Westbridge Primary School

Nursery Curriculum Information – Summer 2 Second Half Term 2017

Communication, Language & Literacy
-Share stories such as ‘If Only…’, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘Snails and Slugs’, ‘The very Busy Spider’, ‘Little Miss Muffet’, ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
-Learn new songs and rhymes related to mini beasts.
-Make up own rhymes.
-Make collages of favorite characters, masks,finger and hand puppets.
-Make string cobwebs on card as well as on the fence in nursery’s playground.
-Paint symmetrical butterflies and ladybirds using circles and lines.
-Draw mini beasts in salt or sand trays using one finger. / Mathematical Development
-Group and sort various growing things into groups of one, two or three objects.
-Search for numbered mini beasts.
-Sort sets of growing things according to number of legs/ wings/ petals/ leaves.
-Make flags using shapes.
-Match ladybird set using dots up to 10.
-Explore number cards and various garden creatures.
-Go on Mini Beast hunt in the Eco Garden and the playground- using words such as behind, under, outside, left, right, on top etc…
-Compare different shapes and sizes of Mini- Beasts. Use different shapes to make different sized spider webs.
-Children to sort and group a selection of baby and parent animals, talk about the difference in size and how they grow.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
-Measuring plants and examining seeds and mini beasts under microscope.
-Take turns to talk about their trips and what they did when they were younger.
-Matching simple card games snap and picture lotto.
-Go on a mini beast hunt around the school with cameras.
-Discuss with the children how to be quiet and gentle with creatures much smaller than us.
-Make a growing book. / Physical Development
-Travel in straight pathways to 3 places on different body parts representing various mini-beasts.
-Buzz, dance, hop, flutter, spun, curve and slide like mini beasts whilst others looking and thinking about what happens to their bodies during the activity.
-Explore gardening tools, beanbags, slinky, hoops, balls, water, sand trays etc…
-Turn the caterpillar tunnel into a flower pot just like in ‘If Only..’. Encourage CHN to act out the story.
Knowledge & understanding of the World
-Find out about life-cycles.
-Make Jelly worms.
-Make a healthy pizza using vegetable peeler, potatoes masher and can opener.
-Ask children to talk about flowers and animals they see on their way to school and class trips.
-Talk about how they have grown and changed since being babies and how they will change in the future. / Creative Development
-Create Mini- Beast dance using masks and props that the children have made.
-Mix colors and use them for different purposes.
-Use circles and lines to draw a picture of a garden full of flowers and mini-beasts. (Link to ‘IF Only…’).
-Use Musical instruments for making up songs, e.g., …pincy dincy spider sitting on the sprout.
-Create a small world play mat using collage and junk materials (for Mini- Beast play-dough / clay models).
-Role-play outside as giant garden, children pretend to be Mini- Beasts.
-Role play inside as science lab.

Westbridge Primary School

Nursery Curriculum Information –Summer 2 Second Half Term 2017

Dear Parents,

Our topic this term is –Mini-beasts and Growing things. This term will include learning about the different types of mini-beasts we find in our garden. We will be learning about their different features, habitats and life-cycles.

To help your child do their very best at school, please ensure that he/she:

  • Attends school ON TIME, EVERY DAY
  • Actively participates in all school activities.


Home School Communication: I will be at the Nursery door before/after school on most days, if you need any information, or have any worries or concerns please feel free to talk to me. For a more formal meeting, please telephone the office or send a note via your child.

Attendance and Punctuality: We have high expectations for attendance and punctuality. Make sure that your child comes to school ON TIME, EVERY DAY! DO NOT TAKE HOLIDAYS DURING TERM TIME! If you do not send your child to school on time, every day, THEY WILL MISS VALUABLE LEARNING TIME THAT CAN NOT BE REPLACED!

Behavior: We have high expectations for work and behavior; therefore it is essential that you give your child a daily reminder about the importance of: excellent behavior and listening, honesty, treating others and property with respect, working hard and always doing their best.

We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Broughton and Ms Margaret.