Women’s Aid 2016-2017 One DayBasic Awareness Training on Responding to Women experiencing Domestic Violence

Women’s Aid is pleased to announce our 1 day Basic Awareness training on Responding to Women experiencing Domestic Violence available to individuals.The training will take place in different locations around the country, including our offices at 5 Wilton Place, Dublin 2.

Who is the training suitable for?

This 1-day training is suitable for staff, board members and students looking to enhance individual and/or organisational understanding of and responsesto the issue of domestic violence.


Please note that the training may not be suitable for anyone currently experiencing, or who has recently experienced, domestic violence asthe training content may be distressing. If you are experiencing domestic violence or are concerned on behalf of someone else,please contact Women’s Aid National FreephoneHelpline on 1800 341 900.

Why Attend the Training?

As domestic violence affects 1 in 5 women in Ireland, anyone working with women can encounter domestic violence through their work. The response that women receive when they disclose their experiences to services can have a major impact on their safety and well-being, and that of their children. Whatever your work role, this one-daytraining will give you the foundation knowledge and skills necessary to appropriately respond to domestic violence and to link women to support services both locally and nationally.

Participants will have an increased understanding and information regarding:

  • Dynamicsof domestic violence;
  • Forms of abuse used by perpetrators;
  • Short- and long-term impacts on women living with abuse;
  • Potential barriers for women in accessing support;
  • Safety and confidentiality issues associated with domestic violence;
  • Safe and effective engagement with women experiencing abuse;and
  • Referral options for women affected by domestic violence

About Women’s Aid

Women’s Aid is a leading national organisation that has been working in Ireland to stop domestic violence against women and children since 1974. We work to make women and children safe from domestic violence, offer support, provide hope to women affected by abuse and work for justice and social change. Our Direct Services for women experiencing domestic violence underpin and inform all of our work to end domestic violence. For more information, please visit:

Supported by:

2016/2017 Booking Form

Women’s Aid Basic Awareness Training on Responding to Women experiencing domestic violence

How can I secure a place on this training?

To book a place on this training, please return your completed booking form with payment to Philis White at or to 5 Wilton Place, Dublin 2. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis upon receipt of completed booking form and fee of €95.00.

If you have been unsuccessful in securing a place, due to over subscription, we will return the full fee, otherwise the fee is non-refundable.

Payment options

  • By cheque or postal order made payable to Women’s Aid.
  • Or on line at

All booking forms for this training must be received in advance of the training date. Places are limited,so please book early. Unfortunately, due to logistic and safety considerations, we are unable to accommodate individuals who have not registered for the training.