21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Medical Office Management

Business and Marketing Cluster

Title: / Medical Office Management (WVEIS 1443)
Standard Number:
BE.S.MOM.1 / Administrative Medical Assistant Career Responsibilities
Students will analyze the professional and career responsibilities of the medical assistant.
Questions: / How has technology changed the responsibilities?
Objective Number: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.MOM.1.1 / research employment opportunities for administrative medical assistants. / Students can conduct Internet research on employment opportunities for administrative medical assistants. Suggested websites include:
Students can conduct surveys and interview medical office employees within the community. Invite local medical office employees as guest speakers to the classroom.
Develop a blog or wiki for students to share comments.
Students can compete in the FBLA competitive events related to employment such as Electronic Career Portfolio or Job Interview.
Research certifications available in the medical office such as a Medical Transcriptions or Coder.
BE.O.MOM.1.2 / discuss and identify advantages of a professional affiliation and investigate certification options for medical office personnel. / Use the Internet to research professional organizations for the medical profession. Compare and discuss the organizations considering some of these as advantages:
·  professional networking opportunities
·  opportunities for continuing education/professional development
·  member benefits (i.e. insurance, updates)
Compile information on a spreadsheet to identify the various certification options in the medical office field. Consider the following categories for the spreadsheet.
·  licensure
·  accreditation
·  certification
·  registration
The students can develop an interactive media presentation on a career choice. The presentation should have information replaced to education, salary, certifications, and benefits of the job.
BE.O.MOM.1.3 / identify interpersonal skills needed by the administrative assistant. / The students can role play a variety of office scenarios. The teacher can create a blog or wiki for students to blog comments related to the role play. Students should make a comment and then respond to at least 2 other blogs.
Discuss interpersonal skills to include
·  ability to communicate
·  empathy
·  dedication
·  commitment
·  integrity
·  friendliness.
Winning Ways With Patients is a recommended reading to reinforce these concepts. Invite a guest speaker from the medical office.
BE.O.MOM.1.4 / identify the purpose and types of continuing education. / Investigate continuing education requirements for recertification by various organizations. Discuss the importance of the following:
·  maintain certification
·  CEUs
o  1 hour of continuing education (CEU) = 1hour of activity (contact hour)
Standard Number:
BE.S.MOM.2 / Legal and Ethical Medical Procedures
Students will analyze medical ethics and legal responsibilities
Questions: / Why is accurate patient information necessary in health care?
Objective Number: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.MOM.2.1 / develop proper procedures for selecting, preparing, and releasing patient information. / Using interactive media, the teacher can introduce and illustrate the proper terminology and techniques for preparing patient information. Students will locate specific files according to filing rules.
Students will complete a patient registration form for themselves and then complete the form on another student.
Collect patient registration forms from local offices. Have the students to compare and contrast the information from the forms.
Use interactive media to discuss consent forms. Students can prepare consent forms and/or authorization forms.
Students will research rules and methods of releasing patient information and prepare a presentation or report. Selecting either the manual method following filing rules and protocol or the electronic method utilizing software specific search
Use interactive media to present the following information to students. Students can prepare the following:
·  patient registration form
·  patient medical history
·  physical examination
·  progress or chart notes
·  medical reports
·  lab reports
·  lab log (or other method of maintaining lab results)
·  patient consent forms
·  authorization forms
·  confidentiality
·  mandated reporting (to Department of Health)
·  follow state statutes
BE.O.MOM.2.2 / identify the criteria for preventing medical professional liability litigations as they apply to employees. / Create a word wall to learn legal terminology. Conduct class discusses and utilize the Internet to understand the following as applied to the medial field:
·  criminal law
·  civil law
o  torts
§  intentional
§  negligent
legal terms and guidelines
·  maintain confidentiality
·  prepare and maintain accurate medical records and documentation
·  follow release of information guidelines
·  follow employer’s established policies
·  follow legal guidelines
·  maintain and dispose of regulated substances in compliance with government guidelines
·  practice within the scope of training
·  recognize professional credentialing criteria
·  help develop or become familiar with office procedures manuals
Students will research court cases involving administrative medical assistants. Students will prepare a presentation on their court cases and present to the class.
