Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15 June in the Methodist Church Hall

A Quality Status Council

Present: Chris Worrall (Chairman), Doreen Engall, Nick Evans, Peter Hastings, Gordon Hawcroft, Madge Johnson, Ernest Smith, Paul St Clair, Anthea Waudby, Kathryn Whitworth, Alec Wild

Apologies: Steve Appleyard, Ann Dowson

Clerk: Steve Young 01757 288234, there were 10 members of the public present

Public session

1. Jeff Taylor of East Riding of Yorkshire Council plus two colleagues attended to answer questions reference the road works, he explained that time had been lost due to machine problems but expected to be on track by the end of the weekend. Problems at the School had been eased by putting out cones etc

2. David Bull of LEADER attended to discuss the Heritage Workshop held in April when 30 people visited the workshop, many interesting items and ideas came to light. It was suggested that people who attended could be asked if they wished to form a Heritage Society or prepare a History Book

3. Christine Playle expressed concern at the way the Chairman was elected at the Annual Meeting in May, She accepted that the procedure was 100% legal but was unhappy that the existing Chairman chaired the section of the meeting that re-elected him. She felt that it would have been fairer to hand over the chairmanship to the Vice-Chairman for this issue to be decided, Clerk was asked to ask ERNLLCA for comments

4. Sharon Smith expressed concern at the development planned for Sands Lane saying it was too large, she stated that D Engall did not speak against it in her role as Ward Councillor, D Engall stated that she felt it right to stand down from the Western Committee Planning meeting when it was considered and therefore she did not comment. Sharon stated that a future second phase is possible and she hoped that full consultation would be held if this happened. Alec Wild said that an investigation should be held over what happened in the run up to the planning decision being made at Beverley, this is to be put on the agenda for the July meeting

A resident pointed out that the building site is to be raised by 1 metre and he calculated that this would lead to 600 HGV movements which would damage the newly laid roads in the village

44/11 Minutes of the meeting dated 18/5/11 were approved and signed by the Chairman

Declaration of Interest. The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007. To record any declarations of interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, nil

45/11 Matters arising

ü  The declaration of election expenses form previously circulated was noted. Information about the Local Code of Conduct received from the East Riding Council was distributed at the meeting and noted. Clerk asked for missing photos for the ID badges to be sent to him

ü  LEADER Rural Heritage Grants Workshop, it was agreed to hold a meeting with people who attended the April event to explore the way forward, G Hawcroft and A Wild asked to be sent David’s email address so that they could get involved

ü  Weirs pond, meeting with BTCV, still waiting for a plan of action. It was noted that the Million Ponds Project phase 1 involves the creation of 5000 new ponds but that the project is available for support to existing ponds

ü  Back Lane and its designation as a gritting route, two emails received from residents were noted. It was resolved to again ask for letters of support via Grapevine and also for the Clerk to write to schools asking them to send letters to parents asking them to support the initiative

ü  Cliffe Lane, follow up to site meeting, waiting for action on Woodland Farm entrance

ü  Request for bus stop markings in the village centre, still waiting for action

ü  Overgrown conifers at McColls Runner End, waiting for them to be trimmed

ü  Sealing off of access between Sands Lane and Hawthorn Drive, Clerk has not yet been to land registry to check ownership. P Hastings stated that when the access was open it caused problems for neighbours and it was resolved to ask via The Grapevine whether residents wanted it opened up. It was pointed out that the Parish Council had paid for kissing gates and should get them back

ü  Hedge and dyke adjacent to field at Rush Corner, contact has been made with land owner who has promised to cut the hedge after the bird nesting season. Parish Councillors pointed out that the overgrown hedge is now preventing access on the corner for pedestrians, resolved that the Clerk should write asking for action immediately on this part of the hedge. Riparian owners were noted for the dykes and Clerk to contact them for action in cleaning the dyke

ü  Parish Councillor training, it was resolved to ask for an in-house training session on 3 August

ü  List of Parish Councillor information was updated, two Parish Councillors did not want their email addresses used and post will be used in all cases for these Parish Councillors. It was resolved that the Clerk could use email to inform of one-off issues but to post agendas and minutes as is done currently

ü  Litter bin on Port Royal, price of bin fitted near the Blacksmiths was £422 including VAT, it was resolved to order this type of bin for Port Royal

ü  Flashing road sign on Howden Road, concerns over the siting were wrongly addressed and Clerk to correct

ü  Footpath at Baileywood Lane and Back Lane junction, a request has been made to improve surface

