National and Regional Strategic Plans on Disability

Table of contents

1. Afghanistan 4

2. African Union 4

3. Albania 5

4. Armenia 5

5. Australia 5

6. Austria 5

7. Bangladesh 6

8. Bhutan 6

9. Bolivia 6

10. ( Federation of ) Bosnia and Herzegovina 6

11. Brazil 6

12. Bulgaria 7

13. Cambodia 7

14. China 7

15. Colombia 8

16. Cuba 8

17. Cook Islands 8

18. Council of Europe 8

19. Croatia 8

20. Czech Republic 9

21. Denmark 9

22. Dominican Republic 9

23. Ecuador 10

24. El Salvador 10

25. Ethiopia 10

26. European Union 10

27. Fiji Islands 11

28. Finland 11

29. Georgia 11

30. Germany 12

31. Guatemala 12

32. Guyana 12

33. Haiti 12

34. Hungary 13

35. Indonesia 13

36. Ireland 13

37. Jamaica 14

38. Japan 14

39. Jordan 14

40. Kazakhstan 14

41. Kenya 15

42. Korea (Republic of) 15

43. Kosovo 15

44. Lao People’s Democratic Republic 16

45. Latvia 16

46. Lebanon 16

47. Lithuania 16

48. Macedonia 17

49. Malawi 17

50. Malaysia 17

51. Mali 18

52. Mauritius 18

53. Mexico 18

54. Micronesia (Federal States of) 18

55. Moldova 19

56. Myanmar 19

57. Mongolia 19

58. Montenegro 19

59. Mozambique 20

60. Namibia 20

61. Nepal 20

62. New Zealand 20

63. Organization of American States 21

64. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat 21

65. Pakistan 21

66. Panama 22

67. Papua New Guinea 22

68. Peru 22

69. Philippines 22

70. Poland 23

71. Portugal 23

72. Romania 23

73. Rwanda 24

74. Samoa 24

75. Serbia 24

76. Singapore 25

77. Slovenia 25

78. Spain 25

79. Sweden 25

80. Syria 26

81. Tanzania 26

82. Thailand 26

83. Trinidad and Tobago 26

84. Turkey 27

85. United Kingdom 27

86. Vanuatu 27

87. Viet-Nam 28


a.  The compilation only includes comprehensive national and regional plans and strategies. Sectoral plans (i.e. accessibility plans, employment strategies, etc) and local plans are beyond the scope of the compilation and have not been included.

b.  Websites last accessed on December 19th, 2011.

1.  Afghanistan

Afghanistan National Disability Action Plan 2008-2011 (ANDAP)

The ANDAP includes an overview of objectives and actions for the period 2008 to 2011. The Strategy has been tailor-made to fit the peculiar situation of Afghanistan and the challenges faced by the disability sector in the country, including: the lack of trained personnel and the time needed to provide adequate training; the lack of financial resources; and the volatile security situation in parts of the country. The ANDAP covers the six key elements of war victim assistance and two additional areas, community based rehabilitation and inclusive education, which have been identified as requiring more focused attention in the Afghan context.

2.  African Union

Continental Plan of Action for the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities 1999 - 2009

The Plan of Action is the outcome of the Pan-African Conference on the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February, 2002. The Plan of Action is primarily meant to serve as a guideline to Member States in the formulation of their national programs on disability issues as well as in putting in place mechanisms for the implementation of the Decade's objectives. Originally conceived for the decade 1999 – 2009, the Plan has been extended until 2019.

3.  Albania

National Strategy on People with Disabilities (2006)

The Strategy on People with Disabilities is a long-term scheme of measures which aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities. It reflects the international principles of equality, non-discrimination, participation and self-determination of people with disabilities and it is aimed at promoting their full inclusion in society. The present version also contains the Government Action Plan for the year 2006. The creation of the strategy has been supported by the OSCE Presence in Albania.

4.  Armenia

National Strategy for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Armenia for 2006-2015[1]

5.  Australia

National Disability Strategy 2010 - 2020

The National Disability Strategy sets forth a ten year national plan for improving life for Australians with disabilities, their families and caregivers. It sets out six priority areas for action and it represents a commitment by all levels of government, industry and the community to a unified, national approach to policy and program development. This new approach will assist in addressing the challenges faced by people with disabilities, both now and into the future.

6.  Austria

National Action Plan on Disability 2012-2020

The plan was adopted by the ministerial council in July 2012. It contains 8 main areas of action: disability policy, protection against discrimination, accessibility, education, employment, independent living, health and rehabilitation, awareness raising and information. The inclusion of disability in the Austrian Development Cooperation is also taken into account.

7.  Bangladesh

Five-year National Action Plan on Disability (2006)[2]

8.  Bhutan

Tenth Five Year Plan for national development (2008)

The plan incorporates the concerns of people with disabilities[3]

9.  Bolivia

National Plan of Equality and Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disability – 2006

The Plan provides basic guidelines for the various state and social actors at the national, departmental and municipal level. Guidelines are meant to help them contribute in a responsible way to the creation of a more just, inclusive and humane society for people with disabilities, where equitable access to services is ensured.

10.  ( Federation of ) Bosnia and Herzegovina

Strategy for the equalization of opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2010 – 2014

On the road towards the integration in the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina are working to meet European standards, in particular in the field of protection and support to society’s most vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities.

This strategy is based on the areas of action listed in the Council of Europe Action Plan and aims to promote the rights and the full participation of persons with disabilities in the society. Document only available in the original language.

11.  Brazil

Living without Limits Plan (2011 – 2014)

The plan comprehends policies in key areas such as education, health, citizenship and accessibility. The aim is to promote social inclusion and independent living of disabled people by eliminating barriers and allowing better access to goods and services[4].

The plan foresees an investment of 1.8 billion Reals (1.01 billion U.S. dollars) to adapt public schools and universities to disabled students, and hire more sign language teachers and distribute specially adapted school buses to ensure that disabled students can go to school[5].

In Portuguese:

12.  Bulgaria

National Strategy for Equal Opportunities for Disabled People 2008-2015

The strategy aims to implement the national policy on disability and it is focused on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, providing them with equal opportunities and fostering their full and active participation in all spheres of public life. In order to achieve these objectives, the strategy outlines the specific steps that need to be implemented to remove all barriers (psychological, educational, social, cultural, professional, financial and architectural) preventing the full integration of persons with disabilities into society. Document only available in Bulgarian.

13.  Cambodia

National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities including Landmine/ERW3 Survivors

2009 – 2011

This plan is intended as an important contribution to promote efforts to address the rights and needs of persons with disabilities, including landmine and other ERW survivors, their families and affected communities in the country. The Plan of Action has been a collaborative effort, developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation and the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority in partnership with DAC.

14.  China

5th National Five Year Work Program for PWDs (2005-2010)

The plan was approved during the period of renovation works prior to the Olympic and Paralympic games of Beijing. Among the main objectives of the plan there was not only the total accessibility of the games and of their environment, but also the building of 100 barrier free model cities in China.

15.  Colombia

National Plan of Action for interventions on Disability 2005 - 2007

The National Plan of Action for interventions on Disability was meant to implement the Colombian policy on Disability. Its main goals were to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities and their families as well as the access of persons with disabilities to social goods and services through a better coordination of government efforts and actions.

16.  Cuba

III National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities 2006 – 2010

This National Plan is based on three basic principles: universality of resources, equalization of life standards and democratization. It is organized around 5 areas of interventions (Health, Education, Inclusion in the economic sphere, Inclusion in the community). For each area relative legislation and background are recalled, and specific objectives, main programmes to implement and guidelines are listed.

17.  Cook Islands

Cook Islands National Policy on Disability & National Action Plan 2008 – 2012

The document undertakes and completes a stocktake of the current situation regarding persons with disabilities and the effectiveness of the country policy in addressing their needs. Based on the findings of the review, it then identifies possible changes and directions for the future and makes a list of practical recommendations for a revised policy for the period 2008-2012.

18.  Council of Europe

Councilof Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015

Following the Malaga Declaration on People with Disabilities, the Council of Europe developed a Disability Action Plan in order to foster the promotion of Human Rights and to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe. The document is meant to be a practical tool to elaborate and implement viable disability strategies aimed at achieving inclusion and the mainstreaming of disability in member state policies.

19.  Croatia

National Strategy for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2007 – 2015

The strategy has the goal of advancing and strengthening the protection of persons and children with disabilities. Its main task is to harmonize all action policies in the area of protection of persons with disabilities with the standards achieved at the global level, and to make all areas of life and all activities accessible to persons with disabilities. Based on the principles of non-discrimination and of interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights, the strategy highlights and stresses the importance of effective cooperation with DPOs in order to foster the mainstream and inclusion of disability.

20.  Czech Republic

National Plan for the Creation of Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2010–2014

Czech Republic has been elaborating National Plans on disability since 1992. The implementation of the Disability National Plans has discernibly improved the Government’s approach to disabled persons, which has been positively reflected in many areas that are important in preserving the quality of life and dignity of this group of people and help them integrate into society. The National Plan is divided into separate chapters corresponding to the various articles of the Convention. Each chapter contains a brief description of the current status and goals to be achieved through action, and a set of measures along with a specification of the ministry responsible for their implementation.

21.  Denmark

Action Plan on Disability 2003

The action plan contains overall targets concerning disabled people and suggestions for a number of focus areas[6].

Action Plans “IT for us all” and “Disability is no disability!”

Both plans are aimed at improving disabled people’s possibilities of using the options inherent in IT[7].

22.  Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Plan of Action for the American Decade of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities[8] 2006 - 2016

This plan of action constitutes a reference point for planning actions that the country must carry out in the disability sector. It has four main goals, namely: to assure full rights and equality of opportunities to persons with disability; to guarantee the economic independence of persons with disabilities; to eliminate all forms of discrimination; to guarantee that persons with disabilities can participate in the elaboration and implementation of public policies.

The plan is the outcome of a participative process involving different stakeholders, such as professionals, civil society members, persons with disabilities and international development agencies

23.  Ecuador

Second National Disability Plan of Ecuador

This second plan is a technical instrument aimed at promoting the prevention of disability and improving the life of people with disabilities. Its main objectives are the mitigation of the risk factors for disability, the promotion of integration, the achievement of equal opportunities and the protection of the rights of people with disabilities.

24.  El Salvador

Plan of Action of the National Politic of Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disability – 2002[9]

25.  Ethiopia

National Plan of Action for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2010 - 2020

The document has been designed in line with the provisions of the CRPD. Once finalized (the document has been finalized in 2011 and will be presented to the Council of Ministers for endorsement) all sectors of the economy - health, education, labour – will have a role to play in its implementation, promoting a better standard of living and the equal rights and full participation of disabled persons in society.[10]

26.  European Union

European Disability Strategy 2010 -2020

The strategy outlines how the EU and national governments can empower people with disabilities so that they can enjoy their rights. Specific measures over the next decade range from the study on mutual recognition of national disability cards, the promotion of standardisation to a more targeted use of public procurement and state aid rules. Its main actions are aimed at fostering accessibility, participation into the community and cooperation among member states in the field of disability.