BE.O.MOM.2.3 / investigate the main goals of HIPAA. / Students will research and investigate the various goals and purposes of HIPAA. Students will prepare a presentation on HIPAA to include the main goals
·  standardize healthcare between insurance companies and providers
·  protect rights of patients
·  improve quality of health care.
Invite an attorney specializing in health care as a guest speaker. Invite a local medical office manager or person from the local Health Department as a guest speaker.
BE.O.MOM.2.4 / identify the necessity for a Code of Ethics. / Students can become familiar with the AAMA Code of Ethics by re-keying it using a word processing program. Students can debate sections of the Code of Ethics or blog comments.
Conduct a class debate on the Code of Ethics. Discuss why it was established to provide consistent ethical standards for medical professionals to follow.
Standard Number: BE.S.MOM.3 / Administrative Tasks
Students will conduct and manage administrative responsibilities.
Questions: / Why are competent administrative skills necesary?
Objective Number: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.MOM.3.1 / demonstrate telephone etiquette when screening incoming calls and placing outgoing calls. / Discuss the various aspects of telephone etiquette. Aspects of telephone etiquette to discuss might be:
Incoming calls
·  telephone voice
·  pronunciation
·  enunciation
·  tone
·  making a good impression
·  exhibiting courtesy
·  giving undivided attention
·  putting a call on hold
·  handling different situations
·  remembering patients’ names
·  checking for understanding
·  communicating feeling
·  ending the conversation
Outgoing calls
·  plan ahead
·  double-check the number
·  allow sufficient time for an answer
·  identify yourself
·  be prepared
Students can role-play a variety of situations they may face in using the telephone in a medical office. Students can critic the role play to discuss do’s and don’ts.
BE.O.MOM.3.2 / apply guidelines of scheduling appointments and proper recording of cancellations and no shows. / Students can interview medical office personnel concerning which scheduling system they use and their policy concerning cancellations and no-shows. Students can compile their results in a spreadsheet.
Students can research the Internet to find articles and advertisements on scheduling software. A spreadsheet can be developed to compare software specs and pricing.
The instructor should consider the following when presenting information on:
scheduling systems
·  computerized
·  manual
o  stream
o  clustered
o  single book
o  double book
o  wave
o  modified wave
o  open access
o  open hours
methods of documenting cancellations and no-shows
·  office protocol
BE.O.MOM.3.3 / demonstrate the correct use of alphabetic, numeric, and color coding for medical records filing. / Use interactive media to present and discuss the following filing rules:
·  individual names
·  prefixes
·  hyphenated names
·  abbreviated names
·  titles and degrees
·  married women
·  business names
·  identical names
·  master list or accession record
color coding
·  alphabetic
·  numeric
Prepare index cards using a variety of names or numbers and have students place them in the proper order. Do this activity electronically.
BE.O.MOM.3.4 / prepare documents from rough draft copy using proper formatting and editing procedures using correct medical terminology. / Students will create documents from selected rough drafts (i.e. letters, memos, etc.). Students can prepare documents (handwritten or keyed) to exchange and key with corrections.
Create a word wall of medical terminology. Use interactive media to present the terminology.
Use purchased videos for students to listen and learn medical terminology.
BE.O.MOM.3.5 / prepare documents from dictation using proper formatting and editing procedures using correct medical terminology. / Students will create documents from dictation (either orally or using transcription equipment).
Have local medical personnel to voice record medial documents for students to transcribe. Have students to voice record document to transcribe. Students can review each other’s work for accuracy.
BE.O.MOM.3.6 / compose written communications for a variety of situations. / Students will compose electronically a variety of correspondence (i.e. letters of referral, cancellation letters, patient reports, and instructions) based on scenarios, rough drafts, or specific instructions.
Use interactive media to review written communication guidelines such as:
·  know the recipient
·  know the purpose
·  be concise
·  be clear
·  use proper tone
·  proofread
·  use reference materials
o  dictionary
o  medical dictionary
o  Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR)
o  English grammar and usage manuals
o  spell check
Provide students with a list of items to research or find in selected reference resources.