ü  Weight limit at Sutton bridge, Clerk reported that the East Riding Council officer has now confirmed that the bridge is strong enough to bear all traffic, the experimental 7.5 tonne ‘environmental limit’ is to be discussed by a East Riding Committee on 20 July in Beverley

46/11 Planning applications, D Engall observed but took no part in the discussions

(At the July 2011 meeting when these minutes were ratified an addition was made ie that D Engall had usefully provided a point of information, this was not an opinion and was given after asking permission of the Chairman)

11/02040/PLF Erection of building for use as café and associated facilities (renewal of planning permission 08/01908/PLF) at Port Royal Equestrian Centre, Skiff Lane for Mrs Michelle Bainbridge, P St Clair took no part in the discussions. Parish Councillors expressed concern about the size of the proposal, the materials being planned to build it and commented that the application is 3 years old and are the plans still sensible today as there would be extra traffic and the café would take away business from the village. It was resolved to refer the application to the planning committee voting 5 for nil against with 6 abstentions

11/02047/PLF Erection of a single storey extension with balcony to rear and construction of replacement shop front at 84 High Street for Mr Tim Laverack, application supported

Gallymoor, emails received since the letter of objection were considered, it was resolved that the concerns included in the letter of objection should be sent to the planning officer asking for a meeting to discuss them. The meeting date to be sent to Parish Councillors so that 6 could attend

Update on request for nomination policy for affordable housing, request from Parish Council that the employment criterion be 5 years has been denied. It was resolved not to accept this decision and to insist on its inclusion

Duck Nest Farm, DC/11/00970/CLE Use of land and buildings for processing of animal by products and food waste using heat, pressure and composting – (Amended description ) at Duck Nest Farm, Cliffe Lane for Inztec Ltd. NOTE that this is an amended description only

An email circulated to Parish Councillors regarding this application was considered, it was resolved to object to the application on the basis that they have not been operating for 10 years

Street naming, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning department has suggested a name for the development at Land north of Baileywood Close, Sands Lane and it is Jubilee Close. It was unanimously resolved to ask for the name to be Hollybank Close as this has connections to the site

A NALC Policy Consultation had previously been circulated and Parish Councillors considered that it was open to abuse and a step too far for future planning

47/11 Planning decision as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

DC/11/00665/PLF Continued use of land for siting of a snack bar serving hot and cold food at Unit 13A Holme Industrial Estate, Skiff Lane for Miss Nicola Lachanudis, granted

48/11 Accounts, balances of £12434.42 current account, £6729.82 saver account

Accounts approved were: £96.00 P Wiles litter picker, £255.00 S Atkinson handyman, £214.42 Siemens copier lease rental, these were approved by 10 votes to 1

It was noted that the 3 Parish Councils using the photocopier had paid contributions totalling £326.00

Newsletter/copier figures to date 2011/12 Income £760.75 Expenditure £1702.34

Village Hall car park and VAT, Clerk will arrange to meet with the Village Hall Treasurer to discuss how to arrange the operation of the scheme to meet VAT Office requirements and save the VAT on the work

The Grapevine, Clerk handed out editorial notes from Debbie Bullock plus a financial breakdown summary for the last three years. Various points were made as follows and it was resolved to discuss the editorial policy at the July meeting. Points made were that all Parish Councillors should see a copy for comment prior to printing/Parish Council minutes should be included in The Grapevine/current minutes could be included marked ‘not ratified’/Parish Council information should be separate to other articles

49/11 Bottle banks, The Grapevine to be used to highlight where bottle banks are located in the village

50/11 Reports

Chairman: junction at Sands Lane/Selby Road to be looked at for road markings, street-scene walkabout has been completed, when the results are circulated Parish Councillors to check to see what needs adding

K Whitworth: two overgrown hedge were reported

A Wild: Hare & Hounds advertising signs have appeared around the village and need to be looked at by East Riding Council officer plus the board at the pub is obstructing the footpath plus Back lane Prospect Farm shrubs are overgrowing the footpath

E Smith: pot holes on Arglam Lane

N Evans: Village Hall car park is to be done when the A163 resurfacing is complete

51/11 Correspondence

·  Letter from resident reference the hedges on Sands Lane, Clerk to write to the owner

·  Email from a resident about Diamond Jubilee celebrations, to be discussed at the July meeting

·  Local Development Framework newsletter

·  Open Space consultation

·  East Riding Council Parish News, June

·  Localism in Action Conference Sheffield on Tuesday 19 July arranged by National Association of Local Councils

·  ERNLLCA Newsletter May 2011

·  Clerk & Councils Direct

·  Information reference the switch to digital TV

The meeting closed at 10pm

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 20 July 2011 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall