Reward and Recognition Scheme

Staff Recognition Awards

Summary of Scheme

The College Staff Recognition Awards acknowledge the significant contributions staff have made towards fulfilling the objectives, values and beliefs of the College. The scheme recognises individuals or teams who have made a real difference to the broader life of students, staff or the College in general i.e. whose achievements fall outside of the scope of Performance Awards which focus on individual performance.

Categories and Criteria

Categories for nominations reinforce the beliefs and values of the College which guide our work and behaviour to achieve our objectives. Individual employees or teams may be nominated if they meet the criteria in relation to one of more of the categories.

Each staff member nominated should have made a significant contribution that has positively impacted others. Nominations should highlight the impact made, anecdotal evidence or letters of thanks etc. may be provided to demonstrate their excellence.

There is one winner and up to two highly commended awards given in each category, and there is provision for separate awards for teams and individuals.

The categories are summarised in the table below:

Award Title/s / Purpose of Award
Principal’s Exceptional Citizen Award / presented toindividualsorteamswho demonstrate the most outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:
·  Willingness to extend themselves to help others
·  Improving the quality of life in the College and/or wider community
·  Demonstrating good citizenship
Outstanding Partnership Award / achieving and/or developing effective partnerships with staff, students or external partners for mutual benefit
Excellence Awards / recognising achieving excellence in all our activities from teaching and research to professional management and service delivery
Excellence In Leadership Award / recognising exemplary leadership skills that have a positive impact on an individual, team, department or the College.
Excellence in Service Award / recognising delivering an excellent service in the College or wider community in activities from professional management to service delivery, consistently exceeding expectations
Excellence in Student Engagement including:
Individual Excellence in Teaching Engagement Award
Team Excellence in Teaching Engagement Award
Postgraduate Tutor Engagement Award / recognising teaching initiatives that engage well and have had a beneficial impact on students. The Postgraduate award is for teaching and/or supervising postgraduate students.
Excellence in research including:
Excellence in Early Career Research Award
Excellence in Research Impact and Engagement Award
Team Excellence in Research Award / recognising research initiatives that have a beneficial impact on students, the College and further afield.
Outstanding Creativity Award / recognising contribution through acting as an agent for change, including suggesting, implementing and encouraging innovation
Enhancing Fairness Award / recognising contribution to achieving fair opportunities and access to services for all, allowing individuals to achieve their potential and be accepted by the College.

Nomination and selection process

The nomination and selection process is as follows:

·  The deadline for nominations is 5th February 2017

·  Nominations must be made via the nomination form to Human Resources at

·  Nominations can be made by either staff or students

·  Nominees can only be considered for one award category as identified on the nomination form.

·  An acknowledgement email will be sent to the nominator upon receipt of the completed nomination form.

·  Nominations will not be considered without a completed nomination form.

Nominations are considered by the Staff Recognition Awards Panel chaired by the Principal. Members will include the Vice Principal (Staffing) and Dean of Arts & Social Science, the Vice Principal (Education), the Director of Human Resources, the Director of Research, the Director of Student Experience, an academic head of department, a professional service head of department and a student representative.

Award Announcements, Ceremony and Prizes

Award Ceremony:

In each award category, there will be one winner and up to two highly commended. These will be notified before the awards ceremony to ensure attendance or representation at the event which will be held in the spring each year. All nominees, their guests and nominators will be invited to the award ceremony. The winners receive their awards from the Principal or other members of the Staff Recognition Awards Panel. Staff and students will be able to indicate their attendance via a booking process managed by Human Resources.

A lunch reception hosted by the Principal will be arranged to follow the award ceremony to which the winners, those highly commended, the nominators and their guests will be invited.

Prizes and Announcement:

The winner of each category will be presented with a trophy in recognition of their achievement. Those highly commended will be presented with a certificate.

After the event, announcements of the winners will made via iQuad, eZine, eCampus and the Students Union website.

Relationship with the College Teaching Prizes

The Educational Development department runs its own awards which recognise excellence in individual, team and postgraduate teaching. For further information please contact Mark Crompton, Head of Educational Development at .