test d’anglais – formation continue

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Apprentissage et perfectionnement de la langue

Test à retourner à :

Effectuez les exercices que vous jugez abordables

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Please answer the following questions in English using complete sentences:

1.  What are you wearing today?

2.  What time did you get up this morning?

3.  What’s the weather like today?

4.  What are you doing now?

5.  How many times have you changed address ?

6.  How long have you been living at your present address?

7.  How much time do you spend watching TV every week?

8.  How old were you when you started school?

9.  Where did you grow up?

10.  What do you do?

11.  Where do you have lunch?

12.  What are you interested in?

13.  What were you doing at this time yesterday?

14.  What did you do last summer?

15.  Who do you go to if you have a toothache?

16.  How do you usually go shopping?

17.  How often do you eat out?

18.  How long ago did you last buy bread?

19.  How much did it cost?

20.  How did you hear of this school?

21.  What do you do when you have a cold?

22.  What would you do if you lost your credit card?

23.  What are you going to do tomorrow evening?

24.  How long did it take you to do this part of the test?


Please find questions corresponding to the underlined part of the sentences :

Example: They came here by train.

Question: How did they come here?

1.  He could write the report for you.

2.  Jim gave his mother those flowers.

3.  Jim gave his mother those flowers.

4.  Of course she knows the Prime minister.

5.  He’d finished writing the report by the time the guests arrived.

6.  They’d buy the house if they were you.

7.  I’ve been studying English for five years.

8.  He wouldn’t have invited her if he had known how selfish she was.

9.  They’re going to finish their work later.

10.  They had no idea you were going to be there.


Complete the gaps in the story pages 4/5 with the correct answer.

The day out

(1) , when I (2) , I opened the curtains (3) the weather outside. How beautiful (4) ! "Let's go to the beach", I said to my wife. We (5)

, got ready and (6) the car.

After a few meters, I realised we had a flat tyre. (7) to put things right. We then (8) at the garage (9) to the coast.

Unfortunately, we (10) in a traffic jam and the journey lasted (11)

than expected.

We finally arrived at our destination. There wasn't any beach. We (12)

to check the times of the tide. "Never mind", my wife said. "Let's have lunch . We can have a picnic on the seafront". When we opened the boot of the car, we immediately realised the picnic basket (13)

. I (14) it out of the boot to get to the spare wheel (15) morning.

It was now 1.00 p.m. and (16) places were left in the various restaurants. We had to wait. It was 1.35 p.m. when we managed to get a table. We (17) for 35 minutes.

a. Yesterday morning
b. Last morning
c. On yesterday morning
d. In yesterday morning / 2
a. have woken
b. waked up
c. woke up
d. awaked / 3
a. for to see
b. to look
c. to watch
d. to see / 4
a. has it been
b. it was
c. was it
d. was it like
a. took breakfast
b. had breakfast
c. ate the lunch
d. took the breakfast / 6
a. gotten in
b. go into
c. have got on
d. got into / 7
a. I put 25 minutes
b. It has taken 25 minutes
c. It took me 25 minutes
d. It was taking 25 minutes / 8
a. dropped the wheel off
b. let the wheel
c. put down the wheel
d. took the wheel
a. in going
b. towards
c. on the way
d. on the path / 10
a. got late
b. have delayed
c. have been blocked
d. got held up / 11
a. longer time
b. much longer
c. more times
d. much more long / 12
a. had forgotten
b. have forgotten
c. forgot
d. were forgetting
a. missed us
b. was missing
c. has been missed
d. had missed / 14
a. took
b. was taking
c. had taken
d. have taken / 15
a. in
b. the
c. this
d. that / 16
a. very few
b. lot of
c. little
d. a lot
a. had been waiting
b. were waiting
c. waited
d. have waited

The food was acceptable but expensive. At the end of the meal we were in for (18) surprise. The restaurant's visa card terminal was out of order. (19) short of cash we (20) find a cash dispenser. I had the impression that everybody else in the damn place (21) one, too. It was chaos. Many tries (22) we got the money and (23) the meal. It was already 3.15 p.m.

We went to the beach, which was wet but uncovered, and (24) a spot. The next (25) was bliss. Sunshine, peace and (26) . . It was too good to be true. Then the "summer shower" (27) us. It was a long shower- (28) . I (29) . (It lasted 15 hours and stopped this morning when it was time to go to work). Everybody headed (30) . The traffic jam in the afternoon was (31) the one in the morning. The picnic basket greeted us when we returned.

(32) our evening meal was ready. We were too optimistic, however. The local dogs (33) a party at our expense. Thank goodness freezers and microwaves exist. The pizzas were tasty and (34) . Who (35) Sundays, anyway?

a. other
b. the other
c. an other
d. another / 19
a. Having
b. To be
c. Being
d. To have / 20
a. have to
b. should
c. must
d. had to / 21
a. had looked
b. was looking for
c. looked for
d. were looking
a. more late
b. later
c. more later
d. too late / 23
a. payed
b. paid for
c. paid
d. payed for / 24
a. choosed
b. have chosen
c. choose
d. chose / 25
a. a half hour
b. half hour
c. half an hour
d. an half an hour
a. quiet
b. quietude
c. quite
d. quiteness / 27
a. hitted
b. hurted
c. hurt
d. hit / 28
a. the more long
b. the longest
c. the most long
d. the longer / 29
a. have been experiencing
b. have ever experienced
c. ever experienced
d. have ever been experienced
a. at home
b. home
c. to home
d. to the home / 31
a. more bad than
b. worse that
c. worse than
d. badder than / 32
a. At last
b. Finally
c. At less
d. At least / 33
a. have been having
b. had had
c. have had
d. had been
a. I felt better
b. I feel better
c. I fell better
d. I felt more good / 35
a. is enjoying
b. like
c. is liking
d. likes


Read the sentences carefully and then fill in the correct form of the word in parentheses:

1.  I can’t recommend her. She’s a very______worker. (careless)

2.  She can read ______with glasses than without. (easy)

3.  This sandwich is much ______than the one I had yesterday. (bad)

4.  This game is ______than the last one. (exciting)

5.  It’s ______late than never. (good)

6.  I can assure you that she works very ______. (good)

7.  They had to run ______to catch the train. (fast)

8.  They spoke very______to the caretaker. (angry)

Now choose the right word and write it in the space provided:

1.  There aren’t ______people here today.

a.  a lot b. many c. much d. some

2.  Luke has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to ______of them.

a.  any b. both c. either d. neither

3.  Would you mind waiting ______minutes?

a.  a few b. a couple c. a little d. few

4.  In Scotland most children go ______at the age of five.

a.  school b. to school c. to the school d. schooled

5.  Is that my glass, or is it ______?

a.  the yours b. the your’s c. your d. yours

6.  All the guests were laughing. ______having a good time.

a. Everyone were b. Every was c. Everyone was d. Some ones were

7.  I had to work ______being tired.

a. although b. despite c. even though d. in spite

8.  Someone ______the store was open.

a. said me b. said me that c. told me d told to me


Write a letter to an agency making inquiries about rented property for your summer holiday. Specify the kind of accommodation you are looking for; the location, size, price range, dates, any special requirements you may need and any other information you feel is necessary.

Pay attention to the layout of your letter.