Students will write letters of invitations to medial office personnel to be speakers for the classroom or to seek permission for examples of documents.
BE.O.MOM.3.7 / process incoming and outgoing mail, including electronic mail. / Invite the local Postmaster to discuss mailing rules, regulations and processes. Students can discuss ethics involved with processing and distributing office mail.
Tour a postal processing facility.
Research netiquette rules for electronic mail. Discuss the rules and how they apply in the office and at home.
Conduct discussions and use interactive media to discuss the following:
incoming mail
·  sorting
·  recording
·  annotating
·  distributing
outgoing mail
·  sign letters
·  prepare envelopes
·  folding and inserting
·  using least expensive/most efficient method
o  first-class
o  second-class
o  third-class
o  fourth-class
o  priority
o  express
o  special delivery
o  certified mail
o  registered mail
Standard Number:
BE.S.MOM.4 / Processing Healthcare Insurance Claims
Students will process health insurance claims.
Questions: / Why is a thorough knowledge of insurance plans necessary?
Objective Number: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.MOM.4.1 / describe and differentiate various types of insurance coverage and insurance plans. / Obtain sample EOB statements and have students evaluate (compare/contrast) the forms.
Invite an insurance agent representing health care as a guest speaker.
Divide students into groups giving each group a type of insurance coverage or plan as suggested below. Students can research the insurance information, prepare and then give a short oral or written summary of the findings.
Insurance Coverage’s and Plans
·  managed care plans
o  HMO – health maintenance organization
o  PPO – preferred provider organization
o  IPA – independent practice association
·  Government Programs
o  Medicare
o  Medicaid
·  workers’ compensation
BE.O.MOM.4.2 / analyze coding as related to procedures and diagnosis. / Using interactive media the teachers can show students how to locate procedural and diagnostic codes using CPT and ICD. Students will describe the process for locating the correct procedural and diagnostic codes using CPT and ICD using interactive media.
Coding (correct usage of codes ensures maximum reimbursement) procedures
·  CPT
·  ICD-9
o  alphabetic
o  tabular
BE.O.MOM.4.3 / complete current insurance claims forms for various insurance carriers. / Students will search the Internet for examples of health insurance claim forms to compare. Students or Teacher can obtain samples of insurance forms from local medical offices.
Students will complete health insurance claim forms.
Suggested claim forms to use are:
·  X12 837 (electronic)
·  CMS -1500 (manual, universal)
·  other forms from physicians’ offices
Invite an insurance claims processor as a speaker.
BE.O.MOM.4.4 / explain the follow-up process for insurance claims. / Students will prepare a presentation, and present, on processes used to follow-up on unprocessed or unpaid insurance claims. The presentation may include information on:
·  follow-up
·  insurance log
·  insurance pending file system
Standard Number: BE.S.MOM.5 / Meeting and Travel Preparation
Students will plan medical meetings and arrange travel.
Questions: / Why is planning important to meetings and travel?
Objective Number: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.MOM.5.1 / determine guidelines for arranging meetings. / Invite a meeting planner to discuss planning meetings. Related topics or guidelines to discuss might be:
·  verify date and time of meeting
·  know number of attendees
·  determine duration of meeting
·  identify purpose of meeting
·  arrange for a meeting room
·  obtain necessary equipment
·  notify attendees
·  develop an agenda
·  appoint someone to take minutes
Students will be provided information to format an agenda using a word processing program; a template may be used if desired.
Use interactive media to show examples of different styles of meeting and travel agendas.
Use interactive media to show examples of different styles of minutes.
Students will finalize meeting minutes from rough draft.
Students will plan and conduct a mock meeting. This will include contacting the participants, arranging for a meeting room, obtaining the necessary equipment, refreshments, preparing an agenda and keying the meeting minutes.
Students can plan a career and technical student organization meeting..
BE.O.MOM.5.2 / prepare an agenda.
BE.O.MOM.5.3 / record and prepare minutes of a meeting.
BE.O.MOM.5.4 / determine guidelines for making travel arrangements. / Invite a travel agent as a speaker.
Students can research the Internet to compare and contrast the various modes of transportation for an employer to attend an out-of-state conference. All information can be recorded in a spreadsheet.