Approved by Faculty Senate March 30, 2009

Course Syllabus

MUS 241—Symphonic Wind Ensemble

MWF: 3:00-4:30, PAC 156

Dr. Donald G. Lovejoy, PAC 239 (507) 457-5257

Office hours: posted weekly

Catalog description:
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble rehearses 3 times weekly for a total of 4.5 hours each week. They perform 4 concerts per year, serve as Pep Band for athletic activities, and provide music at commencement ceremonies each semester. Repertoire is drawn from the 19th and 20th centuries, utilizing orchestral transcriptions and original compositions for band and wind ensemble, including many new works written within the last 5 years. Open to all students by audition.

This course is eligible for University Studies Course credit under the Arts and Science Core,

Fine and Performing Arts.

Course objectives:

This course is designed to to help the student musician to strengthen physical and cognitive musical skills through the study and performance of ensemble music. The repertoire will be selected from the outstanding compositions available for performance by wind and percussion ensembles. Class learning activities fulfill the requirements for the University Studies Program Fine and Performing Arts category by promoting students’ abilities to:

a. explore the language, skills, and materials of an artistic discipline,

b. use the methods of an arts practitioner to actively engage in creative processes or interpretive performances,

c. understand the cultural and gender contexts of artistic expression,

d. engage in reflective analysis of their own art work, or interpretive performance and respond to the work of others.

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

a) Be able to identify and analyze representative musical forms, styles, performance contexts, performance media, composers and compositions of Western music, and describe the musical traditions, contexts, and characteristics of diverse and representative world cultures.

b) Be able to demonstrate advanced ensemble performance on an instrument of the wind or percussion families and demonstrate musical accuracy and expressiveness using examples from diverse styles and time periods.

c) Begin to know instrumental instructional materials and ensemble repertoire representing diverse periods and cultures at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.

d) Be able to demonstrate understandings and skills of performance pedagogy for wind and percussion instruments.

e) Selected students will have an opportunity to rehearse and conduct a large instrumental ensemble.

Course Outline:

a. Explore the language, skills, and materials of music through identifying and analyzing representative musical forms, styles, performance practices, contexts, and performance media, as well as representative composers and compositions of Western music.

b. Explore the processes through which a performer interprets or expresses a composer’s work.

c. Engage in interpretive performances of varied repertoire through rehearsal and performance.

d. Explore the cultural and gender aspects of musical expression through the performance of works by women composers and by male composers of diverse cultural and regional backgrounds.

e. Reflectively analyze personal and group performances and write critiques based on those reflections.

Basic instructional plan and methods utilized:
* Three rehearsals weekly.
* Four-five concerts per year.
* 2-3 commencement ceremonies per year.
* 5-7 athletic events per year.

Course requirements and means of evaluation:
The final grade for Symphonic Wind Ensemble is based on regularity and punctuality of attendance at rehearsals, preparation, participation, development of skills, and professional deportment at concerts.

Attendance policy: Attendance is expected at all rehearsals (there are no unexcused absences). The success of the ensemble is dependant upon the participation of everyone, therefore, attendance and tardiness will effect grading.

Grading policy: Grading for this course is largely subjective, however, attendance will play an important role in the grading process. Three unexcused absences will result in a lowering of one grade level. Three unexcused tardies will be counted as an unexcused absence.

Repertoire for Symphonic Wind Ensemble is selected from a full range of style periods of the wind literature, from the 19th and 20th centuries.