Care Administrator shared about attending a meeting in Newton about the Affordable Care Act and the implications of it being fully implemented in 2014. He reported this will affect all age groups. He encouraged people to call their Senators and Representatives about their Affordable Care Act concerns.

Mary Ann Conyers, Marion Homecare RN, share that Home health may have a co pay possibly in 2014. Dr Page Hatcher will be coming in fall to St. Luke.

Connie Omstead, ONE Committee Chairman had no report.

Twilla Baker, Health Service Providers Committee was absent.

Fiennes Jantz, Transportation Committee Chairman shared a few humorous stories.

Joyce Kyle, Senior Center Committee Chairman called roll. Durham had their carry-in and the program was the Cottonwood River Band. Florence had nine people attend their meal at Town & Country Café. Betty Ireland made an Angel Food cake. Hillsboro had a fundraiser at the Farmer’s Market. They serve about 90 people daily. Lincolnville have eight people coming most Wednesdays. Marion had a video of Pierce Arrow from Branson, the center hosted the AOK meeting and the American Legion came in to share about their projects and programs they do in the community. Peabody just had their Nat’l Day of Prayer. Dr. Whitley came and spoke about Diabetes. Roger Charles, Peabody Librarian came and talked about changes at the Library. They are planning a fundraiser on June 1st sausage gravy and biscuit breakfast. They had some repair work on their pipes and fixed a sink problem. Tampa had not report. Burns had Gayla come and do the Senior Center survey as well as the Kansas Health Works survey.

Virginia Downing, AOK Volunteer reported you must call from the phone you want to put on the “Do Not Call List.” She handed out information on Plan F and went through the comparisons.

Jerry Kline and Barb Smith NC-FH AAA Board members were both absent.

Coral Wright, NC-FH AAA Field Representative distributed her handout and went through the information. There is one more AOK meeting in Lincoln, Ks. SHICK training coming in May. She reminded everyone about County Honorees for the 2013 Sunflower Fair. Family Caregiver conference call will be on Alzheimer’s disease.

Tom Duggan, SHL was absent.

Candace Dixon, Hutchinson Domestic Assault Center talked about Elder abuse and handed out material. She said she would be willing to come out to local senior centers to give a presentation.

Everyone enjoyed Lunch at the Masonic Center.

Joyce Kyle

8 members, 7 others